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I recently argued with a woman at a New Year's party about what was more painful, giving birth or getting kicked in the balls. After respectfully listening to her for a solid 20 minutes, she asked for my rebuttal. Easy, I said. You'll hear women with kids already say, "You know, I think I want another baby." I'm sorry, but you'll never her a man say "You know, I think I'd like to get kicked in the balls again." And this is why I think getting kicked in the mommy daddy button is more painful.

Paulie316 4 Jan 5

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I have no doubt that getting kicked in the balls is excruciatingly painful. However I know from personal experience that childbirth is also excruciatingly painful. The difference is that with childbirth there is a 'reward' (a baby). There is no reward for suffering an agonising kick to the groin. Although some might argue that 'not' being rewarded with a child is in fact a reward lol.

All about perception. ????


I never had kids nor been kicked in the balls since I ain't got none, but your vagina rips open and rips all the way down to your asshole. You also have to get your uterus pounded like you would pound dough, to make sure no blood clots form, this being a day (I think) after birth for several more days. It also burns like hell when you pee after giving birth for the next couple days (maybe weeks?), you also have to wear a diaper because you can't control yourself as well until you're fully healed and also because you're bleeding; also women sometimes crap themselves during the birthing process because of all the movement and stuff going on. So there's also humilitation in it. Then, it's a whole other story if you had a c-section because it takes weeks to heal. All this information has been gathered due to the stories my cousin has told me. She has had both a natural birth and a c-section. So... since the pain lasts longer and the level of pain during the process of birth... I personally would think giving birth is a lot more painful and humiliating.

I would definitely agree

Yikes! Somebody or somebodies may have been trying to scare you. I had a child vaginally without an epidural, yes with an episiotomy, and it was NOTHING like what you describe. Being pregnant was a joy. Giving birth was hard and painful - mostly the labor. But, it was NOT a horror story. LOL!

@witchymom @BlueWave This was my cousin's experience!!! Don't think she was trying to scare me because for some reason she want's me to have kids too one day. Lol!


Impossible to know, as neither side has both sets of equipment. We can speculate, but I'd rather not. It hurts my groin to do so. 😉


Interesting point to argue about - since you can never feel one another's pain.

I personally have never had kids - so my opinion would be moot.

Though I hear childbirth - for some - is a real vagina ripper - which can't be much fun !
And pain from gettin' it in the balls never lasts for 36hrs.

@jwm03h I'll just say I never heard or read about the intense phase of pain lasting 36hrs.

I accidentally kick a friend in the nuts when we were rough-housing in a lake. From what I remember, he was walking funny for a lot longer than 36 hours.

What is with all of this vaginal ripping? Nature has a funny way of stretching the very elastic vaginal muscles and tissue. Occasionally there is a slight tear in the perineum, but that is most often taken care of prophylactically with an episiotomy. A couple of stitches and that's it.


I recall an episode of Mrs Brown's Boys where Professor Thomas Clowne said: "Dr Freud said that there are only two times woman's life when she is really happy, being pregnant and giving birth." Mrs Brown retorted: "Dr Freud ought to try shitting a bowling ball and then tell us he is happy."


So I'm going to go with the lady. Women want the "baby," not the pain. I understand that in their case, the pain actually leads to something, which is not the case with being kicked in the jingle-berries, still I suspect that peeing a bowling ball would be far worse than getting kicked in the jingle-jangles.


All that proves is that men are whimps. When I had my son I was 27 hours in labour and they were worried about me dying as they'd already lost three mothers that day. (no I didn't have another one)
How many guys die of getting kicked in the balls, ok a few need medical attention but close to 3% of deaths of women in the 20 - 34 year age group in the USA is from complications of pregnancy, with I imagine most of them in childbirth. Sorry but kicked in the balls is just a temporary inconvenience.

Kimba Level 7 Jan 5, 2018

As a woman I have nothing to go on except when I was fifteen and hitchhiking with my friend. We thought we knew the guys who picked us up and got driven to a cemetary. When I got out of car I was grabbed and my boot clad foot went a flying. Based on the noise the guy made I think it was painful.


Considering that death is a possible outcome of childbirth(and sadly on the rise here in the U.S.) and not possible with a kick to the nuts, I'm going to go with childbirth.

Actually, though rare, you can die by getting kicked in the nuts.


