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You heathens eat pineapple on pizza?

TheInterlooper 7 Jan 24

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74 comments (26 - 50)

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Absolutely not! that is the road to madness!!!! 🙂


This is the reason why our last Prime Minister Mr Bill English didn't get re elected lol 😉

Sacha Level 7 Jan 24, 2018

If I had to choose between pizza with pinapple and no pizza, I'm taking the pizza. I certainly prefer without, but I'm not gonna say no to pizza (Unless it has barbecue sauce, you heathen!).


If it a pizza with friends or as a snack I don't mind.
But if it a real pizza italian style, as a main meal, with some wine etc. Than it heresy because it will dominate over other ingredients and the other tastes will disappear.


No. It's us pagans that appreciate pineapple on our pizza. The heathens (i.e., those of the heath; the country bumpkins) have never had pineapple on their pizza. When they try it they tend to convert and join us.


well, not all of us Heathens have the same praxis, but while I have no issue with those who do eat pineapple on pizza, I opt for mushrooms, meats, peppers, olives, and I add rosemary and garlic salt myself.


Cauliflower crust, vegan cheese, and pineapple with cured tofu.


I eat both, but never together


Pizza wars oh no!!
I appeal to the high priest of the flying spaghetti monster to intervene.


Hell no. There's a difference between godless and ungodly.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 24, 2018

The true enemy....

Mushy peas? Oh yeah? Mayo with chilli? Oh yeah! Bring them on.


I think it started as more of a West coast thing. Hawaii, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, and the SF Bay area all have it.

And yes - yum indeed!


It's not pizza unless there's pineapple !


But, dude....IT'S STILL PIZZA!

But is it? I have my doubts.

I got dibs on his slice.


Yep. And I'm still puzzled as to why pineapple provokes a bigger reaction than any other ingredient that could possibly be placed on a pizza. I mean, I've seen some pretty weird stuff (some of which falls under categories like "gourmet" or "exotic" ) and people might just shrug their shoulders and say something about different people having different tastes, but as soon as pineapple is mentioned, that's when the machines of war are let loose. What is it about pineapple?


Pineapple has no bussines on a Pizza IMHO

I also hate those super thin veggi 'designer' pizza's that you pay through the nose for, Meat feast BBQ stuffed crust or DIE !!!


Pineapple YES. Pizza NO


Sliced banana is much nicer.

Pmabz Level 3 Feb 10, 2018

Yes, specifically pepperoni and pineapple. I was introduced to this while working at an Italian restaurant and pizzeria by the Sicilian owner. It has remained a favorite of mine for many years that I've shared with others whose favorite it's become. What of it?

SamL Level 7 Jan 30, 2018

To each there own.... I think this should of been a poll.
Yes pineapple


I despise pineapple on pizza. It's not visually appealing nor tasty to me.


Yes as long as it has Canadian bacon too!


Who would ever dare suggest such an outrageous thing !!!
Now , anchovies are another matter .


I think I had it once years ago. Didn't impress me. Now I want pizza for luch.

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