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LINK Misogyny hate crime: new research reveals true scale of issue – and how the public are united against it

However, as with all hate crimes and crimes and incidents against women, reporting levels remain very low. Society has consistently underplayed violence against women and girls in contexts other than the street, including domestic violence within the home. In fact, only 6.6% of victims reported incidents of misogyny hate crime to police. This is partly due to factors including the “normalisation” of these incidents in wider society, fear of not being taken seriously and/or fear of victim blaming.

zblaze 7 Aug 27

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I have always reported the attacks that were made upon me. Tho most officers of the peace where professional, there were a few nasty ones who blamed the victim. I felt it was my duty to have a record & perhaps some evidence to provide for future incidents. What does one do when the perp is a daily encounter, as on a delivery route or a bus driver? Dilemas few men have to be concerned with. The problem is patriarchy. Take back the night. Sisterhood is powerful. Show up 2020!


The heart of the problem is the one woman one man family model propagated by the pedofil church. The bread earner controls his family, keeps his wife in the kitchen and rules freely. The solution is a free, unconventional lifestyle.

zesty Level 7 Mar 19, 2019

I always felt the heart of the problem is the glorification of aggression. Aggression is often viewed as a manly ,positive assertion of one's worth that demands respect. The opposite is viewed as weak, silly, frilly and not to be taken seriously. Humans still have a far way to travel to reach the destination of being civilized.


Society has underplayed violence against men much more. And when it is reported, cops just shrug it off, where as women typically have the option of counseling, shelters, and many protections. Men have no recourse, at least from what I have seen in south USA states and in California. I know first hand.

How about we all agree violence is bad, regardless of playing the SJW sexist game?

@Gwendolyn2018 Below is a link. Essentially, violence against men is typically ignored and this study put the ratio at about 50/50. I read another study (can't find the link, sorry) that stated while women are quantitatively more violent (more occurrences), men do more physical damage during the encounters. It then went on to argue the emotional damage is greater due to the ridicule men in this situation face from LEO and society when it is reported. It also touched on the lack of resources for men (no men's shelters, little justice in the court system, sympathy from counselors, etc).


@Gwendolyn2018 again...all the social problems in the world are solely b/c of men. We probably could, except the current 3rd wave feminists fight against real equality. I mean if it came down to splitting the available government funds for equal men/women shelters, or even taking 10% for men away from and I both know that shit wouldn't happen. It would be called misogynistic and unneeded, since any pain felt by men is what they deserve for setting up the patriarchal system to begin with, right? know you live in and support that system with taxes, voting, participating in society, etc? I mean for the last 100 years since the suffrage movement, your sex has had the ability to enact changes. But just like the ERA in the 70s when women started to realize that equality meant equality, not cherry picking the good and disregarding the bad, that shit fell apart real quick.

Anyway, I am sorry...I assumed you actually wanted to talk about the issue, not push some b.s feminist SJW agenda. I guess faced with an actual study and the numbers you requested, that's all you got to fall back on.

@Gwendolyn2018 Here's a link to your current matricharical societies. Certainly not movers and shakers in world economics or politics, and while I'm not omniscient, I am fairly well educated in world geography and haven't heard of any of these countries till now.


Sure, many ancient and some current societies practice those things, but to say today, in modern America, we have a patriarchal society is ludicrous. I will agree there is left over vestiges of chivalry and perception of women as the weaker sex from the past, but I disagree it's a patriarchal society (men only) pushing that agenda. We have a society where men have been told and are expected to treat women as equals, while at the same time open the door, pick up the date tab, and go check out any noises in the house at night. I agree it needs to change, but either intentional or not, your comments about "patriarchy" lays the blame all at men's feet, and disregards women who are more than willing to allow sexual inequality to continue when it benefits them. This isn't specific to women, it's human nature, but don't play the women are completely innocent in perpetuating this system. They have had far too many freedoms, for far too long, to not be implicated in pandering to a system they can use and manipulate to their advantage (family courts - child custody/alimony/child support, conviction rates and sentencing, selective service and combat duty, etc).

