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Adult Virgins

Something I read recently that was very interesting, and actually spurned some debate. 50+ years ago or so, if you were older and still a virgin it wasn’t an issue, because it was more accepted and understood that you didn’t have sex until you were married. The person it spurned debate with has been married for over 50 years, didn’t have sex until her wedding night, and has never been with anyone else – so from her perspective, there’s nothing wrong with being an adult virgin. I told her she’s so out of it. Because today, if you’re older and still a virgin you’re considered a pariah – hence the Incel movement rising up, and the pressure for people to “lose it” by a certain age, for both men and women. And if you’re just someone who hasn’t had sex yet as an adult, who isn’t holding out for marriage but just hasn’t had the opportunity or has had set-backs for various reasons – illness, not being emotionally ready, social awkwardness or anxiety, not comfortable with casual relationships, or just simple lack of interest yet from a potential partner – automatically people feel there must be something wrong with you. And what’s really sad is, even if you meet someone when you’re older and you’re ready, even if that person is very understanding, they may still find that to be a deal-breaker. I also speak as someone who’s had this experience.

bleurowz 8 June 27

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To each their own, but I think I'd be living in a rubber room and talking to aliens through the drain hole in my sink by now if I was still a virgin.

Sorry you feel that way. I would think then you would assume that I had lived in a rubber room for a long time.

@bleurowz You put words in his mouth he didn't say. He was referring to himself and his own sexuality NOT yours. And I agree with him. While I am celibate now, I had a healthy apetite when younger and couldn't have held on to my virginity even if I'd been religious. At my age now, I would expect a man to have experience enough to pique my curiosity.

@MsDemeanour Nothing wrong with having an appetite for sex. But let's take the word "healthy" out and just call it an appetite. Because I had appetites, too, but casual sex was not my thing and I was not ready to find a partner. So I would not assume that was "unhealthy" although many people just assume that by a certain age it is.


Thanks to religion, I gave my virginity up when I was 25. She was extraordinarily kind and patient and breaking up is my biggest dating mistake, meh I was young and naive. Some people gave me crap about being a virgin, by my religious turmoil was extreme and it was easier to lie.

One of the few religious friends who hasn't abandoned me is truly asexual. He's early fifties and has had ONE handjob and makes no attempt to be in a relationship. I'm not sure how open he is with church friends, but I gotta think most assume he's not a virgin and Christians would probably applaud his "self control" when in reality he has no sex drive.

Some older virgins are asexual. Not all though.


If things don't pick up pretty soon I'm going to start feeling like a virgin.

You will find someone, I am sure.

@bleurowz Such optimism!

@Sticks48 Gotta be. The alternative makes me feel hopeless. I think it's more I'm a realist though. Hopeful, but realistic. It's not easy to meet people, all we can do is what we can, leave the rest alone, and hope for the best.

@bleurowz l feel your optimism slipping away.

@Sticks48 It comes and goes.

when you say 'you're going to start feeling like a virgin' you mean your so keen you'll take a virgin OR that you yourself will feel virginal? It's a tad ambiguous

@MsDemeanour No it isn't. ☺

@Sticks48 hahaha . you must be american

@MsDemeanour l plainly stated "feel like", not "feel like having." You must not be an American. ☺

@Sticks48 Interesting the different semantics then. So you wouldnt say for example "I feel like sex". You would say "I feel like having sex". Language is fascinating to me.

@MsDemeanour l see your point. English a confusing language. As l don't speak another language, l don't know how other languages compare.


I actually think it's okay to be a 40yo virgin, too. No harm done.

I know some people who were much older than that.

@bleurowz Then my statement should read 40+. Age doesn't matter. We're all evolving at different paces. There's some real clodhoppers out there who go through the motions of sex without any consideration for their partners and somehow that makes them more evolved or worthwhile than a person who hasn't ever had sex? Man, as a species, we definitely need to re-eval our priorities. 😉

@crazycurlz Thank you for saying that.

@bleurowz your welcome. And I could go a step further. I think that ANYTIME someone breaks the bounds of social norms and strikes out on their own, that individual, (assuming they 1. persist 2. do no harm to others and 3. develop confidence in the face of ridicule) becomes a much needed leader in community. The world is full of bullshit and full of leaders who are power hunger and wretched (yes, there are some gems out there). Life should not be lived in conformity. If we're to survive as a species, we need to be happier and the only way forward is self acceptance and often that door to self acceptance has been accessed through deviation from the norm. Love yourself as you are, bleu. Don't let others define your self worth.

@crazycurlz Thank you again. ❤

@crazycurlz Well stated, I agree.

@SpikeTalon ty 🙂


I don't understand the stigma. I know some 40 year old virgins. Sex is really overrated in my opinion.

Our culture's obsession with it is tiresome.

