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How much time do you spend on per day?

For me it has been wonderful company, but I'm feeling like I need to controll my time here. Is too long dangerous?

sweetcharlotte 8 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Just hit Level 9-on since last November. It is addictive-I'm retired Cancer Survivor so have had a lot of time on my hands-like the Styx song. Since 5 years in remission I am getting out more and about to spend a week with Dan in NY state.

Congrats on reaching level 9!!

Congrats, again!!!


A few minutes. 15 at most collectively.

Under-achiever, slacker! LOL Just kidding, to each their own. I love it here!

@phxbillcee i love it here, also. I just try not to be glued to my phone or computer in my free time.

@tryingcake Just teasing you!


A couple of hours. More, sometimes. It's not dangerous unless it's affecting your real life negatively.

@sweetcharlotte Then it's a good thing.

@sweetcharlotte, @tnorman1236 If you are getting good things from here, & expanding your mind, more power to you!


View it as better than facebook!

Ain't that the truth!


Too much! It is my new drug of choice!


This is new to me. Its so exciting to see others who are non religious. I'm from the Bible belt. I was raised in religion. I want no more parts of it.


Oodles when I am not busy doing a project.

azzow2 Level 9 July 10, 2018

Depends upon the day and how full my work schedule is.


Half hour to an hour


Too much


More than I expected to, I enjoy the forums. But like anything, if it takes up too much of your time, you better go do something else for a while.


Way too much, lol


I'm on disability, unfortunately, with a lot of time on my hands. This site, in my opinion, offers a lot, & I try to give back. I've met a few good friends here, tho still not love, or even a reasonable facsimile!!! Not, giving up, tho, & not even the reason I'm on so much, as this site is about so much more. So, to finally answer the question, far too much, but I enjoy it, & it combines with my interest on the internet in general! So, dangerous, I guess it depends. Is it hurting other parts of your life? Only you can answer that!


Probably more time than I should. But I'm kind of in a holding pattern right now, going through some big transitions, and the support I've gotten here has been priceless.

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