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What’s an addictive mobile device game?

Mine would have to be Cake Crush Mania. I get lost in myself playing that game!

EmeraldJewel 7 Aug 31

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Bubble cloud and any Tetris like game.


Porn. lol. 🙂


Ingress! Join green ??

JeffB Level 6 Aug 31, 2018

Candy Crush Saga and sequels. Very colourful. Swipes the stress away. Keeps me diverted during long-haul flights.


Candy crush soda.


Plants vs Zombies
The Bard's Tale

I used to play both on Android tablets, but I quit because I have to sleep sometimes.

JimG Level 8 Aug 31, 2018

I suppose it depends on what games you like. As far as “Match Three or more” games is involved, I would have to say that Homescapes is my favorite. An interactive story-game, Telltale’s The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us are both excellent. Criminal Case is also good for the “I Spy” styles games.

The Wolf Among Us is fantastic

@wick3dwond3rland I loved TWAU! Bigby was awesomely portrayed.


Simon's Cat - Crunch Time

1 It just fits into my brain like a key. I finally had to uninstall it! (....and then a couple of weeks later I installed it again)


I had a Windows phone (two actually) over a 4 year period. In the Windows app environment (which is ridiculously bad) was a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game called Age of Sorcery. It's a campaign game played on a huge map. You choose a faction (Holy or Dark, I was Dark, of course), and then you can either play solo, or join an alliance. Joining an alliance accelerated your progression through the game by adding to your bonuses. It was terribly addictive and probably the only reason I continued for two more years with the Windows phone. LOL! I quit cold turkey when I got my Android phone because this game isn't available there.


Wlaking dead games are good. If you want simplier stuff theres a great pinball game I can't remember the name of..its ferking awesome


Gardenscapes was a real addiction to me for a while


I had to uninstall Pokemon Go ??

That’s what I am addicted to

@HeraTera yeah I went down the rabbit hole... Pretty far ?

@Sirena I'm still in wonderland 😀

0 is my mobile addiction. I'm almost at level 9 so that should tell you something. I'm not much of a gamer.


??‍♂️I've been playing Final Fantasy XV a new empire for over a year. Terrible lopsided pay to win mobile game. But I've been playing with the same people the whole time and it's a great way to make friends, especially if you're too busy to have a social life.?


angry birds fan, great game to kill some time with.


I got into CastleVille Legends for a while


Bigfish casino


Fire Metal Skylord !


Animation Throwdown. It's a battle card game with characters from Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, American Dad, King of the Hill and Futurama. I love it <3


Two Dots


I suppose it depends on what games you like. As far as “Match Three or more” games is involved, I would have to say that Homescapes is my favorite. An interactive story-game, Telltale’s The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us are both excellent. Criminal Case is also good for the “I Spy” styles games.




Does Snood have an app?


Toy blast and toon blast


Angry Birds Friends

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