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are you afraid of death?

being atheist or agnostic we know that chriatainality and angels and demons gods and devils and most likely an afterlife are all just wishful thinking. seeing as we know that death is indeed the end for us does that idea frightend you ? what are your thoughts on death ? personaly i gotta admitt it scares me . i know there is nothing i can do to avoid it . im so sad when a relative dies knowing ill never see them again. and this is why i think so many people wanna believe in a god and heaven. we want so badly to believe us and our loved ones will live on that many do so just to comfort themselfs. your thoughts ?

DavidDeLa89 6 Dec 28

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371 comments (151 - 175)

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When I'm dead I won't know it.

Of course I would prefer to die in my sleep, not from a prolonged illness.

To me death is going to sleep and not waking up.

The sadness of death is missing those that you care about that pass before you. I have a hard time grieving for anyone who is over 80, believing they have had a long life, doesn't mean I won't miss them. Those we lose catastrophically, or too young, you just don't get over, the loss of a child comes to mind, we all want to out live our children. Much has been written dealing with the loss of one too early.

I lost my oldest daughter. I was in my body acting llike I was some sort of normal, but in reality I spent 18 months in shock. When i finally came back, I cried me a river, but she had a horrible marriage and much pain. Wherever she is, she is, it is better off than not not where she was and she would not accept help from her parents. We just loved her until she left. it is good to read what you have written.


Death? No. Not at all. It's illogical to fear it.

Running out of time, getting old, growing incapacitated, those concern me as they'll still be affecting Me.

When you're dead, there's no thing left that could possibly be worried about its own state of affairs.


For quire a few years I have believed when we die, we more or less blink out, does it scare me , NO, I have been fortunate enough to have a decent life, never rich but not poor either, When I look at other countries, and see the struggles and hell they are going through I do appreciate the life I have.


Not afraid , basically for two reasons . First , I feel I've accomplished most of what I wanted to do during my lifetime . Second , I live with several uncureable medical conditions , which are painful to deal with , and will only get worse .


Not at all. We all get there at some stage or other and seeing there is no heaven or hell, just nothing afterwards whats there to be afraid of ? Go in peace my love !


I had physics in of the laws of physics is that energy can be transformed and except for a small percentge lost during the transformation, that energy is us being released from earthly bodies that allow us to live on earth. As we age and evolve we lose them and goth through the transformation like a worm to a moth or a butterfly. We are free of the container that holds us. I am an organ donor and my body gets donated to science. If there is anything left, they can cremate it and throw the ashes to the wind. No, it does no good to fear. I do not believe we die totally. I will go when my container gives up and I will experience what I have no idea. But the law of physicsis true. My applying it to our spirit, is my use of the law. LOL. I like my ending.


Yes I am afraid of death, but sometimes I get tired of fighting the good fight. I would love there to be a heaven, but I am a little more realistic. I'd love to live with blind faith and not question things but if there is a god he wouldn't have made me so self loathing.


As Clint Eastwood said in the movie "Unforgiven" a western "That's the thing about killing a man. You take away everything he's got and everything he's ever going to have." Death is final and if you waste your life you have no one to blame but yourself. I believe when all living things (not just people) die that their energy returns to the universe.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

When I was young, sometimes the inescapability, duration and finality of death would overwhelm me in a surge of panic. When I woke up in the night I would sometimes have to fight not to think of it. I'm more resigned to death now, but I can still remember the terrified feeling I experienced and sometimes I wonder if it has gone for good or is just lying dormant. Billions of people have died before me and mostly they seem to have coped with it, so I hope when my time comes I will manage.


No why should I be life is to short for affraid


Am I afraid of Death? Petrified, absolutely NOT. Just think of Death as taking a nap. Dose off and when in slumber land your dead to the world. If you are fortunate enough to wake up and start a new day, life goes on as before.
Relatives are plenty when you are young and in many cases as you age, all of the established relations die and the family unit shriks. When you become the last person in the family, meaning the oldest of the family, you have lost you parents, brothers and sisters. All that is left is me and death means I had a great ride.


I don’t fear death. My son has already experienced it. I haven’t felt fear of any kind in over two years.


It frightens me when you come to mind
The day you dropped in the shopping line
And my heart beats faster when I think of all the signs, all the signs
When they carried you out your mouth was open wide
The cat went astray and the dog did pine for days and days
And I felt so guilty when we played you up
When you were ill, so ill
What sticks in my mind is the sweet jar
On the sideboard. And your multicolored tea cozy
What sticks in my mind is the dew-drop hanging off your nose
Shriveled up and blue
And I'm getting older, too
But I don't want to die like you
Don't want to die like you, don't want to die like you - XTC


I agree. This religious thing started when man realized that everyone dies. What happens next was what scared people then, and now. Studies have shown that people who believe, live longer. They do not worry about what happens after dearh, worries are not healthy. If a person stuck a gun in my face I would be terrified. But, if I were lying in my deathbed, knowing the end was near, I do not think I would be scared. Of course, never having been there, that remains to be seen.


I'm not particularly afraid of death, of not being here. I'm more concerned about my loved ones grieving. I fear pain and despair, the dying process. I think death is the final solution, the ultimate relief.


No , not really.... just a bit disappointed that I won’t live forever.....

You just made me think of the song in Highlander -- Who Wants to Live Forever. Love that song.


I'm not afraid of death; I'm afraid of pain. Oddly, although I'm an atheist, when a beloved furkid dies, it helps me to thinik of The Rainbow Bridge. I know -- it's weird. But there it is.


Earlier in my life I was afraid of death and I was also a believer in god at the time. Many will not get what I'm saying now. I do not fear death and dying. What I fear is the possibility of pain in that process, so I want no pain. Another fear in death is all of the unfinished business. I have that too. When everything just stops you are not doing what you like any longer and you are not with family and friends. If I died tonight I still would not have fixed my shower stall that I plan on working on this weekend. Unfinished business, and that worries me. We get accostomed to what we do, who we are, and our family and friends.


What's to be afraid of? You won't be around to experience anything negative or sad. Are you afraid of sleep? The only reason to afraid of death is if, at some level, you believe in hell.


When my fiancee passed away last year I became so aware of how quickly our existence can cease. im not afraid of death, no one can dodge it but I was angry when she was taken from me so suddenly and it made me realise that we need to live like it could be our last day. I don't know what happens after death, I personally believe that once you are dead, thats it, but I could be wrong and I don't judge others for their beliefs


I'm afraid of dying in agony, or a long, lingering death. It's not what happens to me after I die that bothers me, but the physical act of it.


Read Leo Buscalia's book, The Fall of Freddie the Leaf.


I am not afraid of death. My mother died of cancer in 1993 and I was beside her when she passed. I actually could feel her spirit energy in the room before she left. My father died a year later and I was with him when he passed. It was in February. Several minutes after he passed, I actually seen both of them laughing and walking away together, looking young, happy, and there were grass and trees around them. I believe there is another side where we pass on to after life here on earth. We are all energy and we continue to exist. I don't know if there is a higher energy (a god of sorts?) but I do believe that we continue to exist. I don't believe in a heaven or hell as is fed to us by the organized religions. But death is not the end. It may be just the beginning or a continuing? I continue to seek answers and probably will till the end.


No not especially, I'll be more peeved than anything as I'll always have things I've yet to do.


I'm not in the least bit afraid of death. It will be the end of my consciousness so I won't be able to experience pain or fear.

But the prospect of dementia or incapacity and the process of dying scare me.

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