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Favorite Desserts

What is your favorite dessert when you were young and what is it now as an adult? Mine as a child was vanilla ice cream. As an adult it is Blueberry cheese cake.

onlyif 8 July 6

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I make a chocolate pudding with coconut cream, ripe avocados and eggs and melted chocolate with a smattering of beets and figs. Everything organic. To die for!!!!🙂🙂🙂


I love chocolate. I love good vanilla ice cream( never soft serve). There is a wonderful ice cream shop near me that make strawberry ice cream with chocolate chips. I also love strawberry/balsamic gelato. I have lots of delicious cookie recipes, pie with my homemade crust( with lard), delicious. It us easier to say what I don't like. ( rhubarb, mince meat pie, . Licorice, and other icky stuff that people think are good).


Then: pineapple upside down cake, pecan pie, microwaved hostess fruit pie with a pat of butter.
Now: banoffee pie, tiramisu, flan


brownies, chess cake, apple pie/empanada or hot fudgecake with vanilla ice cream always were and still are high up there... later on I developed a taste for cheesecake, red velvet, carrot cake, and anything with a cream cheese or buttercream icing. This list is only ever going to get longer. ?


Strawberry ice cream & Baklava.


Homemade strawberry shortcake and peach cobbler with ice cream.


Pineapple cream pie. It still is.


My mother would take freshly baked bread, while still warm, cut into cubes covered in freshly separated heavy cream with cinnamon and . . To live for! No creo en Dios!

Sounds out of this world!!!


Banoffee pie. Creme brulee.


Carrot cake to be sure, but the white chocolate bread pudding at the Palace Cafe is to die for.


Pecan pie (especially smothered in whipped cream) and cannolis. Then, now, forever! ?

Ever try a chocolate pecan pie from the Amish? Neither have I, but it looked and sounded amazing when I saw it on a menu when I was out by Intercourse, PA

Yes, I actually have! A friend of mine made one for me years ago for my birthday. It was super delish.


Pudding? Pudding? I like puddings/desserts/afters in all forms 🙂


As an adult: Chocolate soufflé with Grand Marnier sauce

As a child: I wasn’t picky


Like you, as a child, vanilla soft serve from an adult, creme brulee from Vincent's in Camelback, AZ....omg.


A Nutty Elise pie from my trip to Intercourse is probably my favorite dessert of the summer!!! It is so nutty and chocolatey, tastes amazing when it's warm and gooey and with a glass of milk!!

I wish I took a better picture of it.

Holy shit that sounds amazing.


Mine was a parfait at a NY restaurant called Montes. My current favorite is blueberry pie.

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