And you didn't address my point. Do you actually believe that if any state or federal legislation was presented that took money away from women's issues to be more equitable in covering men's issues (let's say either men's domestic violence programs or prostrate cancer vice breast cancer research funding), feminist would be, "Yea, that's great. We're all about equality and don't mind sharing some of the pie on this!" Perceptions do need to change, but while women cry victim the loudest and expect men to act like the white knight, saying it's all the men's fault for giving into the manipulation is dishonest logic IMO.

@Gwendolyn2018 "I will agree there is left over vestiges of chivalry and perception of women as the weaker sex from the past, but I disagree it's a patriarchal society (men only) pushing that agenda." - oh, so I didn't hear you? I'm just a close minded male who is the cause of all the problem due to my inability to converse and discuss a topic. Please...

Instead of directly answering my question again, you deflect. Sorry,I don't think it's b/c you think I am sexist. I think it has to do that you know women wouldn't go for true equality, but don't have a way to blame men, therefore you refuse to answer directly.

@Gwendolyn2018 You were very patient. I would've said not to waste your breath here. A more biased viewpoint I have yet to find. I can only answer for my country but here in Australia one woman is killed daily, as a result of domestic violence. I know domestic violence occurs to men. My own brother is a victim and because he is co-dependent he continues to return to the bitch. But to infer that women are just as violent or predatory as men is just preposterous. Apart from that Stephen King movie, how many women keep men in the basement?

These are the statistics from our last census: there were 3,094 women and 35,745 men in Australian adult corrective services facilities. I don't know what they are in USA but can only imagine they're comparable.

@DarrelScott Can I ask why you didn't leave the violent household. Many women are fearful of being tracked down and beaten more.

@DarrelScott I am sorry for your bad experience with these two women. However if you look above to @Gwendolyn2018 's post you will see the kind of experiences I hear from women. While you can say "I will make sure I never see either of them again" Women who experience domestic violence continue to live in fear, continue to look over their shoulder for years and years, expecting him to turn up and kill them.

@DarrelScott ok ok. Men have it far worse than women because they are not heard. Women are all evil bitches waiting to entrap and beat men. These days women have ALL the power and men have none.

@MsDemeanour Why do you resort to strawman argumets - and who cares who has it worse if both groups are experiencing the issue? Neither I nor @DarrelScott ever said "Women are all evil bitches", although it seems low intelligent people equate the MRM as saying that. Do you believe all men are evil assholes as you support the WRM? Why do you not care that your brother, son, or grandson be abused and have no recourse or protection? Why do you seem to view equality and protection from violent people as a zero sum game between the sexes? Can't BOTH men and women have the expectation of not being abused, or at least the same expectations of safety and justice if it does?

How can we have equality when so many feminists "openly opposing the very idea that male victims of domestic violence should get ANY help whatsoever." []

How is it equality when "Men are turned away from most domestic violence shelters. Men do not meet eligibility to receive aid from most domestic violence support organizations by virtue of being men, which is nothing short of overt discrimination, sexism and bigotry." []


I reported sexual assault to my mom by a doctor relative who was a gynecologist, when I was getting a routine physical required by our Haiti mission, and my mom ignored me.

I learned that nobody would listen to me or believe me so I started carrying weapons and took karate defense classes.

When my 15 year old daughter was sexually assaulted by a college student, and I tried to file charges with the DA, he warned me that all that would happen is that my daughter would smeared in public as a whore who deserved it, and that no charges would stick.

Years later, my daughter said her grandfather groped her under her skirt when she was little, but she was afraid to tell me for fear of my causing a scene and family rift. Sure enough, when I finally heard about it and told other family members, they only attacked both of us as liars.

Sadly, that sounds typical


Another sad thing in our loves that needs to change


It is Dangerous to speak up in a domestic violence situation, Very dangerous! As a survivor, back before there were any hot lines or shelters, I know this is true! It is also tough to probably lose your job, or at least get black-balled forever, in your field if you speak out! Sort of like what gays have had to go through, but there IS, I believe, a "critical mass" of reporting/protesting, that when reached can benefit All....i hope to see this level reached in my lifetime!
When people start to see there are more abused people than they can comfortably ignore, and how it effects Everyone, they are forced to confront their own reactions...just as it was easy to harm/isolate/ignore gays, until it turned out to be your daughter, son, etc etc etc.....

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