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Anyone else as surprised as I am that there are so many Atheist Republicans on here? I mean your political party is full of fanatical religious wingnuts yet here you are. Awkward. NOTE: pro-atheist-Republican commentary by Admin in comment

CMilena 5 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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This post is a good example of what we're trying to AVOID at The post is attacking ANOTHER ATHEIST for their political affiliation instead of realizing how important it is that we get MORE atheist Republicans ... or more Republicans turning atheist. Atheist Republicans need as much encouragement as we can offer even while disagreeing polically. They are an oppressed minority within their party. No need to ostracize them here, no?

BTW, I'm not bashing you... I really like your comments in general. Just venting myself!

Admin Level 9 Jan 9, 2018

I'm glad you didn't delete the post. This is how we continue to learn.

Why are all my posts blocked? I've sent you notes on Messenger. Thanks for responding.

While I agree that we should never attack people, we should be free to attack ideas. The Republican agenda is a litany of terrible ideas, for the most part. I would actually really enjoy having good conversations with people to the right of the political spectrum about these terrible ideas, but I've honestly yet to find someone who can cogently defend most Republican positions.

I don't think @CMilena was attacking atheists or even Republicans in general. I think she was questioning how an atheist can align themselves with a party that has become increasingly infected with religion. Perhaps most, if not all, of the atheists she knows are left leaning. I personally know many agnostics/atheists and can only think of one that I know is Republican.

@CMilena Think it is better left alone redacting solves nothing.

Actually, I don't mind a political discussion with an atheist of any party because they are open to reason, as am I. It helps me understand a wider perspective and what is at it's foundation so that I can make rational choices. There are a couple of Republican ideas that I agree with, though I am a definite liberal socialist and grew up in Europe. What I find fascinating is the religious influence in our government, which is occupied by many who are sworn - some from birth - to uphold their religious beliefs before the law of the land, in fear of damnation and eternal hell fires, and govern accordingly (mostly covertly) in the laws they make and enforce. All you have to do is sit in a Family Court to see the outcomes. So, yeah, politics are important when we talk about freedom from religion etc.


Let's all play nice folks. If this Liberal political junkie can be cordial we all can.


I think it is great that there are atheist Republicans. Maybe we can also guide them down the path out of the dark side.

I myself am a atheist republican. Unfortunately the republicans can’t win without the support of the religious right wing. Also unfortunately the democrats seem intent on destroying the economy with there high taxes and excessive regulations. Hell I seem the Democrats as a threat to my way of life.


If they’re atheistic, then their critical thinking skills can’t be all bad.


Yes. I have never seen a Republican agenda as having a basis in fact and the conformity of the Party is pretty disturbing. Conservatism seems incompatible with free thought.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 9, 2018

Really? It was an opinion question. Those are my opinions. Apparently they struck to close to home for you. Sorry, but I would disagree with you. Conservatism is fundamentally devotion to authority. Seemingly the only free thought in that formula is conformity as you attempt to impose on me. Considering the definition of free thought - "thinking that refuses to accept established views or teachings, especially on religion" - your complaint seems as baseless as your insult.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Gotta start somewhere.


Well I think the problem will be solved by educating the millennials and the boomlets on religion, the meaning of secular stated, mind manipulation and goverment propaganda that created most gullible Generation X and Babyboomers what they are today. That way when the next generation move into politics, we won't have this problem of church/religion entwined with state on the political/government stage.
Good Post Don't Delete.

Exactly my sentiments too! Bravo for articulating this!


Interesting thread here. Without commenting on others, I can only say that I could never support a political party that is closely linked to fundamentalist religions and policies. Without attacking individuals I do think there is question to ask about how people reconcile their political views with their views on religion. One further point: I don't think I have read any supporter of the Republican Party say here that they support the policies of this party but reject it's close association with Christian extremists. Maybe I missed that.


I am a independent if agnostic through a candidate in I would switch parties. Politicians both major parties are all out for one thing, that is what is the best way they can get your money and vote.


The admin comment looks like "can't we all get along" Attacking people pretty much closes the doors to persuasion if that is desired


Can you show me where is the "pro-atheist-Republican commentary by Admin in comment"? I've read through all the comments and don't see any such thing. I do see a comment admonishing you to be polite, but that's not political in any way. It's just saying that this is how the rest of us wish to present themselves on this site.

The comment clearly called for more republicans to become atheists.I think that's all that was meant by "pro-atheist-Republican."

I'm still not sure I could call it "pro-atheist-Republican." It seem more pro-atheist regardless of party.


Actually, I don't mind a political discussion with an atheist of any party because they are open to reason, as am I. It helps me understand a wider perspective and what is at it's foundation so that I can make rational choices. There are a couple of Republican ideas that I agree with, though I am a definite liberal socialist and grew up in Europe. What I find fascinating is the religious influence in our government, which is occupied by many who are sworn - some from birth - to uphold their religious beliefs before the law of the land, in fear of damnation and eternal hell fires, and govern accordingly (mostly covertly) in the laws they make and enforce. All you have to do is sit in a Family Court to see the outcomes. So, yeah, politics are important when we talk about freedom from religion etc.


I think that most atheist Republicans would be hesitant to admit it.


I guess I've never noticed the political affiliation of our members. I must admit, I assumed it was mostly liberal. But if it's true that we have a lot of conservatives, that's great. There are far too many conservatives that are completely closed minded about religion (or especially the lack of it) and are hardwired that their way is the only way. If we have conservatives on this site with liberals, perhaps we will all have a better understanding of the other. I'm all for it unless they are just here to argue, threaten, and otherwise disrupt our community. There are plenty of venues that Christians can trash our non-beliefs. We don't need it here. This is our place for conversation, discussion and like mindedness. There are way to few of this kind of space, and I'm grateful for it. Keep the believers out of this space. It's just for us!


Not all republicans are "wingnuts", but the GOP has certainly been hijacked by them.

godef Level 7 Jan 9, 2018

I think that all the major political parties (Republicans and Democrats) have a strong belief that the almighty will assist them in their quest for elective office. Except for the Libertarian party that believes the voter will decide WITHOUT religious influence. That's why I am a Libertarian candidate!


According to Trump, who says he is a atheist in his book The Art of the Deal, Christians do not do well in business. They are too soft.


Didn't know that many... they shall be ignored but in a nice way, maybe... but like in the movie "Braveheart" They may not be "Right in the head". A character flaw is a character flaw.


Trying to get past the run on sentence in the byline. And what is a "wingnut "?

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