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Questions for Democrats: Which Candidate is your top choice to run for President in 2020?

The location of the 2020 Democratic National Convention is still being decided between three cities. Since I live in the Houston area, I'd like to see it held there.

Toyota Center, Houston, Texas

American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida (with some meetings at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida)

Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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ballou 8 Sep 6

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Been really liking Tulsi. Most of the progtard pandering candidates are pushing things too far to the left and seem like they want Trump to win.


Okay, here are a few of my favorite mashups for today; may be different tomorrow:



What do I know? Jim Webb was the most qualified person running in 2016, but the Bernie and Hillary show was all they talked about. Well, and the idjits running for the GOP.


While I like Warren, she would have a tough path due to the stands she has made (most of which I support). I would think Tammy Duckworth would be a good contender, though I don't think she was born in the states. I wish Bernie was 15 years younger.


I am afraid it will be a cluster-fuck just as it was for the Republicans in 2016, with 20 candidates running. If Trump doesn't run in 2020 the Dems better pick the right person or they could lose depending on who the Rep choose.


I like Warren but would vote for whoever is chosen. We need a sane President.


Many years ago, (10? 15?) , I heard Elizabeth Warren on the radio, explaining how our credit card industry operates. How it started, evolved, Etc. I've always liked her. She seemed very capable. I would always consider voting for her.
Bernie just couldn't quite explain where the money for his social programs would come from (MIC! MIC! ) as obvious (MIC! MIC!) as the answer is ( MIC! MIC!) . So either he was being coy and dishonest, or was going to continue funding the MIC along with fantastic social programs. America CANNOT afford both. So I can't buy into what he's selling, as much as I'd like to.
Hillary .....problem is.....if we had gotten her in 2016, she'd have been back in 2020. Along with another corporate clone in 2024. & 2028. Business as usual takes on a life of its own.......It tends to be business as usual.

Obama cost me $1000's .........I can waste my own money thank you. I think that George Soros pegged him when he said that once Obama has your support, he doesn't offer much. He's out looking for more supporters.

Obama gave up waaaaaay to much to RepublicanTs. No fight in him. He had the House & Senate and .....SUCKED. Might as well have voted for Romney ( MCCain probably had my vote in '08 before he "discovered" Sarah Palin. Yuck Poo!)

twill Level 7 Sep 9, 2018

I would concede that Obama and the Democrats did not fight nearly enough and gave up too much (not the least of which was the cost control in Obamacare that could have made it work).

I too really liked Warren....but only until she backed Hillery. I then left the Democratic Party. I was always an Independent anyways.

@Reignmond Yeah it seems as much as a working taxpayer wants to support the Dems, they disappoint. Reminds me of Lucy, Charlie Brown & the football. Sad.

I understand your frustration with Obama. Especially when there was the perception that we also had control of the House and Senate.Thing is a lot of Dems are actually controlled by weird religious and economic beliefs like the RepubliCONS.
2nd. I believe Obama also feels strongly that it's not just wining that counts, but also how you win.
Truth, honor and respectful differences matter. It has been no match for the evil the RepubliCONs are willing to embrace but this too can change. The RepubliCONS are trying to control the people with a dumbed down education system. Economics that keep the dumb poor.
To fight this we need charismatic, smart leaders.
Bernie and Elizabeth are not charismatic. They are not great speakers. There intentions are good and make good team players but IMHO we need more Obama types.

@twill I actually am pushing for major changes to a system of Democracy (please don't harp that it is a Republic...the later is a species of the former). One of the things I want is the elimination of all Political Parties, and elections to be held by a process of elimination (like playoffs). Parties enable the consolidation of influence and power that promotes corruption. They also truncate the selection of means by which we may try to solve our problems. Parties were a necessity in the pre-21st century, but now they are a detriment.

@Duago Yes if Dems were on the other side of religious issue, then churches woudl be paying some taxes, and the rest of us would not be funding their wars


As an Independent voter Kamela Harris is my choice so far...


Gonna go with Bernie Sanders as #1. Elizabeth Warren is second choice and then Joe Biden. Don't really know who the other ones are.


It is far too early to contemplate.


I think Dems should get away from old school candidates and find younger people less entrenched in trading favors with old school Dems. I love Sanders but he's too old and too many people are turned off with "Democratic Socialist" (I'm not but we need to win the election). Newsome may be too invested in the extremely far left. I like Biden but he's also too old and too invested in old school Dems. Right now I would probably vote for Warren, because of her economics or Kamala Harris based on appearing brilliant and tough. I haven't seen enough of Booker yet.

OCJoe Level 6 Sep 7, 2018

Hard choice. I like all of them. Although Elizabeth Warren is my spirit animal.


I would be happy with Booker, Sanders or Warren, well uncle Joe too but I don't think he should run. I would also enjoy Gavin Newsome because I like his politics and he's delicious.


The Distinguished Gentlewoman from Hawaii has impressed me today!

Tulsi Gabbard?


