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What political party do you consider yourself to be?

I've noticed that many non theist folks tend to have left leaning political beliefs. So I'm just curious what you lean towards.

AlphaHellhound 4 Jan 21

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50 comments (26 - 50)

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I don't like party politics. I want something else.


Independent, but with a leaning toward democratic socialism. I don't vote along party lines.


social democrat or progressive.


I have always been very liberal and have never voted for a Republican in my and never plan to. Depending on the office and the candidates as well as what’s at stake usually determines my vote. 2000 was a perfect example. I wanted to vote for Nadar but felt like I needed to vote for Gore. To many people did vote for Nadar which gave us Bush who ran the country into the ground. I was, and am, a proud Bernie supporter. Just imagine if the last 366 days had been with Bernie! Instead we have fascism


Democratic socialist or social democrat period


Uhm......we got it. 😉 I'm going to guess you did not mean to post that five times, right?


I am registered independent. if agnostic or atheist had a party I would switch in a heartbeat to that.

@Marcus_Angelus There is another idea floating around fundamentalist there are too many stipulations that go with either concept communist is about government control where capitalist think the wealthy control is more beneficial. If they were to put the control to the intelligent they would find a middle ground as to both sides of the scale would balance out. example You want the military to be strong so you would fortify but in turn teachers are underpaid so (this is just an example) you make teachers with suitable standards {would not expect a teacher to have the physical ability that a mainstream military unit would have}. military with ranks and higher pay grades for the more educated teachers. To be in any elected position you need to have served in at least 1 year of military duty in turn you get to examine the teachers so as they are fit to be a candidate to be a teacher. The business would be self regulated but have standards for the amount of people they employ. say a company is making X number of dollars a month that company would need to employ enough people to satisfy a percentage of the capital they earn.

@Marcus_Angelus independent


Socialistic minded.


I'm definitely a Democrat. I am like most here in that I don't totally agree with either party. Republicans found a gold mine when they aligned with the evangelicals, but the Democrats keep shooting themselves in the foot by choosing candidates that aren't popular.


I do not.


I consider myself solidly left of center, but there are some policy positions on the hard left that give me pause.


I lean towards making ordinary peoples' lives better - which, I guess, means somewhat 'left of centre' (or, as US Republicans would say, a HOWLING COMMUNIST).

However I have found no pollitical party that is active and meaningfully strong which does not pander to the wealthy and corporate business more than I would like to myself ... so I don't really associate with a party.

Green Party []




I don't at all


I've voted for more than one, depending upon which seems to have the best approach to the pertinent issues at the time. I would never align myself permanently with a party.

@briangs However, that 'person' running with that party, will never be able to stand-out, of the herd! He will merge, with the majority over time! (Think about mob mentality.) Look at Trump, he was once a Democrat and SHOULD have some carryover, from his earlier life?! He is even confused!!!

@briangs One Goebbels study want make a majority premise! And I wonder where YOU are here! Are you saying Goebbel's expresses your position on THE matter, too? I am a little confused!?

@briangs I must admit that I felt you had some secret insight, that I am not privy, too?

@briangs please may I ask...since this was not a discussion on Goebbels, why did you abdicate your power (of thought) to Goebbels? You are using 'Goebbels' complete quote to support your position! Can"t you stand behind YOUR argument?

@briangs ...'stand behind your argument,' with your own words?

@briangs AND...I see that you disespect people with EASE...that is scary!!

@briangs ...your message is not meant as an exchange. You simply pushed me into a corner. If you are satisfied with that, nothing else that I might say, would help here.

@Freedompath Who is @briangs you keep atting?

@BlueWave check his bio, for particulars...I am just responding to his responses...

@Freedompath I did that before I asked you who it is. I'm wondering if it is an invisible person to only me. When I click on @briangs, it says the person does not exist. It's a tad confusing.

@BlueWave ...well, he must have taken himself out of the running...that's a shame, because he may have on the verge of a 'break through!'

I can confirm that there was a briangs, and that he did mention Jo Goebbels. I'm not sure why freedompath refers to it as a Goebbels study though...


Labour Party, AUS. They are on the left side of the political divide.

I can't bring myself to fully adopt The Greens yet - even if I really should. Some habits/traditions are still difficult to change.

I'm with him, except I have embraced the Greens cause the Labor Party (correct spelling) is so right wing and has been since the 1980s when a couple of economic rationalists called Hawke and Keating destroyed its progressive agenda. The strategy was so successful since they left the party has won one election in the past 25 years. Way to go. Come to think that's a big "except".


I waiver between Secular Party and Sustainable AustraliaParty which is about sustainable population. Both put science first.

There was a guy, who legally changed his name to "Zero Population Growth". This was back in the mid-90s. I worked in the public service and he corresponded with our office very regularly. I worked in the mail room and constantly mailed envelopes addressed to "Mr. Zero Population Growth".

Have you heard of him? If so, do you know if he ever became a proper political personality.


Well I am a member of the New Zealand Green Party.They are totally against signing the TPPA and offshore oil drilling on New Zealands coastal waters and the seismic testing.All which I agree with.


Social Dems..always

Same here. Bernie is my hero. Plus, Larry David does a fantastic impression of him.

I been following since he was elected Mayor of Burlington that man!


Socialist Democrat


I myself have very Libertarian leanings, almost to the point I could be considered an Anarchist.

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