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There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...

Dear friends,

This is my first real rant... breaking out that soap box.

Agnostic has broadened my world and introduced so many lovely people into my life that I deeply enjoy the company of. Our conversations are sometimes fun and lighthearted, other times intense and intellectual. I've learned many things from this community and the people in it.

That said, there is this tired old debate. One where agnostics and atheists can't seem to agree on definitions for the words. I'm not going to sit here and post telling all of you that people misunderstand and they need to be taught! That is so demeaning and presumptuous when people do that. It's preaching and coaching rather than talking to someone like a peer. I respect all of you as peers and fellow critical thinkers, so...

I can tell you my own interpretation based on the digging that I've done. I won't ask you to agree with it. All I ask is you do what you already do, think critically. Be open minded. And, most of you are pretty cool and respectful peeps, so I don't think I need to say it-- but there is always one person that needs the reminder. So, here it is! Please play nice. ; )

Disclaimer: if you want to call yourself an agnostic, atheist, agnostic atheist-- whatever, it's your choice based on what fits you most comfortably. The term you choose for yourself is what matters more than my interpretation of the words.

Ah, so for almost 20 years, I've said I was an atheist. After joining agnostic, someone ranted about atheism and agnosticism being mutually exclusive. That someone made me re-evaluate my own thinking. I started digging into the words a little more... and then I started questioning my own bias.

Was I calling myself atheist, because I rejected the dogma of religion (which on an emotional level really pisses me off)? When I thought about it, I could only reject certain gods. Because there was not only no proof of these gods, the evidence was stacked against the holy books these gods are defined in.

  1. I absolutely do not believe the Abrahamic god as portrayed in the bible or similar holy texts is real. These holy texts disprove themselves with contradictions and inaccuracies.

  2. I do not reject the idea of the possibility of a creator of some sort. I do not believe it. But, I do not disbelieve it.

  3. My beliefs and disbeliefs are based on facts and evidence. I will shift beliefs regardless of my feelings, if the facts and evidence align.

*When I looked into the terms atheist and agnostic here is the defining difference😘

Definition of atheism
1 a : a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b : a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods

Definition of agnostic
1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

*The difference between the two, per Merriam-Webster (and I agree with this interpretation, which is why I regularly quote it)😘

Many people are interested in distinguishing between the words agnostic and atheist. The difference is quite simple: atheist refers to someone who believes that there is no god (or gods), and agnostic refers to someone who doesn’t know whether there is a god, or even if such a thing is knowable. This distinction can be troublesome to remember, but examining the origins of the two words can help.

Agnostic first appeared in 1869, (possibly coined by the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley), and was formed from the Greek agn?stos (meaning "unknown, unknowable" ). Atheist came to English from the French athéisme. Although both words share a prefix (which is probably the source of much of the confusion) the main body of each word is quite different. Agnostic shares part of its history with words such as prognosticate and prognosis, words which have something to do with knowledge or knowing something. Atheist shares roots with words such as theology and theism, which generally have something to do with God.

Depending on your interpretation, I could be defined as an atheist or an agnostic. Atheist if we're talking ONLY about the Abrahamic god. But, why was I defining myself as if Christianity was the anchor of the definition?

In broad strokes, I realized agnostic fits better for me. I don't know if a god or creator exists. And, if I have to label myself, I prefer to think in general.

Some people call themselves agnostic atheists. Per wiki, one of the earliest definitions of agnostic atheism is that of Robert Flint, in his Croall Lecture of 1887–1888 (published in 1903 under the title Agnosticism).

I understand the intent behind the conjoined term, but in my mind these two concepts contradict. How can you both not believe (disbelieve) and claim unknowability? Why have both terms at all, aren't you just agnostic if you require evidence?

But, I suppose it comes from the desire to say, I disbelieve until someone proves otherwise. Which, I do get. But, agnostics don't believe anything without evidence either. So, I don't feel the need to put the terms together. Though, I don't find I need to argue with people who do want to put them together. It does make it's point, which is the whole purpose of labels to begin with. So, OK.

ah, semantics

To sum this up, in my opinion there is no perfect term, label, or word for me. I use labels as a general means to find things that interest me under these headings and to connect with people who generally share my viewpoint-- or at least share the desire to reject dogma and examine things critically.

