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Have You Saved Someone's Life?

Tell us your story. Here's one memorable event:

On Fourth of July weekend at Lake Colchuck, we awoke to six inches of snow. With freezing high winds, it was sleeting sideways. Mountains create their own weather.

Hiking out in the storm, my boyfriend and I came upon a Forest Service ranger lying beside the trail. Dressed in a wet T-shirt and shorts, she was shivering violently and gasping for air. Her mother-in-law dithered around uselessly.

“Why can’t she breathe?” I asked. “She forgot her asthma inhaler and a jacket,” her mother-in-law replied.

Quickly I gave her two puffs from my emergency asthma inhaler (always in my pack). Although the ranger could breathe, she had hypothermia. I dragged her under a tree to get out of the storm. Asked my boyfriend to boil water and shield her from onlookers.

I pulled extra clothes from my pack. She was about my size. Quickly I pulled off the ranger’s wet clothes. I dressed her in long underwear, rain pants, a turtleneck, sweater and down jacket. Made her a makeshift raincoat from a large plastic sack. Gave her my hat and gloves, since I had a hood.

Pouring hot tea down her throat, we fed her candy for energy. Although she was reviving, she was still groggy and stumbling. Two teenage boys came running up the trail.

“Do you guys have a cell phone?” I asked. “This woman is in serious medical trouble. She has hypothermia. Please run back down toward the trail head. As soon as you get a signal, call 911 and ask for an ambulance. Tell them we will meet the ambulance at the trail head in 2-1/2 hours.”

Off they went. Nice boys.

I had her mother-in-law carry my pack. Holding the ranger’s arms over our shoulders, we carefully sidestepped down the steep, rocky trail. There was a sharp drop-off on one side of the trail. The ambulance was waiting at the trail head.

“Can I get your name and address?” the mother-in-law asked as the ranger was being tended in the ambulance.

Later, I got a beautiful letter from that ranger. She returned my clothes.

“Thank you for saving my life,” she wrote. “I thought I could run up to Lake Colchuck like I do every day. I knew better than to go unprepared. I feel embarrassed to tell my work colleagues what a stupid thing I did. I will never forget your kindness.”

Photo: Lake Colchuck (6,000 feet) with Dragontail Peak (9,000 feet) behind me. August 2010.

LiterateHiker 9 July 6

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Yes, several times. All anonymous.

Thank you for your caring and effective response to a medical emergency. You made a positive difference in the lives of many people that day!


On 5 separate occasions, in my work, I've found prisoners in their cell with improvised nooses around their necks. At least twice I'm certain these were staged "suicide attempts" that got out of hand, the guy lost balance and found he couldn't get back up once his weight was on the noose and his air was cut off... the others I don't know for sure. Either way, it leaves you shaky afterwards knowing you were 3 to 5 minutes from finding a dead person.

On a happier note:

When my daughter was an infant, we had just brought her out of the hospital from what was supposed to be a routine checkup (she was 11 weeks premature and we had taken her home just a couple weeks before, after 8 weeks in intensive care) when her baby monitor went off, as we were loading her into the car seat. She had no pulse and wasn't breathing. My wife started infant CPR at the curb, since she was holding her already.

I stayed just long enough to see that she had things under control, then sprinted back in to the reception desk, and, as icy calm as I have ever been in my life (and I will never know how I did that), relayed the information: "infant female in cardiac arrest, at the curb by the front entrance, CPR currently underway by her mother, send an emergency team NOW." Then sprinted back to the car. Less than two minutes later a crash team arrived and took over. I was told later that they had never had anyone deliver emergency information so clearly and effectively, and between my (ex) wife and me we saved our daughter's life. She's going to be a high school freshman this year. 🙂


I yelled to my husband before he stepped on a groggy rattlesnake trying to warm itself in the middle of a trail one chilly morning. He had long legs & always left me behind even though I hated it. Being the A-hole that he is, he ignored me at first when I just yelled his name--I was so panicked I couldn't come up with the word "snake" even. Finally I got him to at least turn around & see what I was hollering about. He was probably 3 feet from the snake by then. That pause gave the snake enough time to rouse itself & crawl away, finally rattling. He was lucky we had just started the hike & he hadn't left me far enough behind that I wouldn't have seen that snake lying there looking like a stick. If I knew then what I know now, I would have kept my mouth shut anyway.

