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Do you celebrate 4th of July or is it just another ordinary day to you?

EmeraldJewel 7 July 4

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Its what ever happens that day. I've spent 800 dollars once on food, drinks, and fireworks. It was fun. I watch tv now and be thankful and grateful.


It's an ordinary day, because I'm not an American who thinks that the whole world revolves around them.


What does the 4th of July have to do with religion, or having no religion? Why would you even ask such a question? I went and watched (actually video) the fireworks.


Celebrate losing one of our colonies temporarily? Nope! 😉


What? Did I miss something?


I'll go watch fireworks, but I wouldn't say it holds any special significance to me.


I was into it as a kid, because it was fun to blow up shit with M80s and shoot off Roman candles. As an adult, no not really.


I get together with my sister to watch fireworks and remember our brother (he always got us together on the 4th). This year I was also invited to a cookout at a friend's house. So, it is just another day, but with more invitations...


I get together with some friends. We have a nice cookout, drink a lot of beer and when it gets dark we light a bunch of fireworks.
Fireworks or not, it's still a good time with my friends.
We live pretty far away from most people, so we aren't scaring any one, or dogs and such.


We celebrate


I do. I like history and love this country


Love the 4th!


In our area it's a time to huddle with our dogs who are always traumatized by fireworks...

R1LEY Level 2 July 5, 2018

I've grown a bit weary of fireworks. I used to love them, but was at a local fireworks in 2010 when a young man in his 20's was killed helping the crew set off the mortars; he leaned over too far and one hit him in the head as it launched. I haven't been to one since. There's nothing patriotic about any of it anyway; just a big, noisy platitude.I just don't care about them any more.Or Independence Day, for that matter. Sure, I'm glad a group of men got together and declared our independence from England, but if Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, Paine, both Adams', Bartlett, Franklin and others saw us today, they'd be blown away by our technology, but, I think, ashamed of how ignorant so many of our citizens are; but I digress.And fireworks really frighten the dogs...'nough said.

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