This rant is only because I've seen several people try to "educate" others on the definitions. To tell everyone they are wrong and have a misconception. This has long been debated and really, to what end? There isn't a good conclusive resource to say side A is right and side B is wrong, so why keep bringing it up? To educate people without a strong source to reference is against the very concept of freethinking. It's better to say "my opinion is..." or "my interpretation is..." and even myself, I cannot claim that I am right and others are wrong. There is no really good corroboration for either side here. Our sources don't even really agree.

Truth be told, I hate labels anyway. I don't feel the need to have a specific tattoo of either agnostic or atheist. Those of you who know me get the gist of what I do and don't believe. I hate dogmatic thinking-- that's the end game.

Fuck the labels. If you don't like dogma, you are my people, my tribe, and I'm good with whatever definition you want to use.

Seriously, call yourself whatever you want, friends.

If you read to the end, thank you for hearing me out. This is the longest blurb I've written. I will now step off my soap box.

With ❀


silvereyes 8 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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303 comments (276 - 300)

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Without labels we can not exist as we can not exist without words.

And that's good until we just create and use labels.

But at the moment labels conquer our thinking and program it, things can get worse.
Therefore, we must always leave blank drawers in our brain for "types" that are new and unknown for us, or are in a “between” position; and not only to see labels instead of the people behind them.

I also do not think atheism and agnosticism is the same thing. The agnostic stance with regard to things that can not prove are not provable would be better suited to any truth-seeker and would contribute to the objectivism of scientists, researchers, scholars, writers, etc.

But there are many disturbing things in , whose absurdity can be proven (for example, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception). This is where agnostics, atheists, and any kind of truth-seekers can meet.


But if you hate or disagree with The labels, why discuss? I always thought the agnostic term was a bit of a cheat, bit of a non- commit all type stance. If you can’t believe in any god, then you are automatically named an atheist.
To me the possible other theory is alien intervention from way back. The research is very defendable given the monuments left and scriptures indicating this.
As you said, it is a totally individual opinion and should be respected as such. Just joined so not sure of the format of these discussions x


Knowing and believing are two different trains of thought, so you can be both at once.


Most often I find people employ a mutually exclusive category error, claiming you have to be one or the other. But an agnostic is a type of atheist. To be a rational agnostic you have also to be an atheist. Not all atheists are agnostic, and some strange and irrational people might claim to be theist agnostics, but mainly all agnostics are atheistic too.


I'm agnostic, not atheist. I know the difference. Atheists, on the other hand, are actually agnostic, but don't know it.
Glad I could clear that up.


I am neither Agnostic or Atheist or religious. I am Secularist/ Humanist/Spiritualist.


to me it's quite simple. i consider myself an atheist b/c i don't believe in a god that could give a shit (if gods shit) about the human race.
however, i do not disbelieve the possibility that there is a superior intelligence out there so that there could be a supreme being.


It is very simple:

Q1 "Does a god exist?"
A1 "I don't know, I'm agnostic."
Q2 "Do you believe that a god exists?"
A2 "No, I'm an atheist."

No sane atheist would claim to be able to prove the non-existence of a god, hence any sane atheist is also agnostic.

The answer for the first question would be
Define the god you are asking about.
Then show the definition don't make sense, so the question has no meaning.
If I ask if a sgrublesn exists, you would need a definition of it, If i gave a definition that is self contradictory, you would simply say that it makes no sense.
Just because we get used with the god term and it became kind of instinctive to work with the concept, does not avoid that when you think about it, there is no coherent definition of it to start working on the existence question.

No, I'm agnostic. I don't know.


I hear you on this. I call myself an atheist to make it clear I’m a nonbeliever, and also to fight against the stigma again non believers. As if to say “I’m an atheist, this is what we look like.”

Marz Level 7 Feb 17, 2019

But you're not.


How does this keep turning up as a new post, when in fact it's the Halley's Comet of the Community, the Old Faithful, the Oh No Not You Again!, Oldie but a Goodie, just when you thought it was safe to go back into the

For the record, I commented eons ago, stating my atheist credentials on it. Can't remember when, but I know I had more hair back then. 🙂

You can call yourself whatever. In reality you're agnostic.


Nice text, I agree.
Strong atheism believe in the non existence due to lack of evidences.

Weak atheism is a refusal to believe, just working and taking decisions based on data and facts.

I am using this terminology because on the day to day life and decisions, both will act as if there is no entity.

Go read on Ignosticism, I think is the next step after agnosticism XD

Ignorance is bliss.