Carin Level 8 July 13, 2018

Im a narcan administrator.
The Fentanyl death grip isnt a crisis...its a full blown APOCALYPSE.
Im the most heavily trained admin in Maple Ridge.
30% of the city's population use Fentanyl.
To date, I have saved 8 lives.
I do overdose patrols nightly.


Possibly; I was living in the lake district and there is a beating the bounds ceremony where the children make rushbearings with flowers in the rushes and take them to the church after walking round the parish with alll the bishops at the front singing the rushbearing song its back to the church for lemonade and gingerbread and school sports that include after all the races, a run up Helvellyn Fell .My partner and I went on ahead up the fell in order to cheer the kids on - a boy who was a severe asthmatic had decided against instructions that he would do it too and he collapsed at the top where we were - I managed to pick him up and bring him down - He was heavy and no one at the ground level noticed for a long time I got stuck at a large gateway with a stile at the bottom and also got stuck holding him even when other rescuers came - I sort of couldn't let go. he survived but it could have been nastier if we hadn't decided to run up the fell first.

jacpod Level 8 July 11, 2018

Good going, she's so lucky you were prepared and knew what to do.

I've saved a few lives - I worked my way through college as a pool lifeguard, so I've had to rescue people that overestimated their swimming ability in a serious way, and I even had to rescue someone who was mentally handicapped (mid 20s) and whose caregiver directed them into the deep pool. This individual walked out into the middle of the pool where the water was well over his head, so I went in and was carrying him to the side while telling him to relax and he'd be OK. His caregiver at the side tells me, "Don't bother talking to him, he doesn't understand speech."

He put this person in this pool and didn't bother to tell any of the staff about his "condition". I suspect he was trying to find a way of putting his charge out of his misery in a way that would plausibly be called an accident.

I also spent several years volunteering as part of the First Aid Service Team for the American Red Cross - while that was mostly applying band aids and treating blisters at community events, there were a few incidents at events like the Rose Parade where we had to summon an ambulance to avoid having to call the Coroner.


From somebody who's been saved but never been in a position to save anybody thank you all

Salo Level 7 July 9, 2018

Stopped a couple of idiot kids from running out into traffic and once,when we were driving home,came upon a multi-car crash.Nobody was injured but one shook up teenage girl was standing between her starting to burn car and the concrete median wall,talking hysterically to her dad.Crawling by,I saw the flames shooting out from the buckled hood and very calmly (which is the part that amazes me)I thought -there's fire,I have an extinguisher in the trunk,I should pull over and help. So I pulled onto the shoulder,got the extinguisher out of the trunk,went across a lane of slow traffic and put the fire out. Left the extinguisher with her(I could hear sirens close by so I knew I didn't needto staybut told her not to stand near burning cars anymore. All the time she was on the phone"And now the car's burning ! Oh wait,some man put it out. Thank you". Possibly not the most dangerous thing in the world but nice to know I could deal and not freak out.


I had a childhood friend that was suicidal, but she later sent me a hand-written letter thanking me for always being their for her, I’ve rescued a child and a drunk man from the lake and I helped a man whose truck lost control on ice and rolled into a ditch at high speed. All but the first thanked god for my helping them.




I'm not real sure how to feel about this but, I saved my ex. It was in 2013. I kicked him out and moved to Denver in May. He came to Garden City and stayed with friends and after they kicked him out he stayed with my youngest son. When they kicked him out he moved to a hotel and my mother was paying for it. I was still in Denver during all of this. I fled Denver and went to my mother's in Lamar in the middle of August. After I got moved back to Lamar I came to Garden to find out what the ex was doing and if he had a job why wasn't he paying for the hotel himself. I think I made either two or three trips to Garden and discovered he had no job and had not left the hotel room since the day he checked in. He was not eating and was drinking very little.

One the next to last trip when I got back to Lamar I called Area Mental Health and they said I could have an appointment for today or tomorrow. No matter when you call you can have an appointment for today or tomorrow. So I made an appointment for tomorrow.

The next day I drove to Garden and made him get his ass out of that bed and get in the car. It took a good 30 minutes to get him up. I told him either he gets out of the bed under his own power or I'm calling an ambulance. I took him to AMH and their general assessment was he was a passive danger to himself and should be committed. He had to be admitted thru the emergency room so I took him over to the ER.

