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Raised Atheist or left a religion?

Just windering how many people around on here were raised non-religious, as opposed to those who were raised in religion?

michael18 3 Sep 13

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Neither one. I was raised xtian, but it never took.


Raised in an insane Pentecostal cult. Stopped believing such nonsense before the age of puberty.


raised non religious.


Raised religious in rural Texas. Started asking basic questions around the age of 12 that neither my mom nor the pastor could answer so I decided there were too many logical inconsistencies for it to be true. Still defended the ‘idea’ of religion until I was maybe 18 and then realized the outward harm it caused on others was more harmful than the personal good it provides individuals and now I’m openly against it.


I was raised Presbyterian, so I left late in life.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

Why do people equate atheism with “non-religious”??

Ungod Level 6 Jan 14, 2019

When I was a kid I “knew” god exists and was “inside” everyone. When I was about 6 years old I realized the adults lies all the time and decided to not believe them about anything. I would do what they told me but knowing that it was probably a lie. So some day, playing some educational game like a body organs puzzle I thought “there is no god in here. That’s just another lie, like Santa and the tooth fairy” and that’s it. I never “believed”, I went from “knowing” (as literally thinking that there was a small Jesus image inside your guts and when people die they would be sent in a plane to a city in the sky) to knowing that it was just bullshit adults told me.

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