Agreed. But is there a "cutoff"? Because I know some people who were much older than 40, and other than that they were very mature, independent, and lovely people.


I think it depends on the person. Some people are asexual. Sex doesn't matter to them.

It's not a big deal.

@Ellatynemouth That's true. But not every older virgin is asexual.

@Ellatynemouth I was one and I'm not.


Hell, I'd probably be the President of the United States, have published nine best selling books and released three hit albums by now if that was me.

@webbew1 Yes, because only virgins can do those things.


People treat the subject of sex in such shallow terms. The physical act of sex is not all there is. Sure, a guy could loose his virginity to a prostitute, but what does that prove? Part of the issue of having sex, is the idea that someone else wants to share that experience with you. A prostitute gets paid for sex, that does nothing for your self esteem. For a guy, not having a female who is interested being intimate with you, is a blow to your self esteem and self worth. (That perspective may or may not be true.) For a woman, having sex with a guy, who turns out to not be romantically interested, can be a blow to her self esteem and self worth. Sure, some people are just interested in the physical acts, but for many, the emotional aspect can be just as important.

Yes, absolutely.


I cannot, nor do I want to, speak for anyone else.

I have never had sex with a virgin, as far as I know. But I am 56, soon to be 57, and if I met an older woman who was still a virgin, but wanted to be physically intimate, I wouldn't see it as a deal-breaker. Life is different for everyone, and people have their reasons.

Deveno Level 7 June 29, 2018

Thank you for saying that. I was grateful to find someone who felt that way.


Thanks for the thread, this is a real eye-opening conversation; important and valuable, i'd say


Wow. I admire your restraint. I wish I had yours. If I could do it all over, I wouldn't consider any of my past partners worthy. Good for you - for holding out until you find the right one. You should be an example. I recently quit coffee and alcohol. We'll see how I do on "other things" if I ever start dating again. It's good to find yourself before finding a significant other. That sounds cheesy and cliche and yet here we are.

Thanks. It wasn't restraint for me holding out as it was I just wasn't ready. Had some health issues and problems with social anxiety, and I wasn't into casual relationships. When I was ready, I was wondering if there was anyone out there. I was very fortunate to find someone who didn't care about my past. What I had with him didn't last long, but I was very grateful for it. And I was so ready.


Sex a normal and natural part of life. If someone doesn't want to do it, then that's ok. However, that person isn't going to be someone I want as an intimate partner. We aren't going to connect because sex is something I enjoy. Does that mean I would lack compassion or would ostracized them? Of course not. But we aren't going to be compatible in a deeper interpersonal level. Hanging out? Sure.

Biologically, we are built to have sex and reproduce. It is almost as necessary as our need to eat or breathe. When someone says they haven't had sex at age 25 even... it's like someone that doesn't eat and prefers intravenously taking in nutrients. It isn't that I'm recoiled from the person... I just don't understand why and I wonder if they are ok.

If you are asexual, then do you. However, don't be surprised if other people don't get it; you're in a minority is all.

Sorry you feel that way. To miss out on getting to know someone just because they haven't had a dick in a hole is kind of sad.

I was very grateful to meet someone who didn't feel that way.

Come to think of it, what you said would be my deal-breaker.

@bleurowz That's totally understandable and kind of obvious that you would feel that way. Not everyone is compatible sexually or in deep relationship. That doesn't mean I couldn't be your friend. I wish you the best in any case.

@bleurowz Extremely.

@HonkyBMcfunky Your loss! By the way, I'm not one anymore. And if that would have been the one thing that would have changed your mind about someone like me, that would speak volumes.

That is VERY hyperbolic and sex is not an essential like breathing or eating, not even in the slightest. You may feel that way due to your (potentially) high sex drive, but people can live happy and healthy lives without sex. They cannot without breathing or sustenance.

@bleurowz you seem angry and I don't knew why. I'm sorry that what I said bothered you.

@bleurowz, @demifeministgal we disagree. For many people, it is.

@HonkyBMcfunky oh really? Can you provide evidence of people that are dying out due to lack of sex? I won't hold my breath :/

@demifeministgal If I've been imprecise, I apologize. Still, let's not make straw men. I said almost as important. Obviously, the list is air, water, food, shelter, immediate safety... from there, social recognition and acceptance fall in line. Some people experience this through sex. If you don't think sex has a very large influence on a person's mental health, then I have to wonder if you don't have some very strong bias compelling you to deny that fact.

@HonkyBMcfunky Didn't have an influence on my mental health. I'm not angry, only pointing out it's wrong to assume. Everyone has a right to their preferences, but to say something is wrong with someone whose experience you don't understand is unfair.

@bleurowz I never said anyone was wrong to have their particular preference; merely that it is common to want regularly. How regularly? That is individual preference.