They made him go pee in a cup. It was one of the clear ones with the screw on cap. When he came out of the bathroom it looked like he had a cup of coffee!!! He was down to 115 pounds from a normal of 175. They made him spend 24 hours in a medical bed before they sent him to the Psych ward and he spent a full week in the Psych ward.

The doctor told me that if I had been just a couple of days later he wouldn't be alive.

So now the fucker stalks me.

You did the right thing. It's unfortunate that no good deed goes unpunished.


Yes, about 2,000 times. I'm not kidding. My wife was type 1 diabetes and very brittle. That means she could go from high blood sugar to very low in a short period of time. She lost the ability to realize when she was getting low. many times I told her she was getting low but she would not believe me. i spent sometimes an hour getting her to drink sweet juice. Some times she was just catatonic , just not there but still resisting my giving her juice. The diabetes came with the territory and I was with her for over 36 years until she passed 2 years ago. She passed the way she wanted to, heart just stopped. And yes, I miss her terribly.

My sympathy for your loss. It sounds as if you two had a lovely life together, Your wife was lucky to have you.


Wow! I am impressed, seriously, I seldom encounter people truly prepared and willing to jump in to assist to such a degree. I know they are out there but often even people with training fail to step in for a variety of reasons. I won't tell stories because I have been in Emergency Services roles most of my life and take those experiences and skills where ever I go. But I love to see people step up and perform outside their usual roles. Thank You for your service, and thanks for sharing!

Thank you for your kind words I have helped other unprepared people in the mountains during storms. Also shared essential items they forgot: insect repellant, sunscreen, and use of my first aid kit.

Ron, a rock climber I met said he climbed with a man who never brought food. Fed up, Ron finally ate lunch on a climb without sharing it. Hungry, his sponging partner licked the oil from Ron's empty tuna can. After that, the man began bringing his own food.


My nephew choked on a piece of food at thanksgiving when he was about one y.o. No one knew what to do including my brother. I had training in Heimlich. I gave some back blows and out the food came. It was a simple, not so complex, not so exciting story, but he wouldn't be here had I not been there.

Well done! Love your user name.


I've rescued 4 people from Mormonism...So yeah..

boom Level 4 July 7, 2018

I would like to recommend two things that through my experience will be essential survival items.

  1. A signal mirror. That is probably the fastest way to get a SAR pilots attention on the ocean or on the land.

  2. A space blanket. Pick something that is extremely reflective and the color doesn’t belong in the ocean or the land. International orange traffic yellow are two great colors.

Both these items are small and pack easily.

If you are out on the ocean and have a boat I would recommend that you have an international orange stripe painted along the bottom. Every white cap from 500 ft looks like a capsized boat.


You are right. In my first aid kit, I carry a lightweight signal mirror. Also, the mirror helps you remove something from your eye.

A first aid kit and reflective survival blanket live in my pack. When needed, I restock the first aid kit.

@LiterateHiker my kind of girl!! May I be so bold to recommend some quick clot for your bag as well. Half of my tackle box is medical supplies sealed in food saver bags. While I’m being bold a bottle of baby aspirin and some opsites for wounds.

Yes, in my first aid kit is QR powder that instantly stops bleeding. Many men are on blood thinners with high cholesterol.

While hiking, guess what I hand out most often? Benadryl. In the outdoors, people get stung by bees, wasps and hornets, especially in the fall. Surprise.

@LiterateHiker ready for almost anything. ?

@LiterateHiker You might add Zyrtec in my experience it works similar to Benadryl without the sleepiness plus you can still give Benadryl if you don't get the desired effect!

Benadryl doesn't make me sleepy. No one has complained when I give them Benadryl. I also carry Ibuprofen.

@LiterateHiker I've heard that Benedryl even helps for snake bites. It's definitely recommended for some animals, including goats, that have been bitten by a snake. Curious if it would help a human.


I may have. Due to the nature of my job I can be suspicious of older men who approach children that aren’t family. While in the YMCA men’s locker room I heard a young boy trying to figure out how to use the device for wringing our swim trunks when an older man approached him. I finished dressing and moved in their direction to leave. The boy saw me and ran. The older man turned and saw me then went back to the lockers. Maybe it was nothing or something inside me was alerted to a possible predator, who knows?


