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LINK The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin

I think about this speech from The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin a lot, especially lately. It's painful, to me, how relevant it still is. It moves me, and raises courage in me to keep fighting for the justice I know in my heart to be right.

I wish more people were moved to change their hatred and bigotry and hypocrisy by beautiful and heartfelt speeches. I wish it really were so simple to change someone's heart and beliefs without fighting, but with passion and truth.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 June 23

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That scene resonates with me too. Especially if I’m listening to Paulo Nutini “Iron Sky@. Gets me everytime. It does inspire.


I've watched this many, many times. It's extremely well written, but it's obvious that it is a memetic used to get people to adopt certain political and moral attitudes, rather than become educated in the necessary subjects to think for themselves, and that's why I don't wholly endorse it. People need knowledge, not more brainwash.

People need more EMPATHY and KINDNESS.

Look at Avengers. Logically Thanos' rhetoric to kill half of the population made sense, but it doesn't make it RIGHT.

You can have ALL the knowledge in the world but without morality and empathy you still lack.

All the dictators of history (aside from trump) were brilliant. They had an abundance of knowledge. That didn't make their decisions right.


  1. That is a normative rejection of an obvious truth, just so you're aware.

  2. Wake up. You are taking a movie with comic book characters as professionally rendered educational material. You are intentionally deceiving yourself with non-knowledge. You hold a contained, reduced perspective of the real human scenario. So even your normative rejection is as biased as your view of Chaplin's speech.

  3. No, dictators were not necessarily brilliant, you don't read them properly, and you don't use the appropriate collection of heuristics to rank their intellect. They often had little to no intellectual history, and would end up killing and exhiling intellectuals.

  4. You need to start delineating between actual consideration, and heuristical thinking, because you come off as an inferior when you take such a broad topic, and start to gush with underinformed opinions.

  5. Yeah fine, more empathy and kindness. Okay that is your preference but most of our issues come from people with an autonomic nervous complex who hurt others and property, just know that fact.

@DZhukovin I find you condescending, pretentious, and pedantic. Every single post anyone makes you go on a long winded rant while highlighting your oh-so-broad vocabulary. We get it you have a thesaurus.

Truthfully I don't bother reading 90% of anything you ever say because it just comes off as "foolish peasants bow before my superior intellect"

No one cares, Sheldon Cooper, how smart you are but how you make them feel when you talk to them. You make them feel belittled. You don't even try to see the COMPARISON I was making, which IS a valid comparison.

I'd rather be stupid and passionate and kind than a condescending jerk whose idea of morality is directly proportional to your i.q. score. Newsflash. It isn't.

@LadyAlyxandrea Burn! Respect!

@LadyAlyxandrea Burn! Respect!


I love this scene. One of the best theatrical ever. A speech of hope, of what we could be, what we should have been. Unfortunately about half of the US, who is now running the county, made the opposite chose. We have chosen to hate, to fear, to make scape goats, to blame others for our problems, to make racial bigotry acceptable, to willfully deny facts and science and to make ideology and party more important than county and unity and morality. I hope it passes but I don’t think that it will until the other 51% of the county decides they have had enough and are willing to do something a about it.


Too reminiscent of the beast Hitler. He should have been forced to walk into his own gas chamber and cremated just like the 6 million Jews and Gypsies he murdered.

He got the easy way know, if he didn't actually escape to Argentina and die some years later like it said in that CIA document (primary source, there)


Charlie Chaplin was more of a Democratic Socialist. That's why he had so much trouble in this country. His film "the Great Dictator" hit it all right on the head as to how Hitler could be and could come to power. The problem was that this came out of conservatism and the powers in America were very much conservative. Chaplin also liked much younger women, so that did it. This Chaplin guy might be a communist! God forbid.

America is about 1/3rd conservative today. Most of America are religious folk, aka most of America is being manipulated by religious conservatives who are much more energetic and well-resourced than the people they syndicate their ideas too. America is basically a right-wing echo chamber.


I fear for my homeland.

I do too. It's scary what is happening


Oh wow. I had forgotten about this. Thank you so much for the reminder. Shared on FB.

I'm glad. It's such a beautiful speech I hope everyone shares


One of the greatest speeches of all time IMO. I'd like to see someone in power use it and meant it.


one eye reads and one eye looks at me




Yes this is the speech that made me realize "This guy is not just a comic.".

Lol same.

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