@silvereyes. Is it not true that this flame up between agnostics and atheists has mostly subsided on this site, compared to the first months of the operation of the site? Seems to me that the two "sides" have accepted that while differences exists, sometimes irreconcilable differences of opinion, that amongst the coalition of the non-religious, we are all ultimately on the same side?



i will quote isaac asimov:

“I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long time to say it. I've been an atheist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually unrespectable to say one was an atheist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn't have. Somehow, it was better to say one was a humanist or an agnostic. I finally decided that I'm a creature of emotion as well as of reason. Emotionally, I am an atheist. I don't have the evidence to prove that God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time.”

now i will quote myself: i can't be an agnostic because i know that there is no tooth fairy, even though i've had more evidence of a tooth fairy than of a deity of any sort. i am not unsure. i feel sure. i don't think i have to prove to myself that the sidewalk (still) exists (or ever existed) by checking every morning. some things are so ridiculous that we DO know, even without proof, because of that good ol' not being able to prove a negative thing. i can't be an agnostic about every damned thing in the world. logic prevails, logic and observation, and those things tell me there are no gods, not abrahamic, not anything that fits any definition of god. (therefore i also am not "spiritual." ) i like prometheus a lot but nope, he's not real either.

that doesn't mean i think agnostics are fools. that only means i can't be one.


You're agnostic whether you like it or not. Period.

@Storm1752 you don't get to tell me who or what i am. period.


@genessa i just did. Again. You just think 'atheist' sounds cooler. It SOUNDS ignorant.

@Storm1752 no, you just thought you did. and i don't give a shit about what sounds cool, and you have no clue about why i call myself an atheist, although i thought i explained it fairly well. but if you're going to be disrespectful, then you won't get to call me anything anymore. you are the one who sounds ignorant.



Very well written and reasoned.

I have always operated under the definitions you shared above.

I’m quite comfortable in my atheism. I’m also comfortable with the agnostics uncertainty and the faith of the religious. To each their own.


Agnostics are cautious theist..

False. Agnostics are agnostics. Everybody is.

@Storm1752 just curious, why is your opinion better than mine to the point where you can pronounce it false?

Agnostics have opinions. I myself don't believe there's a god. The most strident fundamentalist Christian has his opinions, and HE'S agnostic. Everybody is. Opinions are irrelevant.

@Storm1752 so you won't give me credit for KNOWING there's no god? No doubtful, on the fence, but KNOWING..

@Touched Oh, so you claim you KNOW? Finally! A true atheist! Thank you! However, since it is not possible to rationally KNOW such a thing, sans concrete evidence, it therefore follows you are irrational and deluded. But you ARE an atheist. Congratulations!?

@Storm1752 yes I'm a true atheist.. trust me, I KNOW there's no god... I also know there's no devil and no monagrhomes...

@Touched Thank you. You can SAY that, but you're speaking as would a believer who says he KNOWS there IS a god, with absolutely no evidence to support your contention.Many atheists try to have it both ways, with no credibility. If they ssy they're NOT sure, then they're not an atheist, they're agnostic. If they ARE sure, they're no different than the people they mock.
I KNOW there's no way fir you to logically claim certainty, therefore you are illogical. Hence, atheism if defined as a certainty is as much of a fraud as any belief system, and I appreciate you being honest about it.
Thus, despite people's attempts to blur the distinctions and say the terms are synonymous there are sharp differences. From my point of view, agnosticism is the only supportable position.

@Storm1752 there's such a thing as evidence or lack there of.. there's such a thing as history or lack there of....there's such a thing as over imagination, laws of physics, and just plain common sense...f you don't see the difference between a "believer" and an "atheist" have a great this case a lack of evidence regarding such an incredible claim is evidence to the contrary

@Storm1752 i also stick by my statement that an agnostic is a cautious atheist..


Phew! What a long post and a well written one. It reminds me of Voltaire's Zadig. Zadig came across two groups of people at a temple and they were almost at each other's throats with one group saying that a person should enter the temple with the right foot stepping first and the other group who argued that the left foot should be the first foot to enter the temple. Zadig resolved the matter by jumping into the temple with both feet together.

Also, the scene where Alice meets Humpty Dumpty in Alice Through the Looking Glass, springs to mind. One of the many activities of men and women consists in slapping derogatory labels on one another, especially those with whom they disagree. It is as though by name calling they feel or imagine that they have somehow defined and confined that which they find disagreeable.