I'd love Cory Booker, but if Biden got the nomination, I'd be fine with that. Love them both!!


I'm still thinking that the best president would be Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
But then I do realize that having a Scientific litterate just wouldn't jive with most people.
They would rather hear, 'God and country" rather than critical thinking.


If I were democrat, I would want Elizabeth Warren. But I'm not. I'm independent, leaning towards Green Party, so we will wait and see. I doubt if Jill Stein will run again

Third Party candidates do not win the presidency. Not even come close. Even a person as popular as Teddy Roosevelt could not win it. A vote for a Third Party candidate is a vote in essence wasted and will result in a Republican win.

@jorj Which is better for the common man...Republicans or Liberals albeit some tainted by corporate money?

@dahermit which is why Bernie runs as a Democrat. He understands that is the only way to win & the only way to create change. Work from within instead of complainig about how bad the 2 main parties are.

@Heidi68 As far as I know, Bernie still lists himself as an "Independent", not a "Democrat". Which is in my opinion a mistake on his part. He is the only one (except for Elizabeth Warren), that understands the central issued is the despararency of the income of the working class to that of the ultra rich. In short, in order to win, Bernie needs the resources of the Democratic Party behind him.

@dahermit he runs as a Democrat until he receives the win and the he turns down their nomination. Look back at his history in New Hampshire.

@dahermit, @jorj you really need to learn to research outside of the republican lie chamber. No matter what happened within the DNC Bernie still lost the votes. Period.
And he has more sense than to align himself with Stein. She had no platform. She was going for middle of the road hoping both HRC & Bernie were too left and tRump was too right.

@jorj whatever are you talking about? In both of the above statements, you must be getting confused. What made up talking point are you talking about?. Within this whole thread I have only gone back to the previous election. Where exactly are you getting 20+ year talking points? You have yet to state one single thing other than 3rd party hate. No proof, just hate of the current system.
As I stated on the other thread - we have many young enthusiastic mostly Democrats running who could change many of the things most 3rd party people are interested in but you, yes you, are so filled with hate you won't open your eyes to the possibilities right in front of you.

@jorj when have I talked down to you? You are the one calling yourself names. You are the one typing confusing statements. I did ask specific questions - what are you talking about 20 year old talking points - when everything I have discussed has been from the last election. Go back & reread both of the threads...

@jorj seriously - you need put your big boy pants on - you want me to attack you I will but I have not up to this point.
The first comment on this thread between the 2 of us was you attacking me on Bernie. And then you squalling about echo chambers - one comment it is fox news & republican then it is Democrat echo chambers. Please put down whatever you are smoking or drinking and come back when you are sober. Until you can make coherent comments I am done with you. Have a good night.


If I were democrat, I would want Elizabeth Warren. But I'm not. I'm independent, leaning towards Green Party, so we will wait and see. I doubt if Jill Stein will run again

I respect your Green Party choice, I'm an environmentalist, but I will place my vote for the candidate with the highest potential to unseat Trump. I prefer Elizabeth Warren and think she will prevail in the end..


How about a Michelle/Hillary ticket?

Emme Level 7 Sep 6, 2018

Hillary running again would literally be the end of the democratic party. How many times do they think they can force a choice we clearly don't want down our throat.


Wow, after today? Booker/Harris or Harris/Booker. Let's do this shit.


This is the problem. Why does it have to be a Democrat if you're a liberal? There are conservative Democrats and there are liberal Democrats. There are liberals who choose to be members of other parties as well. This whole system is fucked and there are people who try to shame others into forcing them to vote for who they want out of fear. Americans really need to learn about labels and what they actually mean. I mean this in general and not to the OP. There are people who will vote and they will know next to nothing about candidates except for their soundbytes. Most people will watch a debate or two and hear Cory Booker or Joe Biden yell out some punchline or branding tag and say, that's my guy!!!, or girl. I've been so tired of establishment Democrats. Plus, no Dem would have voted for Bernie if he didn't decide to join their little club last election. So why would you vote for him as a Democrat and not as an Independent? The reasoning with SOME people is just do dumb.

I live in Massachusetts, and even though I’ve always voted Democrat I’m torn in the upcoming gubernatorial race, because I think that our very popular middle-of-the-road Republican governor Charlie Baker is a strong, rational choice for re-election... I will have to learn a lot more about his opponent before I decide!

@JustLynnie If everyone has that mentality then yes they will not win.


I really don’t follow politics much other than the big issues and current events.. is there ANY possibility at this point that a republican would be able to run against Trump and beat him in the primaries in 2020? Is that even politically doable, or is there some law/rule that makes it impossible?

No law against it, lets hope

The incumbent usually runs for the presidency unopposed by his or her party in the modern era. Party solidarity and all that hogwash. I don't think it's happened since 1992, but I could be wrong. It is possible though.


Me. I'm putting my own name on the ballot


I’m not a registered D but my POTUS/VP pick is Tulsi Gabbard/Robert Reich for 2020.

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