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Can you be an Atheist/Agnostic and have a Conservative stance?

Looking at US politics, I really dislike how religion is brought in to the Republican party, their debates and how some supporters have a hard-on for some theocratic nation. In Canada, where I am from, religion is not really apart of any political debate. I admit, I prefer some Conservative policies when it comes to how a country is run. What do you guys think about Atheists/Agnostics that are Conservative politically? Feel free to share anything...

WaffleZ 4 June 26

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I've been reading some of the Conservative boards on this site, and I've come to the conclusion that... it's not about God. It's about reason. I assumed that people were atheist or agnostic because they had a logical bent, and wanted to take the null hypothesis with the lack of evidence. Based on the boards I've been reading, though, I've assumed wrong. These so-called atheist Conservatives still hold on to the same proven lies, defying anyone to "prove" otherwise. They still rally against data and facts when they contradict their narrative, and if you show them otherwise, it's "fake news."

The Conservative Party, as it stands now, is really a party of conspiracy theorists. They're persecuted, "liburils" is out to get them, the "truth" is out there (but it only says what I want it to say). They need a strong-man to lead them because the world is so scary. Conspiracy theorists don't necessarily need God anymore. Before Trump they had to hide their racism and bigotry behind Jesus... thanks to Trump, they can hide it behind "fake news."

I suspect we're about to see an influx of Conservative "atheists" in the near future. And while they claim they don't believe in "God," they like what god stands for: Nationalism, bigotry, xenophobia, and oppression of the weak. Trump fits that description, so they can "believe" in Trump and no longer need to believe in God.

@TheInterlooper You don't debate conspiracy theorists. When facts don't matter, data doesn't matter, 'truth' doesn't matter, there's no way to debate. Basically all you're doing is beating your head against a brick wall. And before I do that I at least need a stiff drink.

@TheInterlooper Ah, there's the conspiracy theorist's debate... 'don't debate,' go ad hominem. At least your spelling is correct... so far.

@TheInterlooper Come on dude, seriously. Either debate this or not. Otherwise stop wasting my time.

@TheInterlooper Then WTF? You came here to throw a tantrum?

@TheInterlooper And already you've started lying and distorting information! What I said was (and believe it or not... all I had to do was 'scroll up' to get to it): "I've been reading some of the Conservative boards on this site..."

I don't debate them. I'm simply curious about their opinions and what they believe and why. If I were to comment, I'd be stuck with a bunch of people attacking just like this. I'm not interested in picking a fight. I'd love a debate, but that's now how you operate. Or at least not how you're operating now.

I don't know how calling you a conspiracy theorist means I've conceded anything to you. We have information the earth is round. We even have pictures. We have plenty of evidence to show that man landed on the moon. We know who brought down the Twin Towers. We know we evolved. We know that abortion is not murder... We know those things. So that I choose not to "debate" them simply means I'm not going to throw my pearls before swine.

And finally, when you say, " I have no desire to debate your opinion..." they why did you comment? Did you comment simply because you didn't like what I said and wanted to lash out? Because that's what you're making it look like.

@TheInterlooper Again, I NEVER said I debated. Please stop with the "fake news." And I didn't debate because of conversations like this... all emotion no substance.

And I've said this a dozen ttimes... I know you are having a difficult time processing wharf I'm saying, I went there to understand. I reported on what I saw. And don't get your ego all jacked up. Yours isn't the only one I visit.

And finally, lash out. I'm perfectly willing to go toe to toe. I grew up in an ultra-conservative-white-trash-gun-totin'-fag-hatin'-immugrants-is-stealing-our-jobs-welfare-state-evangelical family.

If you want people to like you, stop being evil.


I don't see why a nonbeliever couldn't also have conservative viewpoints. But if you wanted to run for office as a conservative atheist, I don't think you would be very welcome. I suspect many conservative politicians may be atheist, or at least non-practicing Christians. But they have developed the strategy of sucking up to Evangelicals because they are malleable to their agenda.At least here in the US.


What's wrong with being a conservative atheist ?

Qiru Level 6 June 26, 2018



Canada is looking better all the time.

