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What was your favorite subject in High School?

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weeman Level 7 July 20, 2018

It inspired me to research REAL history and not settle for the packaged
version we were being fed.

I did not develop an interest in (human) history until well after I was out of school. At some point I discovered The Teaching Company, and the whole subject suddenly appealed to me much more.


Physics, chemistry and math.


English. I love to read and write.


Fine Art and Theater. I was/am not really talented in the fine arts. But I enjoyed it.


Science in Junior, Geology in Senior High. Modern History a close second.




My favorite subject was band. I was a Tuba player in Wind Symphony, a Sousaphone player in marching band, and a Pianist and Trumpet player in Jazz Band.





btroje Level 9 July 20, 2018

Girls!! Seriously, Math and Sciences, mostly Chemistry.


mathematics and films

IAS1 Level 5 July 20, 2018

Chemistry, physics and math.
The day I learned why rainbow colours appear when oil floats on water was the day science took over me.

Lukian Level 8 July 20, 2018

History and English

PaulD Level 5 July 20, 2018



History and Romanian literature.


High school was a long time ago

GwenC Level 7 July 20, 2018

I got straight A grades in skipping and pot smoking. Seriously, I was quoted in the school paper that music theory was one of the few classes I stayed awake in.


Everything... I was young and healthy. I could feel how learning was changing me. The process will continue until my last day



We ran pilot programs in our state for A+ and CCNA prep courses at our high school. I've built...hundreds of PCs, ran punchdowns (I never had to do the crawling in the ceiling bit) and I helped run the lines to network my old elementary school. I got shanked on the software portion of the A+ because it was the first year windows 2000 was on the test and we had no access to win2000 at our school (and i failed by 2 questions after acing the hardware portion.) First thing I ever failed, that was a little devastating, and I didn't have the money to take the test again 6 months later. The CCNA kicked my ass (failed by 15 questions) but unless you've already been a network administrator 5 years or more the odds of passing the CCNA on the first try are pretty low.

Otherwise, play production was a lot of fun, I ended up taking that one twice. We did All in the Timing (six short plays, including Variations on the Death of Trotsky) and we did an adaptation of Ant and the Grasshopper for the elementary schools the second time.


Geology and World History. It may have a little to do with how great my teachers were for that subject but it was the only classes where I could pay attention with ease.


Free period. Just kidding, it was history


History has always been my favorite subject


World History.
I think what me interested so much was the old saying, ' truth is stranger than fiction'.


English/Creative writing and history. I was also very fond of library science

I was also good at computer skills although there's been so many updates since then that now I feel like my grandma when she got a remote that had more than four buttons.

I was also insanely good at our fake stock market class which is weird because I had no idea what I was doing but I always ended up with at least 500k from a 200 dollar starting point. I guess I was the rainman of stocks


English and Geography.

@myownmind Me too, I actually read maps for fun! My husband got a satnav and I nearly killed him!

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