Let's keep it simple: if you never have , that's totally your deal. If you want to be having constantly, also your deal. The extremes often denote imbalance, but not necessarily. I haven't drawn any concrete judgement on anyone. Clearly, you have a worldview that feels bothered by my observations on sexuality and I really don't know . who and what you want as long as it is consensual. I don't care.

You asked about societal feelings on people that wait a long time to have and I have an answer that is fair. If you disagree or don't want to be a friend, that's ok... world keeps turning...

@HonkyBMcfunky Your take.

@HonkyBMcfunky Well then we agree it would not fall under necessities and physiological needs (according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs) but rather fall at a higher level and is thus not needed for survival.

@demifeministgal Don't be rediculous. If it wasn't a biological need, our species would've died out. You may have an abnormally low sex drive and need for intimacy but for most of us it is a primary need.

@MsDemeanour No sweetie this is NOT about me. Just because I acknowledge asexual people exist or people with low(er) sex drives exist, does not make me one of said people. And who are YOU to dictate what is abnormally low or not? Perhaps the real issue is your sex drive is abnormally high.

@MsDemeanour Also learn the difference between individual needs for survival and species survival. CLEARLY the person was remarking on an individual basis, not on a species level as your comment indicates.

@demifeministgal I was responding to your comment below. How come 'sweety' I am not allowed to generalise but you are?

"@HonkyBMcfunky Well then we agree it would not fall under necessities and physiological needs (according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs) but rather fall at a higher level and is thus not needed for survival.

@MsDemeanour I was stating facts. On an individual level humans can survive without sex and asexuals exist. You made it personal and said I have an abnormal sex drive. But in the end who are you? Some expert? No some random lady on the internet with an uninformed opinion. So whatever.

@demifeministgal my opinion is just as valid as yours, Unless you want to show me your published research on the topic. Otherwise I would say my opinion is quite informed. We aren't pandas on the road to extinction. In fact humans are way overpopulated in this world. You say humans can live without sex but they can also live homeless, friendless, and on limited food. It is no way to thrive however.


I can see where that would be a deal breaker. As someone in my mid 40s I would not want to have to teaching all the stuff that should have been learned when that person was in their early 20s.

GwenC Level 7 June 27, 2018

Sorry you feel that way. Some adult virgins may have something to teach you.


I’ve only met one person who was an older virgin, and in this case, I took it as a red flag. He was my age: 56 at the time. In the conversation, he revealed he had never had a relationship lasting longer than three months, and had never had intercourse; lived with his unmarried sister and his mother; was chronically unemployed, did not own a car or have a driver’s license.
Virginity obviously was not the only problem...not even the biggest, imho. He seemed to be extremely emotionally unstable.

I'm gathering his virginity was not the red flag but everything else was. In other words, if all these things were the same but he wasn't a virgin you would be just as inclined not to date him.

Just saying, not all older virgins fit that stereotype.

@bleurowz Exactly. He was a living breathing red flag!


The Incel thing isn’t about virginity. It’s about self-hatred and hatred for women. They blame women for their lack of access to sex. They believe women owe them sexual access. It’s disgusting and scary that this movement is growing.

UUNJ Level 8 July 10, 2018

You may be interested to know that the phenomena is not purely a straight white male phenomenon, there are gay incels of both sexes and a growing awareness of "femcels" straight female incels who are banding together and forming groups on the internet to be just as hateful to men as there male equivalent are to women or other gay men.
It is loneliness born of a fear to interact manifesting in frustration and childish vitriol
Basically there is nothing new about this Rick Mayall and Ade Edmondson were taking the mick out of these pathetic losers years ago in their TV and stage show "Bottom"

@LenHazell53 Thanks for that. I hadn’t heard of femcels.


Why is this virgin going around blabbing that she's a virgin? How would you know anyone is or isn't a virgin? Is that like gaydar? Like people can tell youre a virgin by looking at you? You don't hear me going around blabbing that I may or may not have roids but you can't tell if I do just by looking at me, can you?

She's not. But I do know some people who were older. Who were rejected for no other reason than this. One person was actually told she was sick in the head. And we don't assume that people who have hemorroids are sick in the head.

Being a virgin at any age isn't weird bragging about being a virgin at 50 is the weird part. I think the kids call that tmi

@Anonbene She wasn't bragging. She was crying.


I am confoozled... What is wrong with being a virgin at any age? A "pariah" to whom, and why?!?

Thank you for saying this. Unfortunately a lot of people automatically think there's something wrong with you if you're an older virgin. It's really a biased assumption.

I've heard of research that women become sexually active about 2 years after their first menstruation. The norm for losing your virginity can be anywhere from 14 to 24 years old. Yes, if you are still a virgin older than that, there is something wrong. The fact that you don't understand that, is in of itself, something wrong. Not being "normal" is not a crime. Perhaps I shouldn't call it "wrong" as it is "not normal".

