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What is yourt favorite book?

Not that I'm not already behind on my pleasure reading, but share; if you will; one or some of the books you couldn't put down, even reread, give away so much you now don't even have a copy.......

LuciMP 5 Jan 23

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At the moment it's Carl Sagan's 'The Demon Haunted World'

This has been my favorite book since I discovered in in the 90s.


To Kill A Mockingbird.

I'm with you, Scout. The follow up made me sad.


That's hard. Probably a toss-up between The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams or Lamb by Christopher Moore. But then, I will read any book by those two authors over and over again.
I'm also a huge fan of Neil Gaiman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Shenkman, Jon Ronson and Jim Hines Libriomancer Series.
Guilty pleasure: Steve Alten's MEG series.

@MrLizard I actually just finished the recently released anniversary/author's preferred text of Neverwhere. So good

@MrLizard Yep. I have the DVD and also have it in my cloud on VUDU. I'm currently rewatching in and I'm on episode 3.


Dont shoot me.... The Bible actually. I am completely facinated with how it has influenced and molded the thinking of the world. It can be found on my Fantasy/Fiction shelf.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


Dracula. The first time I read it was in high school. I still love the story.


The two books I read and reread (is that redundant?) are ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE (Robt. Pirsig), and TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST, by Dana.


Bhagavad Gita
The Prophet
Be Here Now
I could be here all day...

Gita is beautiful.
Reminded me to reread it with this post.

Kahlil Gabrin at all?
(Might've spelt the name wrong).

@MadHadderoll yeah I have some collections of his. He's one of my literary gods. 😉


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I actually have it, it's a treasure!


Herman Hesse's STEPPENWOLF.


The sirens of titan - Kurt Vonnegut


well I have read raw shark texts 4x which means it must be that.


Since I come from a Colony... two books taught me a lot about america.... one in spanish "The open veins of Latin America". One in English "Bury my heart in Wounded Knee". Both read on the 70's. The one in spanish was given as a gift by a Venezuelan president to an american president in this century but don't remember if it was to Obama or Dubya. That much of a staying power for the read I would say. The one in english should be required reading for every european american. "They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it." - Red Cloud.


I have a vast Kindle library, but when I lived in the US, I had so many books, I couldn't keep them all in the house..had to store the overflow in the attic and keep bringing them down to rotate them.

I've been in Thailand since 2010, so use Kindle exclusively. I keep rereading my books, but rotate through my favorites most often..
the Harry Potter series, James Herriot series, most of Robert A. Heinlein's books, John Scalzi books, Laura Ingalls series, Joe Haldeman, Gone with the Wind, Anna Karenina, and now my latest favorite of all..the indie Catskinner Book series.

Unbelievably satisfying to read! The ordinary, skinny guy had an alien being attached to him as a toddler by his parents, that seems like a voice or personality in his head, but that loves to kill, and when it takes over he becomes lightning fast, has superhuman strength, etc. so has managed so far to evade the law, and have money for his paid hits. But he gradually realizes that the world is not as it seems as he begins to notice the aliens really running things by using willing people. I'd never read anything like this's almost like a Calvin and Hobbes thing where the tiger is both real and a toy.



It's a tie between Watership Down by Richard Adams, & Swan Song by Robert McCammon.


I can’t get enough of “Juball Sackett”, by Luis La’mour and his Sackett series. Juball Sackett is a loner, a dreamer and an explorer. He leaves his family to travel west, with no true destination in mind. I really relate to the characters and story as they reflect my own life. Worth the read for anyone who enjoys westerns or hiking.


I tend to hate "whats your favorite? " Type of questions. It like picking your favorite colour. I love the reds of a sunset, the browns and golds of autumn the pink of a child's cheek in winter or the blue of the mediterranean.
Whats my favorite book Ive given to someone? narrows it down a little. "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" I have given away about 3 times. But my favorite gift was to a professional blues man. He has been going for about 4 decades. "Joey Shields and the wheels" (you can youtube him). Of course one of his numbers is "Rout 66". So I asked him if he read "The grapes of wrath". It was such a delight to find an unread hardback book club copy in a charity shop. "it`s Woody Guthrie" he said after he read it.

You are correct, favorite can be relative. I say my favorite colour is orange; but I can't wear bright orange and I mostly wear black. I like a range of colors for my furnishings......and I like black or red for vehicles. So I get it. Favorite movie....can't choose depends on the day and mood. I have a top 100 probably. I just saw this meme and thought what a cool idea.....and I have had a lot of people say there are too many and can't pick only one. It's all good...just for fun really. Maybe it should say...."If you had to give me one book what book would you choose?" instead of categorizing it as a favorite.


Albert Camus, The Outsider; Orwell's 1984 -coming true in general if not specifically as in the book; Dawkins God Delusion; A few favorites across genres;


My favourite book is GUTEN TAG. In all my years of trying to learn German, [ I am an English speaking European and born in New Zealand ] I have never found such a quick and easy way to absorb a foreign language than this book. I learned the whole book word for ward and it did prove helpful in my travels through German speaking countries. I have acquired a desire to learn German from working with German friends at work. I helped to teach them good English, and they taught me good German. I have tried to find this book to keep but no luck. I originally obtained it from the library but somebody had stolen it. [ they beat me to it ]

Well darn it.....I would love a book that made learning German easy!!


The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins.


The Monkey Wrench Gang.

gearl Level 8 Jan 23, 2018

panzram a journal of murder. fantastic book if your a none believer as this man definitely wasn't and though he was one evil murderer I kind of understand him and to a degree respect him. my fave serial killer book. riveting.

Intrigued......I want to read it!!!

you should as it shows the real cruel treatment religion and the law brings. I own lots of books on crime but this is the one I enjoyed the most.


Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


'The History of White People' by Painter. It lays out what 'white' has meant throughout history and how what we think of as color based 'races' is all a lie/misinterpretation. It completely changed my perspective and is a good antidote to the growing white supremacy clowns in the US and Europe.

Thank you for sharing!! I have read a little about the social construct of race...not sure if that is what this is about. But sounds like it could improve worldviews 😉


It has to be The Bronze Horseman trilogy by Paullina Simons. Lots of war, lots of romance and much heartbreak. I have read those books over and over and over. be still my beating heart. I guess Im just a romantic.

Sacha Level 7 Jan 23, 2018
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