That is because when giving birth to a baby you get, you know, a baby and the experience of having a child, raising a child etc. When getting kicked in the balls you get nothing except the pain.
Also the pain of giving birth lasts a lot longer than the pain of getting kicked in the balls.
Giving birth is very like to be much worse when it comes to the pain but definitely much better when it comes to the reward for the pain.

Unless the baby dies.


It may be more humiliating but not more painful


I've gotten hit in the balls a few times in different ways, and kidney stones are more painful lol

Different type of pain.


Babies are often a wonderful reward after childbirth. I've never heard of any reward a man received after being kicked on the balls. Having experienced holding my baby after natural childbirth, I am well aware of how that experience can erase the memory of the pain.


I'll settle this debate once and for all.
Balls, balls are weak, one hit and they're down. Now vaginas are different, those thing can take a pounding.


Being male I can never experience child birth, obviously, but I've passed a kidney stone and I've heard mixed comments from women that have given birth and passed a stone that a kidney stone is more painful than child birth, others will say it's at least as painful. This means one of two things, I have either experienced pain greater than child birth OR on par with it, and I've been kicked in the balls, I'd take the ball kick over the kidney stone.


I've heard that childbirth is the equivalent of bones being crushed. I've never experienced having any part of my anatomy crushed, but I've heard as well that being slowly crushed to death is by far the most horrible way for someone to die.

Getting kicked in the yarballs is indeed pretty awful, but I would have to admit that childbirth is probably even worse.

The difference between the two is, getting kicked in the jimmy's yields no benefit. Childbirth has a rather significant payoff. That's why a woman is willing to endure the experience again while someone who gets kicked in the balls enthusiastically seeks to avoid a repeat episode.


Why even argue about this? It's a no brainer which is more painful - Child birth! Have you ever had a Charlie horse? Hurts like a MF, right? Imagine that muscle pain times100, but not in just one area, oh no. Your back, abdomen, hips and of course the ????are in excruciating pain. That pain can last days for some women. And the closer you get to pushing the baby out the harder and stronger that pain gets. Try pushing a watermelon out of your whoha and then compare that to being kicked in the balls. No contest. It's not called the ring of fire for nothing. I read in an article that its believed the reason women have multiple children is because our brain releases certain chemicals during pregnancy that prevent us from having full memory of the pain. Those memories are over shadowed by the happiness we feel from creating life. Its part of a females DNA, so that makes sense. Otherwise, we would have a very small human population.


Can't help myself....


I think I need to attach a disclaimer to each one of my posts so no one takes them so seriously. I'm blown away by some of the comments.


Might I reiterate that my comment was meant to be nothing more than a joke. You guys remember what the purpose of a joke is right? It's not a debate. It's not an argument about right or wrong. Hell, it wasn't even meant to be met with responses although some of them did crack me up a little. I guess while I'm commenting, might I add that in my own personal experience, I once took a shot to the junk, that not only landed me in the hospital for a week, but in a wheel chair for the following two weeks. In a word, painful. So, in retrospect, maybe I would take the pain of shooting an 8lb. bowling ball through my pee hole over getting kicked in the jimmy. I'd also like to add I was not drunk, for those all up in the kool aid not knowing the flavor. Thank you for being concerned about my well being though.


BTW the balls pain (and I heard even comparable to passing kidney stones) goes away after a while but the birthing process can take hours or days. Not even close to the same thing. Another one of these poor 'guy' things. We just need to 'man' up and quit being cry babies.


Another non-definitive question. My first wife gave birth less than 2 hours after her water broke. She went into the delivery room reading the jokes in the Readers Digest and laughing. She couldn't understand why all the others were hollering. As they put her on the delivery table our daughter was emerging. She said it felt like a big bowel movement. The doctor (this was a military facility in Oklahoma) said gee maam you'd make a good brood mare and then cut her (episiotomies was mandatory for military hospitals). That was the first sign of pain. She said they then stuck a bag of ice between her legs. Obviously not all births are equal in pain.


My ex-wife (we are still friends and she is the mother of my children and grandmother of my grandchildren), who has had two children both naturally, also had a heart attack. She has recovered and is doing well but she has something to add to the conversation. She says that a heart attack is MUCH more painful than childbirth.

Just to put that into the mix.


I can accept that line of reasoning. LOL


I can't say what it's like to deliver a baby. I didn't enjoy being hit in the scrotum. They're not the same and have different outcomes. I'm glad my wife put it all behind her and had our second child. Our kids make our lives more fulfilling.

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