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Who Are Better Drivers Men or Women?

It's not unusual to see the family out and about in the family car and the father is usually behind the wheel. Perhaps you see a couple either married or dating, and the guy is often the driver in the vehicle.

Majority of the commercial vehicles are driven by men such as 18 wheelers, transit buses and trains, construction vehicles and equipment etc.

Taking all of this into consideration, what is your opinion?

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twshield 8 Jan 10

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What do the insurers say?


I used to date a truck driver who swore that women were better, and he spent a lot of hours on the road. I think the whole idea that one gender is better than another is foolishness, every person is different and it's just separatism (division when we should be working together!).


Men usually get more experience driving by a long shot so they can be better although women are safer drivers, I think because of the macho issue of males when driving.


Try equally bad drivers


I rather be a passenger any day. I have no problem allowing others to drive my car.

The Beatles wrote a song about that.


I always cringe when lately quite a few times I see women drivers doing their hair or their make up while driving! I see a lot of women texting, mainly at the lights, so I guess that's okay.

Do men do more mileage on the road?

@twshield lol true


Two guys arguing at a bar. "Why is it that a woman can thread a whole real of cotton through a needle but cannot back an average sized car onto a driveway"? Now the poor hardworking lady behind the bar has heard enough of this BS, so she tells them, "You see that drinks mat that barely covers the bottom of your glass? Well all our lives we are told that that`s 9 inches!"


It hurts to say this but I have to go with the numbers. According to people who really know, ie the ones who make book on it, Its women. There was an insurance company in the UK offering lower rates for women called Sheilas wheels. Unfortunately it was told that this was discriminatory. As I told my daughter and her friends "the biggest killer of young women between 18 and 21 is their boyfriends driving",


Is this a 'trick' question ?


I heard that insurance companies would rate women as better divers in terms of accidents/claims (but this may be because of differing use) But the faction of society that are statistically the worst are Nuns. Also Iggy Pop did car insurance ads on UK tv a couple of years back for a company that historically wouldn't insure you if you put "Rock Musician" as you occupation. Life : A wicked little conundrum. PS All my women friends are better drivers than me. Big Love Andy


I think woman are safer. i drive like a nut lol


I have encountered bod and bad drivers of both genders. Netiher gender seems to stand out one way or the other.


Where's the banter guys, bloody hell! lol Come on!


I voted equal because it's a loaded question. 😉


women are safer but men are faster although even that is changing


I think other factors are at play, more to do with personality traits and views. A large part of which I think goes back to a basic question of whether or person is more competitive or more cooperative. My assumption is that people of a more cooperative nature make better drivers.


This is a loaded question. Statics shows that there more women in the world than men so only logic would say women have more accidents.

Statistics show the opposite - around 107 males are born for every 100 females and the global male:female ratio is 101:100 ( And statistically, female drivers have fewer accidents, as reported in the article VictoriaNotes linked to in her reply above (

@Jnei looked up the info you sent it is convoluted compared to what Wikipedia says.

Yet Wikipedia's info on the "Human sex ratio" comes directly from that page, which is linked in the citations! []


Go to the race track. How many women do you see driving race cars? very few. Although I have seen a few that were good.

I see it that men enjoy driving around in circles for hours on end... women... eh... not so much lol.

Could that perhaps be because the entire motorsports world is still very male-dominated, though? It's certainly the case in other sports that girls who show talent are rarely encouraged to consider a career in sport, whereas if a boy shows talent he'll often be supported and paths open up for him.

It could be. But driving skill, like anything else, improves with confidence and practice. A few of the women I have seen on the race track were quite good at it, and some that weren't that good showed considerable improvement over time.

strength comes into play as the neck and arms have to take a beating hence men have a slight advantage. I would assume that women being the care givers have a hardwired tendency to avoid the risk of death as well

strength comes into play as the neck and arms have to take a beating hence men have a slight advantage. I would assume that women being the care givers have a hardwired tendency to avoid the risk of death as well


I'm not driving very far these days but based on experience being on the road as a Sales Manager I would say men and women are equal.

Majority of accidents occur in small radius from you home... because you are frequently in that area... less likely for accident further away, since you are not there often... I'll google those studies if ya like, lazy this morning lol


Why don't you ask... according stats who has the most fatal accidents? Not that you will be surprised of the results. But will give you a different take on your quest for better. Because men are more dangerous drivers.


Guys the question is clearly meant in the 'general' sense.

should not a question ever be ask in the general sense since we already know the answer? the general sense.

should not a question ever be ask in the general sense since we already know the answer? the general sense.

should not a question ever be ask in the general sense since we already know the answer? the general sense.

should not a question ever be ask in the general sense since we already know the answer? the general sense.

should not a question ever be ask in the general sense since we already know the answer? the general sense.


Skill is not gender specific. I've encountered talented and horrid drivers of both genders (and any in between). In my experience, men used to do the driving as an outshot of general (church sanctioned) patriarchy within the family.

My late husband used to do the driving because he was a control freak who felt unsafe with anyone else at the helm. It did not matter who or what gender.

Zster Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

When I was married I did a great deal of the driving. Ex was so easily distracted and just a mush brain behind the wheel. Post divorce the children have taken trips with their dad, and now they REFUSE to be in a car in which he is the driver.

When I was married I did a great deal of the driving. Ex was so easily distracted and just a mush brain behind the wheel. Post divorce the children have taken trips with their dad, and now they REFUSE to be in a car in which he is the driver.

When I was married I did a great deal of the driving. Ex was so easily distracted and just a mush brain behind the wheel. Post divorce the children have taken trips with their dad, and now they REFUSE to be in a car in which he is the driver.


Although I always argue men and women have equal average intelligence, women tend to be more risk-averse and don't do so much stupid stuff as men - so I'm going to say, on average, definitely women.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

Its about the person.. not the gender.

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