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I was messing around on Pinterest earlier and picked this up.
Also, "some people are like clouds, when they disappear, it's going to be a beautiful day."


silvereyes 8 Jan 3

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When Trumpty Dumpty disappears it will be a beautiful day.
As for the religious assholes I find that they are always trying to come up with something they think I have not thought of before. It's always the old "what if" senario. In the movie "God's Not Dead" we find that the atheist is not really an atheist. He's simply "angry with god." Believers know that everyone believes in god, and they know this because their book tells them so. Therefore, there are no atheists. "What if" you are simply angry with god. This is what it has to be and why they pester the hell out of you all the time.
Yes, god does not want even one to perish but if you do not let him into your heart he will torture you forever. No, this is not god doing this to you. You are doing it to your own self. It's as if the religious person is hitting you with your own fist. Submit and be one of us.
I could never live in that world again.


As Einstein said, 'If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. ' Michael Shermer, In The Science of Good and Evil, calls it a debate stopper. If you agree that, in the absence of God, you would 'commit robbery, rape, and murder', you reveal yourself as an immoral person, 'and we would be well advised to steer a wide course around you'. If, on the other hand, you admit that you would continue to be a good person even when not under divine surveillance, you have fatally undermined your claim that God is necessary for us to be good.
Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

I once taught a group of highly educated muslim men, and this question came up. There was someone's mobile phone on the desk, and I asked one of them, a teacher, if he didn't believe in allah would he steal it, and he looked at the phone and thought for a moment, and then said "Yes, I would steal it". This is the danger of religion - not only does it stop people thinking in general, it stops the thinkers from thinking independently.

@GoldenDoll That' awful though >_<

That is a really good quote. Iove it. Thank you!

Being an asshole and being evil are not always mutually inclusive.


I read this somewhere.

"If the only things keeping you from being a bad person are the reward of heaven or the fear of hell, you're already a bad person."

Why all my adult life I have had a misgiving about the 'goody two shoes' religious persons, as I fear they have the 'sinful' side hidden in the basement like a neglected, rabid, dangerous dog only waiting to come forth ...


I think it was a rabbi who told a story of a man who acted on behalf of another (sorry, I don't recall the details) and, in the process, is told he will never be allowed into Heaven. The man smiled and, when asked why, replied that now he could finally lead a good life for the right reasons, without the promise of an eternal, blissful life as reward. I always liked that general idea, even though it was told from a religious perspective.


Some people are like Slinkies. They aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to my face when I push them down a flight of stairs.

have you ever seen a pro slinkie user??? It’s crazy. youtube it now.

I used to have the t-shirt 🙂


it's nature that needs help the most even from a selfish human perspective. no bees no us. no trees no us.

yes but the world can't all be dessert just like it can't all be ice or we are dust.


Love this! I do my best to be a good person because that’s what makes me feel good about myself. Idc about some possible afterlife I care about the here and now.

@silvereyes How in the world do people believe in this crazy fairytales. Haven't we evolved? I'm hoping for a new awakening in the near future.


Whoever wrote that quote must have known my first wife.


Sometimes one must in self defense adopt the 'asshole shield'' to ward of righteous spirits...




agree. It feels good to do good. that way when something bad happens to me... Is not karma for my bad deeds. is just what it is and is easier to overcome without having to bitch about or worried that negative deeds are catching up to me.... Always wonder how assholes feel at night alone.


I love the magicians in my life!


I'm seriously digging the cloud quote, yo. -sneaks it off to Facebork-
Is that your own or do you know from whence it came?


Funny when people think those without religion lack morals. So often they're hypocrites

I have met LOTS of religious people who lie, cheat, steal, slander, sabotage, assault, etc. etc. etc. The most fervently religious fundies are the meanest. I run, do not walk, but run to get away from them.

@SKH78 Talking about mormon missionaries I think...that's they way they are...


I agree with the first part, but sometimes being an asshole is necessary, and sometimes it is just plain fun.


There are two kinds of people in this world. Some take you to your goals some take you from your goals. And they both are believers...


Yep, agreed. It's actually EASIER not to be an asshole.


I really like the picture. Great wisdom on clouds.


Sadly, to some people it seems to feel very good indeed to be an asshole. A certain US president does not just feel good being one, mocking anyone who chooses not to be an asshole and calling them "losers", he has millions of followers who seem to especially like that aspect about him.


I agree and often help people for me not them. I much prefer helping animals.


Love this 😛


I'll have to remember that one lol

Awake Level 3 Jan 5, 2018



I presume that many people within the ranks of believers are members to prove to others that they are "good" people. I think humans are by nature, though that can be corrupted by early life experiences, "good" people. In other words, humans have an innate function which gives us satisfaction in helping others, the internal gratification does not come from an outside source.


I love this. I've seen this before on Facebook.


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