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What is your favorite movie?

Be honest. Mine is the original Winnie the Pooh. I saw it as a kid but the animators brought those characters to life. The voices were perfect. Oh, Pooh!

Now your turn, have fun

jwd45244 7 Aug 8

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Back to the Future. Part 1


All marvel movies. All of them.

Aside from them my favorite movie is V for Vendetta though it hits way too close to home lately

V for Vendetta is downright scary, now.


Harold and Maude (1971)

That was a great one.


One of my all time a kid anyway (but still love it today!) was Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factory. (Gene Wilder version)

That’s a wonderful one!


I have so many favorites but my current favorite is Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.


Thelma and Louise! I know, it says a lot about me huh.


The Crow.


Boogie Nights


Thelma and Louise and The Color Purple.

I saw a review of "Thelma and Louise" in a car magazine where it was described as the story of 2 horrible women who thoughtlessly destroy a beautiful classic 1966 Thunderbird. 😀

@ldheinz The men drove them to be bad! I don't know if the car was destroyed, it did not show it. ?

@Presley1209, this was car guys telling a joke. It was funny because car guys thought the story was about the car, not the women. And they drove the car off a cliff, so clearly everyone died, including the car.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

So close. So close!


Sci-Fi non-series: Edge of Tomorrow
Sci-Fi series: Star Wars
Drama: Forrest Gump
Action: Armageddon
Fantasy: Avatar
Classic: The Sound of Music
Horror: Cube
War: Saving Private Ryan
True Story: Hidden Figures
Comedy: Spaceballs
Rom-Com: Notting Hill
Western: Cowboys and Aliens

I preferred the Cube 2: Hypercube

@Leo716 I think I preferred Cube just because I was caught so off guard by the opening scene and the whole concept. It was such and insane blew me away the first time I saw it...and the math aspect was very original I thought.


Action - V for Vendetta
Classic - It's a Wonderful Life
Comedy - Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Documentary - Monty Python's Life of Brian


At the of sounding cliche, 'Inherit the Wind', but it really is. Twelve Angry Men as well. I'll add others as they come to mind. What's the equivalent of a newspaper Think Piece in the move business?

sxc Level 3 Aug 8, 2018

this may shock a lot of folks who know me to be a life-long Star Trek and Star Wars fan -
but my favorite movie is Donnie Darko, with CLUE as a close second.


Fight Club


Today it’s Star Wars (all of them). Tomorrow might be The Hobbit (1st 2) or maybe LOTR (all of them).


Lost In Translation. I just love the way these two lonely strangers connect, and the music and the atmosphere make it all the more meaningful.


The Godfather 1&2. I don't care if it's two movies. I always watch them
together, so it's one.

I just re-watched those with my son, who never saw them. A lot of the tropes in subsequent gangster movies and shows started with GF 1 and 2, and they look a little dated since we are accustomed to the derivatives, but they largely hold up quite well.

@zeuser Watching it right now. Part 2 just started.


Once Upon A Time In The West


Harry Nilsson's 'The Point'.
It was one of my favorites when I was a kid.
I still watch it again every now and again.


Once Upon A Time, there was Sergio Leone

You and I seem to appreciate Mr. Sergio Leone's work.


Casablanca. With Bladerunner and The Good, The Bad , and The Ugly not far behind.


A Fistful of Dollars.


Training Day

DSOM Level 3 Aug 8, 2018

The Dark Crystal.



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