Renewed my passport... JIC. 🙂


Sure. Just like all atheists aren't good people or bad people. Not sure political ideals are religious based at all. I mean lately much more-so but idealogically I see no reason atheists wouldn't be any political affiliation they choose from capitalists to anarchists to communists. The difference between liberal and conservative is mostly geographical anyway. Even in a country those differences probably vary from state to state here in the US.
Atheism is a choice you make for yourself so are the political positions you might take.


Isn't bible-thumping part of "conservative values"?
Once I threw off the yoke of religion - that is to say, when I officially stopped trying to fit my own life into my family's expectations and started thinking for myself - I began to seek out smarter solutions than those I'd been spoon-fed by my conservative religious betters.

Here's an example. The conservative, religious faction of my family had shunned my gay sister, which had caused many problems in the family, so I found a smarter solution: treat people like people. Bam. Problem solved. No one gets ostracised. No crying, no hate. Some may have rolled their eyes behind my back, but I had my sister back. See? Smarter solutions.

Is today's conservative movement (as defined in recent US political actions) the smartest solution, or can we do better?

For me, although atheism simply means a lack of belief in God(s), I found that a particular mindset accompanied that lack of belief, and part of that mindset included seeking out smarter solutions than the ones my conservative environment could offer. There are atheist conservatives, sure. There are even atheist trumpers. And when they decide to get serious about their atheism, they may find that separating families at the border and banning Muslims from entering the country aren't the smartest solutions to America's problems, And they may then use their atheist minds to figure out what those solutions are.
Just my opinion, of course.

Yes formalized religions are inherently conservative. Sometimes they have progressive off shoots, like Liberation Theology from Catholicism, but these rarely have legs. The religion-conservatism link is undeniable.

No doubt. I think the first time I met an "out" aetheist, he called himself a freethinker. I always thought of myself that way, but not particularly as an aetheist.


Well, you can be an atheist and a Conservative. But to my mind atheism has inherent values. These include an affirmation of logic, reason, and evidence based thinking. These values inevitably lead to view that human beings should be able to live in just, socially and economically equitable societies. Conservatism, or at least in the rancid, regressive, reactionary form into which it has evolved along with regressive economic theory, is the politics of everything that is the opposite of that, despite its disingenuous pretentions. Human beings can compartmentalize anything in their minds. But it would be impossible for me to affirm a belief in atheism and the values of reason while compartmentalizing in my mind politics that seeks to entrench privilege, class, racial superiority, and regressive social attitudes.


Here in the US, most conservatives are Evangelical Christians. I have yet to meet a conservative that's an atheist in real life.

@iamjc i know, I'm cyber friends with one person who identifies as conservative.


Sure you can! I am a gun-toting, anti-abortion (with limited exception) that is VERY Liberal. PS fuck the NRA.

@WaffleZ I support gun rights, but not the NRA. All they do is spread lies and propaganda!

@WaffleZ I'm a gun-toting anti-nra person. I definitely want to be armed against those dipshit zombies. However, is a shotgun enough or do I need a flamethrower for zombies?

@WaffleZ I think I need a flamethrower. That would come in handy in the winter.


Your stance is your stance and in the end it might seem appropriate to describe it as conservative or liberal or whatever. This notion that we need to shoehorn our beliefs onto some pre-existing category like this and that maybe it's a problem when we can't is, I believe, a symptom of the tribalistic tendencies that are having such a negative impact on culture virtually world wide these days it seems.


I cannot get along with right wingers. There is a right wing group here.


That means nothing. People have died in the UK because of right wing policies. That's real.




An atheist can certainly support many conservative principles. While I consider myself to be a classical liberal, I observe that current "liberal" politics has been hijacked by regressive leftists. In Canadian Federal politics, the Greens come closest to my viewpoint. Hopefully, we can adopt Proportional Representation, which will encourage inter-party cooperation and reduce partisanship.


I know many conservative-leaning people who are non-religious and liberal-leaning people who are religious. I simply would avoid discussions of politics (or social issues politicized) among my friends and coworkers. I am way way way left leaning I might as well be horizontal but I have conservative minded friends. Best to avoid the slippery slope. We all have the right to vote and should use it. Of course, I’m Canadian as well. Religion as you said is not part of politics as much as in the States.

