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What is the main reason why you became a non-beliver or a believer of anything spiritual?

I am a non-believer of any church teaching because I highly believe that they do not know what they are teaching or maybe some of them are aware what they are teaching and they are the ones helping to keep people confused and more lost. but I am a believer in spirituality and I believe that every life on earth is as important as a human life. life itself is endless. their is still things that we still need to learn and there is still things that we do not understand or get what happens in the world. but that is why life is endless there is still more things to discover and learn.

yaya87 5 June 30

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There's no proof for any of it, and no way to test any of it to rule it out or prove it.


I live an evidence based life, I am a realist, and I have never seen any evidence, facts or data to even suggest that any god(s) exist and reality tells me that none exists and none is needed.


All my life even as a young child I found the whole concept ridiculous I've always subscribe to logic and reason rather than fear and Superstition and unless I can apply logic and reason to a situation it has no merit


I don't really have a main reason. Being an atheist was something that developed in me over time. It was the only point of view that made sense to me, given all the available evidence I've seen.


Because this "God of Love" didnt seem too loving, with all the needless death in Viet Nam and suffering in the world.

gater Level 7 June 30, 2018

Aside from having a number of engineers and people in medicine in my family, I was raised with a good, solid, classical education - of the secular variety. I was also a very young reader, and was told of Norse mythology, then started reading about Greek mythology as my curiosity and veracious appetite for books compelled me to read just about anything available. I quite easily discerned that as early mankind had no answers for the occurrences of the natural world, people created explanations - they created god and goddesses to justify that which they could not otherwise understand nor explain. Seemed simple to me, being logically minded. Then, with age and curiosity about religions, I came to the conclusion that those stories and beliefs were one thing, but the control and power of religions had become less about explaining the physical world, and more about, well, control and power. How better to control people than through fear and intimidation?

Rustee Level 7 July 10, 2018

From as early as I can remember, I was brought up a Catholic, none of what I was being told or taught stood up to any sort of scrutiny if you questioned it or tried to rationalise it.


I think Christian teachings are not beneficial to an inner life. If you read the bible, their God is pretty violent, monstrous even, and ineffective as a teacher. Also there are many contradictions in the teaching, how can their God be all-powerful, all-knowing and loving at the same time? It does not gel with the world we see around us.

Given all the flaws in what they teach, it is just another mythology. Out of thousands that different people around the world and throughout history have created, what would be the chance that this set of beliefs would be true. It is just incredibly unlikely.


I was raised Jewish but never believed in what I was told. I always questioned traditional religion ever since I can remember. I was part of an interfaith group for a while, which I enjoyed for the most part, but even that put too much reliance on god.


I was an 11 year old kid being dragged to church by my religious mother and it was during that time I knew I wasn't a believer because none of the lectures or religious scene seemed relevant to me and it was just a waste of time to listen to lectures that are really more about common sense than anything. Then I started meeting and talking to some of the people there... They seemed to be there because they had problems and wanted to turn to something bigger than themselves to help them cope. I understand that but I knew it wasn't for me and 23 years later, I'm still atheist.


I realized The Bible was too blood-thirsty and misogynistic to be taken seriously.

Then during the 2016 election I realized that white evangelical Christians = white supremacists and I dumped what was left of my Christian upbringing.

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The constant sexual, physical and mental abuse. I asked my family why bad things happen and they said basically god let's shit happen for a reason and I got so pissed that a so-called omnipotent being is watching get molested, beat up and mental scared then I knew.


Bone cancer in children.


With staunch Lutheran parents, the hypocrisy was observed early. I asked my mother why the Indians were killed, she answered, "We needed the land." My 8 year old mind thought "bullshit" so to speak. At 12, in confirmation class the pastor said we all must be baptized to be saved & go to heaven. I asked about the native children in Africa who had never heard of Jesus. He repeated, one must be baptized to be saved. No, that can't be a god I believed in! When 18 & sent to a Lutheran college that forbidded dancing, pants on girls on campus only on Saturday, mandatory chapel attendance 3 times a week, and absolutely no dance steps for the cheerleaders, even to the great new rock n roll music of the times. And the bible, translated how many times by man? Dont you remember the party game where you whisper something to the kid next to you, and they pass it on to the next one and by the time the last kid receives the whisper it's totally different than the first thing whispered?
The miried of hypocritical teachings, activities, beliefs makes it impossible for me to buy.

