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What if you are wrong and there IS a god

Im atheist . And I get asked this often . Was curious to know other non believers answer to this . Without getting into to much detail my answer is simple. If I am wrong and im hell doomed for not believing then thats fine with me . Maybe hell is where I belong . Because there is just to many things in the bible itself I can't justify . Too many evilness . God murdered o don't know how many people including kids . He tortures gay people . Ect. I will not bow down before such an evil being . I also have questions for him as well. One being why has remain hidden ? Why did he leave behind no evidance of his existance? And even more confusing leave more evidence of him NOT existing and then throw us in flames for eternal torment for not believeing him ? If he does exist we have a mad man on charge and we should all be fearful of this lunitic . So send me to hell god because I would never follow you anyways

DavidDeLa89 6 Jan 9

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If I die and find myself brought before a god, that god is gonna have a whole lot of explaining to do.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

I always say. What if you are wrong and Hindus are right or the buddhist maybe the Greeks were right. With that logic there are over 3000 gods that man have invented you better get to praying to all of them to cover your ass


If there is a god, she will have a lot of explaining to do.


Very eloquently stated:


I would use Ron Reagan's famous saying "I'm not afraid of going to hell."
That like is saying we seriously doubt existence of imaginary God.


I was told that "god" is quick to forgive. So if I am wrong I will ask for forgiveness because he created me to question things and hey, I got it wrong. However, it ain't something that keeps me up at night.


I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the sadistic mother fucker.


Great.. then i can send more thoughts and prayers!!


He would have to beg my forgiveness and have one helluva good and thoroughly convincing excuse for all he has done or allowed to happen. Otherwise, I'd have no choice but to kill him. One cannot allow such evil to continue to exist.

@germangirl90439 I doubt I'd need it, but I may need help burying the body. Who can say what will happen after you kill a god? Maybe he'll just disappear in a poof of logic?

@germangirl90439 Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is to be credited for that.


Which god?


I live my life doing the right thing. Not because a book tells me to. Not because of fear of hell. But because I have known what it is like to Not be treated "right" .

I tell my students that they know what is good and right within themselves, so they need to do what is good and right, because it is good and right.

Perhaps I can market a candy to Seekers: Good and Right. 《chuckles》


Just b/c I end up being wrong, doesn't necessarily mean that Christians got it right. What if the Jews are right, Jesus is a phony, not the Messiah...and Yahweh sends you to hell for worshiping a false god? What if the Muslims are right, still the same god of Abraham, Issac, and Joshua...but you worshiped Jesus, so to the eternal human BBQ for you! What if there is a god who's named Odin, or Zeus, or Osiris? How do you know Protestant Christianity is right and not Orthodox, Catholic, Restorationism or Nontrinitarianism (Mormon or Jehovah Witness)? How do you know there is a god and ALL our religions didn't get it completely wrong?

Even if some proof of a god can be provided, there is still a huge burden of proof left to be addressed that your interpretation is 100% correct and infallible to 1) prove he/she/it made a hell and 2) what do I have to do to avoid it. Following your religion just because mommy and daddy told you too, when you have never practiced any others to see if they better miracles and revelations, isn't just putting all your eggs in one basket. It seeing the other baskets, and without any reasoning or experimentation, determining they won't hold your eggs b/c they aren't real baskets to begin with.

Although I must say, most religious people I meet are 100% basket cases! 🙂

As I have posted elsewhere, there seems to be more evidence for more than one god than for one god. If god(s) exists then they've all got it wrong.


I look at it the other way. If there is a cosmic justice, then faith on bad evidence is not the greatest justice. So I don’t live my life worried about Bronze Age myths.


If there is, then he must be a complete sadist!


I answer with the same question...
What if you are wrong and there is NO god?

Alexa Level 5 May 16, 2018

I will be very surprised.


Will deal with that if and when the evidence is provided and not until.


I don't believe in a heaven OR a hell. (Coincidentally while I was a Christian attending a number of different denomination's churches many of them insisted there was a heaven but no hell.) I also don't believe in an anthropomorphic deity. However, IF there was, I would not believe in a petty, tyrranical, punitive god. If god is supposed to be a model for morality then, as far as I'm concerned, there can't be a hell. As a seriously flawed human being I could not send people to the kind of hell describe in th bible or by Dante. If I can't, then a 'good' god should be utterly incapable of doing so. And to go one further, I see no reason why an anthropomorphic deity should represent the male rather than the female (as it was in the earliest religions).

In 'proper' Christianity hell doesn't exist. It is a construction of the Middle Ages. Dante's Divine Comedy is basically a commentary on characters and people from history and, according to their deeds, placing them in in the different levels of Hell, Purgatory and Heaven, framed by the then current (early C14th) medieval world view as expressed by the Catholic Church. For the first real expression of a geographical 'Hell' see The Myth of Er in Plato's Republic


I been Wrong before.

So have I. I think it was on a Thursday... 😛 (I could be mistaken about that).


Maybe, if God does exist ( I'm not saying he/she/it does or doesn't), the nature of God as known to mankind was just mankind creating God in OUR image.


There are over 3000 gods being worshipped, or a few gods being worshipped in 3000 different ways by most people and if you don't worship that god or gods in a certain way you will be damn . The Egyptian gods hold the record for time, I guess. The thing is if I wantedto worship a god it would be Odin . He came to rid the world of Frost giants.Jesus came to rid the world of sin.I don't see no Frost giants. The reason some don't believe in odin are the same reson I don't worry about jesus

Shep Level 4 Apr 11, 2018

Nah. It's easy to apologize and ask for forgiveness. But until such a time as that proof is presented, I shall remain entirely skeptical by lack of evidence.


Perhaps you can remind people who talk to you like that their God is supposed to be a forgiving and loving one.....therefore, no one - in theory - should end up in hell. 😉


I give the simple, short answer.... if I am wrong , than that fucker is going to have a lot to answer for when I get there....

Lmao . Yep he deffidently had some explaining to do


Then when I meet Him I'll say "Oh shit, sorry mate. Come down the pub and I'll buy you a couple of beers and we're even, yeah?"

Jnei Level 8 Jan 13, 2018
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