We're all agnostic. Period.


It's certainly not black and white. Like with music genres, it's all a blur, and as you point out, much of it depends on how an individual defines it for themselves. You say potato... blah!

godef Level 7 Feb 17, 2019

A person’s opinion about religion is of little importance. Dressing up your opinion with some grand label does not change the fact that we are all abysmally ignorant about the ultimate nature of reality, including ourselves and conscious awareness itself, which is the only thing that enables this discussion.

THANK YOU. All these people yammer on about what they "believe" and "not believe" when they don't KNOW anything and are just blowing smoke. Everybody is agnostic and it doesn't MATTER what they think.


I'm still working with freethought tho.


Silvereyes,. Great post. I can't get past the question about if you believe in God and if so how sure you are. An atheist is 100% sure and agnostics are usually 99.9% sure there is no God. What is missing as you point out is the definition of faith in a God. If someone asks if you believe in God they usually are asking if you believe in the Judeo-Christian version. To that I answer that if I am the one defining what God is then the answer is yes. A non personal , non judgemental life force that is truly ineffable fits easily into my personal belief system. Do you believe in metaphysics , would a better question and for me the answer would be no 100%. That one question aetheist/agnostic is as hard to answer as it is answering my front door when a Jehovah Witness is knocking on it.

Don't tell me what I believe or what agnostics 'usually' believe. I'm 0% there us a god, and 0% there is no god. Stop being so damn sure.


I can identify. Maybe I am an agnostic atheist. I was once a believer in the Abrahamic god but have come to realize that there is no proof of any gods and various holy books are only the writings of those who believe. The books are written by men and not supreme beings. What is a god? Having a god who is greatly concerned about my sex life is disturbing. Make this god all powerful and yet have him unable to do things is more disturbing yet. It gets much worse when I discover how the holy books were assembled and how long it took to get them in our present forms today. Belief in gods of any sort is much worse than science fiction.

Belief in there NOT being a god is just as bad. You don't know. At all. Admit it.

@Storm1752 Nobody on either side of the god argument has any proof for or against that argument. This is the basis of the entire argument. Yes, we do not know.


Nice post.
The only exception I take to the wording occurs in the following portion of a sentence:
"The difference is quite simple: atheist refers to someone who BELIEVES that there is no god (or gods)," (emphasis mine).
Because many "religionists" argue that atheism is simply another "belief system" when, in fact, it's the lack of belief. The concept of depending on demonstrable facts rather than blind faith in beliefs.
It's a minor point in semantics for us, but those dependent on "faith" use it to argue atheism is just another "faith", which is SO wrong, IMHO.
PS: I realize that the "definition you quoted actually says what I'm saying but I wanted to clarify that, at least for me, belief itself doesn't demand "facts" and so I avoid applying it to myself.

Einstein was constantly badgered and misunderstood because he used the word "god" when he never intended to claim any belief in any personal god whatsoever. His "god" was the universe and how it stood, without sentience of any kind.
Sorry I kind of rambled there. ?

You're agnostic. You just think atheist sounds cooler.


This was well thought-out, and well written, thank you for sharing your thoughts and the result of your searching and cogitating! Agnostic and atheist are similar terms, but, yes, they define different perspectives. I call myself an atheist because I strongly believe that there is no god (or are no gods), and that works for me.

Zdx"Call" yourself what you want. You ARE agnostic.

@Storm1752 - according to the definition above, I am (and will continue to refer to myself as) an atheist! But thanks!


I agree with you and without having done all that research I started calling myself an agnostic atheist. My reasoning was I don't believe in a god or gods like in religion. The agnostic part is because I like to recognize that I don't know what could be , especially when it comes to a power that is the universe , like the laws of physics and quantum mechanics there may be power but I don't believe in a personal God or a Creator God. I guess it's the word god . Its hard to leave off the connotations we grew up with like an old man sitting on a throne in judgment. So just because I believe in something like a higher power or a force in the universe I still think in terms of being an atheist because I don't believe in the gods of religion. Or a god thats separate from religion but is in control of our lives or things that happen.I'm starting to think more and more about other dimensions I do believe we know very little about what's really going on. Anyway thanks for your thoughtful and informative post.

You can "think in terms of" anyghing you wish. But you don't KNOW sh*t. Ergo: agnostic.


even An atheist doesn’t know but more inclined to say no rather than maybe

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