@WaffleZ Well, I’m in Alberta. Conservative stronghold though somehow we managed not to have a Conservative leadership. My riding voted for an ultra right wing party federally but left wing provincially. Go figure. But we don’t really talk about it. If you live in Alberta people just assume you’re a Christian if you don’t wear a burka or a hijab or turban etc. Out here in rural country I don’t think anyone really knows what I am and I don’t care to share. My local friends call themselves Christians but they don’t go to church that I know of. Some thInk a lot like me and others are the opposite. I’m perfectly capable of a debate but it’s just a waste of time.

@WaffleZ Cities are generally more liberal especially since we had an influx of people from other provinces coming here for jobs in the past years. The rural areas are very conservative AND religious. I hear stuff I wish I didn't. It's a bit disappointing when I hear someone talk very progressively then say they will be having their baby baptized in church on Sunday. Oh well, not my baby, soooooo I just nod and move on.


I can't judge all conservative atheists, but the one I knew in my atheist meetup group a few years ago was a real asshole. But yes, they do exist. 🙂


I think politics have to do with you own personal ideals, IE how you were raised, and life events. I try to be open minded when it comes to politics, but I admit it is hard.


Agnostic/Atheism concerns belief in or knowledge of God. That is all people can have conservative political values without agreeing with the religious aspects of it. I am not saying that it is easy or common, only that it is possible.

Would you agree with me that a human mind can reconcile any two viewpoints if they are compartmentalized and are treated in isolation from each other?

@David1955 It is much simpler than, one does not have to seperate two conflicting ideas at all. One can have conflicting ideas and simply use the most convient at a given time with out thought of them conflicting at all.


Yes, because those things are exclusive of each other.

Also, screw the Republican Party, they're a bunch of right-wing r%tards

I prefer calling the trumpanzees zombies. they all want to eat our brains! Please don't insult actual retarded people.

@katahoo Okay


What do the two have to do with each other? Can you be a fiscal conservative who doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny? Of course you can.


There is a conservative group here.


I guess I’m kind of depends on what you mean by conservative. I’m conservative with music and the number of genders there are, and I’m an agnostic atheist

Adam7 Level 4 June 27, 2018

The intrusion of religion into politics is an attempt to extend its reach and control past the ranks of believers of on to the governed. Religion uses the idea of god, which it dictates, to control it's followers. Atheists have no God puppet and so rely on people to determine policy. Atheists believe people are good and compitent to decide their fate. Religion holds that people are flawed and incapable of being trusted.


The American Government is elected by Capitalist who fund who they want in so they can get what they want. They pay Lobbyist to secure the promise for the deal and then the Guns are Sold and the Bullets are yours to purchase. Then you add Religion which is the other problem because the Southern Christian Leadership has almost all of the Southern States under their direction. Politicians for the most part are full time prostitutes who will sell themselves to secure the position and if not, then there are others who will be supplanted to fulfill their demands which for the most part will secure this persons the position in Government be it House of Representative, or the Senate.
Religion is brought in because they can secure 47% of the vote hands down, no questions asked and being that these are again from the Southern Christian Coalition.
Now I will add in the biggest factor that is the most important consideration you may not be aware of or maybe are. More than half of the US Population doesn't vote or is denied the privilege because of antiquated laws and the Gerrymandering of Districts which would make their decision of Conscious totally without meaning or concern. To add to this Religions in American are Tax Free Enterprises and I use the term correctly because they are not concerned with saving souls, or feeding the poor or downtrodden, but use the money to fund Mega Mansions, Jet Planes and Music Elated Church Services that appease the sensation and not the true religious issues that an Agnostic would banter.
Not to be rude or distort your Comment I can hope that my above Comment will bring some thought to the fact that you apparently are not fully cognizant of How Democracy in America, or should I say Capitalism and Corruption and Frauds make their names to be of recognition.

Yup, could not have said it better. thanks for stating the obvious, that is obvious to someone who looks and thinks.


As has been posted on this site a couple times, the only wall the US needs, is the one that separates church from state. Both parties lose my interest when they declare themselves the standard bearer to a particular faith. I don't care if they're sincere or kissing ass to secure votes.


I'm sure you can, it might be tricky for an atheist in the states to support conservative parties since they are often strongly aligned with the religious.

Tulio Level 3 June 26, 2018
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