@novoxguy I agree. I am pleased that you acknowledge that women's sex drive can be just as strong as males. Social constraints have demonised sexually active women in the past. Women are still called sluts while men are studs. Sex, the biological urge to procreate, is as natural as sleep and food. If one chooses to go against the norm, that is entirely their business, but it is not the norm.

Not everyone has a sex drive, some are hindered by societal or religious pressures, and yet others don't see the big deal about sex. Everyone's experience and opinion will flavor their view on any given subject, but I still don't see why anyone would waste time analyzing something so personal. If considering entering into a relationship with an "older virgin", then, sure, I might question why that is the case. The "norm" is merely the center point from which extremes radiate. We are all different, and for myriad reasons.


I have had a relationship where the woman was a virgin when we met. we were in our thirties.i wasn't having been married before. and i will admit i didn't have the integrity to wait to make sure that if she chose to sleep with me, it would be something we both wanted to do because we loved each other. if she had waited that long for the "one" , then i should have been able to wait longer also to make sure it was for the right reasons. not as an incentive to stay together. and of course, as an idiot male i messed up the situation. she lost something that meant something to her, and all i got was sex. my mistake. i should have told her i was fine waiting until we knew that sharing the experience would have strengthened the relationship, not alter it.
our society puts way too much emphasis on "hooking up" and not on building the bond between a man and woman and we are lesser for it.

Agreed. It puts a lot of pressure on people who are not ready.


I cannot, nor do I want to, speak for anyone else.

I have never had sex with a virgin, as far as I know. But I am 56, soon to be 57, and if I met an older woman who was still a virgin, but wanted to be physically intimate, I wouldn't see it as a deal-breaker. Life is different for everyone, and people have their reasons.

Deveno Level 7 June 29, 2018

I'm trying to emphasize the importance of the very life style of the woman you mentioned.
i'm doing an alright job with it.
patience for true devotion and loyalty in love is awesome


sex is not something special all the time so why is it a big deal to be a virgin or not? if you want sex you can find it so just go for it and when you do you will realize it really is not that great!

Some people have a harder time finding it until they're older. They shouldn't feel shamed or judged for it.


Speaking just for myself, I wish I hadn't lost my virginity under the circumstance I did, which was primarily motivated by self-pity over still being a virgin AND nursing a broken heart over someone else. And more than sex, I wish I had had more healthy LOVE experience in my past. Sadly, I did not have the wisdom or the sense of self I do now, and yes, I've had satisfying love and sex since then and I like to think I'm still evolving as a person. But each of us has our own journey to negotiate in that arena.

True. I'm sorry you went through that. I was feeling a lot of self-pity too. It's a shame we put so much emphasis on sexual experience in our culture. As someone else stated here, our obsession with it is very tiresome. I'm glad to hear you've had better experiences since then. I hope I do, too.


I don't care what anyone thinks. If ya wanna be a virgin who cares? At least your STD acquisitions are certainly going to be less. Thus is one reason virgin women are coveted. In Iran or Saudi Arabia hymen reconstruction is a necessity. Guys? Hire someone or visit a brothel in Pahrump Nevada. Nothin' wrong with that.

Easy for some people. Not for others.


When i was about 57 a 38 year-old woman insisted on meeting me with intention of convincing me to engage in heavy duty dating with her. Not only did want to get married but she also wanted a child. After some careful questioning she told me that she was still a virgin. She didn't appear to have major physical flaws. But for me her virginity was like a big stop sign. If her virginity was so precious I didn't want to shoulder the responsibility of potential failure.
She did get married and had a child within a year of our encoynter. Shortly after giving birth she contacted me and told me that the husband had left and left behind a pile of debt.

Well, I don't think her virginity is what got her into that situation. It's unfair to assume that all adult virgins are messed up. There are a lot of women in their late 30's who are simply desperate to have a child because their biological clock is winding down, and I would guarantee it's not because they're virgins. For someone like me, I didn't hold onto it because it was "precious," but simply because I wasn't ready. If you didn't have an assumption about her it may have worked out, if that was the only factor that was the deal-breaker. But I guess you'll never know.

@bleurowz But how would you know when you are ready?

@PontifexMarximus For me, it was a combination of things. It was getting past issues that were keeping me from getting close to people physically and emotionally. It was feeling more comfortable and confident in my every-day life and in my friendships and other relationships. It was learning to feel good about my body, learning what I liked and what I would need from someone who would be a potential partner. For the most part, all these things had to do with trust - trust in myself and the willingness to trust someone else in an intimate way. And then it was allowing myself to reach out and accept the uncertainty of what I would find, that I would allow myself to deal with whatever the outcome. That's how I knew when I was ready.

@bleurowz thank you for your honest answer.

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