Hell naw what type of cult

  1. No evidence.
  2. Bible is simply not believable. ”God said let there be light and there was light.” LMAO.

not only no evidence, but, like you say... it just seems silly to me. Example: your best idea for washing sin from the world was to drown all but a hand full of people? first: you clearly failed and Second: I could have come up with a better plan, ( maybe gather everyone together and drown a couple children in a tub of water and say: hey, get right or I'll drown you all). seems to me I am smarter then the buybull who needs it. just silly


Because the more I thought about any of those ideas, the more I realized that they were nothing more than desperate attempts to shoehorn real life events into an explanation that is overly simplistic at best, and malicious and counter-reality at worst. In short, "spritualism" or anything "mystical" is just an attempt to assert control over something that is well beyond any semblance of our control. It doesn't work, but it makes us feel better about ourselves.

I’m going to have to disagree about mysticism and spirituality. In my opinion those spring from personal experiences and deep awareness.

Maybe you are talking about church dogma.


Give me a logical definition of the word spirituality that is supported by testable evidence, at that point I will be able to comment, at the moment you might as well be using any four syllables defined differently by every person hearing them.


I'm the 3rd generation of Atheists in my family. Religion was taught to us, but not as a belief system. We were taught to question everything.

You have smart parents! I did the same with my three children: taught them basics of different religions, but brought them up to be atheistic. My daughter was proud of being the only atheist in the young republicans group at her high school, and also called the Young Life (I believe it's called that) a "cult"! So proud of my children to be good, moral, ethical, and not swayed by any religion on their road to being productive and intelligent adults!


Lack of evidence.


I was born this way as I opine that we all are. As I grew though my mother tried to encourage the occasional church outing, even allowing me to ride a bus on occassion to church so that I could attend. We're talking 6 - 8 years of age and I began to question things like why they needed to bribe us with candy to learn more about god and why this god needed my money.

Later as a teen I learned more about the scientific Method, evolution, and other things that just made sence and had evidence to back it up. That and I didn't have to give science a tithing, lol. As I turned 16 I looked around and saw all the terrible things in the world and came to the realization that there could be no god.

Today, I still hold the same opinions as when I was 16, but also know that I may never know for sure. As I have said I haven't seen evidence to proove, but nor have I seen evidence to dis-proove either. I feel however that logic and reasoning support my views.


My third time of reading the Bible from beginning to end put an end to my believing the Abrahamic religions. I then read a few of the other religious material and also couldn't accept any of them. I then went through a very short stage of deistic thinking and finally got to the point that I also couldn't accept that.


i don't beleive a mosquitoes life is important

lol!!! I am not a fan of mosquitos either. but they are good for the fish frogs the whole food cycle thing.


I can only speak from having never been indoctrinated, but allowed to come to my own opinions from observation, experience and education. The ‘reasons’ others escaped their early indoctrination appears endless… I do appreciate learning of them, though, but am so pleased I could simply ‘take off’ unencumbered from the earliest age 🙂

Varn Level 8 June 30, 2018

Science has shown me the way. When you learn how stars and planets form, and then you read the Bible which says everything magically appeared, you realize when the Bible was written no one understood how things actually worked.

Planets, DNA, evolution, it all works without magic. You realize all religions are the ignorant humans attempt to explain everything and to control everyone.

Thank you science and common sense.


I do not exclude the possibility of a spiritual connection to the universe but I find it largely implausible. Perhaps there are more advanced beings than us out there but to make the assumption they are "gods" seems a big jump for me?


Witnessing suffering of most innocent of souls.

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