At age 12, I saved my little brother, 9, when he fell through the ice. On the beach, little kids were screaming and useless.

"Are there oars underneath that rowboat?" I asked, quickly turning to Tony Salvaggio, 13, who lived there. "Yes," he replied. Tony was taller and bigger than me.

"Quick! Let's grab the boat and push it onto the ice," I said. "We can use the oars to push the boat to the hole where Lee fell in." Tony sprang into action. Off we went.

Meanwhile, Lee was weakly jumping up in the hole for a gulp of air, then sinking back under the ice. Rapidly tiring and freezing, Lee's heavy ice skates and wet jacket weighed him down.

"Tony, I'm going to lean over the edge of the boat and grab Lee," I said. "Counter-balance me, and hang onto the back of my pants. Don't let go!"

Leaning over the side of the boat, I reached underwater and grabbed Lee's jacket. Together we hauled Lee into the boat like a frozen lump.

Tony's mother called my mom. A registered nurse, Mom calmly grabbed blankets and drove five doors down to the Salvaggio's house.

At home, Mom put Lee into a hot bath. When Mom handed him a cup of cocoa, Lee's hands were shaking so hard he spilled every drop into the bath.

Here I am at age 12, with my sister Beth, 7. Echo Lake, Michigan.

And with my siblings on Lake Michigan. From the left: athletic Kathleen (me), 7, stinker Beth, 2, unathletic Lynne, 8, and hyper Lee, 5.

Wow! I love this!


Actually yes 4 of them.

It was on two separate occasions and I used one of these to do it with

Love it!


Bravo! Your calm thinking made the difference!

I saved a couple of my fellow hippies from drug overdoses in the 70's. I was likewise saved once by a calm thinking addict.


Several times, but I am a nurse. This includes my ex-husband....oh well ya win some ya lose some. Never been thanked, never want to be. Also performed CPR unsucessfully which is awful.


My stories are somewhat odd (two of them, anyway) in that I do not specifically recall the events, but was told by others I did these things. Also, in two of the events, I do not know with 100% certainty that my personal lack of action would have resulted in the demise of the individuals, but the absolute possibility was there.

The first instance occurred when I was a kid. The family, cousins, aunts, etc., we're at the beach and my little cousin got knocked over by a wave and dragged out a ways. I pulled her out of the surf and, so I was told, rescued her from drowning.

The second instance was applying the Heimlich maneuver to my friend's small son when he choked on a piece of hard candy.

Event #3 happened when I was driving a local thoroughfare, a very busy street, and noticed a very old woman wandering aimlessly down the sidewalk in a nightgown. As I recall now, she may have actually fallen, so I stopped to see if she was okay, and she appeared to be quite disoriented. Then a truck driver stopped, and together we got her to her feet and, discussing the situation, determined that she had probably walked out of a nursing home a couple of blocks back. So, we took her there and were confirmed in our deduction.

The last instance happened late one night as I was driving down another main road in another city. As I was about to go through an intersection, I noticed to my right that there was a vehicle in the middle of the road I was crossing headed away from the road I was on. I also noted that the car was stopped on a RR track, an active one. So, I went to a place where I could park safely and check the car out. Inside, in the driver's seat, was an individual who was barely responsive to my attempts to wake him. He was either drunk, or in a diabetic episode, I cannot, with absolute certainty, looking back, say which. At any rate, I was finally able to ascertain that the person lived in a house just a short ways down the road, and returned him to his residence and a very grateful wife. Again, I cannot say positively that I saved a life in this instance, but I like to think that may have been the case.


Yes I had... still in high school, not yet 18, me and my wingman buddy saved the life of a 28 yr old american junkie in Puerto Rico from Heroin Overdose Death... about circa 1971 We came to visit him and he opened the door let me in and just hit the floor. His gf freaked out not knowing what to do... We gave him an intravenous shot of salt water and put his nuts on ice. The Skills you learn when you are hanging out in The Ghetto and there are junkie students in your school telling stories... you listen.


Twice in fact.. Last one was a woman drowning during a hurricane in Sarasota during the nineties.. Had I not been checking her out I may not have noticed...

So, did you get a date with her? 😉

@bigpawbullets married with kids.. thanked me on their behalf.. not the best moment to ask...


If you vote for political parties who fight against poverty and war, and you demonstrate against war, you save lives.

Indeed so. ?

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