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Have you ever hated/disliked your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mom/dad or both?

EmeraldJewel 7 Sep 15

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i wish my folks could have met my guy and that i could have met my guy's folks. alas, they were all dead when my guy and i met.



My ex's mom was perhaps the rudest person I ever met, at first she carded me because I didn't look old enough to drink, then at dinner she was a nightmare for the server, snapping her fingers to get her attention and refills, we guilt-tipped. She'd been knocking back the Sangaria and kept getting worse. My ex's dad was also a drunk, toxicly masculine, and in the course of a night was so shitfaced on whiskey that he asked me how I got my scars five different times in 30 mins. Later on after both of my ex's parents were babysitting our daughter (3 at the time) we came home and he told us that we needed to get her on birth control as soon as she hit puberty. That is probably the creepiest thing I have ever heard spoken in person, and I've met some pretty sleezy people.


My ex-MIL is just a peach. She constantly undermined our relationship and talked horrible shite about me when we were together. Now she's financing and controlling his side of the divorce. Her big goal is for "them" to get custody of the 8 year old I nearly died to bring into this world, so he can "finally be Granny's boy."



welcome to the world I suggest you run wish I did

I should have run far away when I first met my future in-laws.



One of my sister's has for the most part had a tendency to find fellers who were far beneath her(or for that matter anyone) when I say that, I don't mean so in a egotistical or elitist manner...

Seriously one of her exes is in jail for shit he did in the KKK...


Yes they never accepted me as good enough for their daughter. We are going on 59 years now.


No, but I came close to it with my own mother when she threatened to disown me over my fiancé. She didn’t come to the wedding either. She eventually apologized to my spouse for how she treated her.

Never apologized to me. Not once. For anything. Ever. She contributed to my marriage ending too.

I'm sorry to hear that! Are you friendly now?

@LucyLoohoo no. She passed away in 1996. She apologized to my not-yet-ex two days before she died. Never said anything to me and denied one thing hurtful she said to me a day earlier.

To encapsulate her behavior toward me, at thanksgiving a few months after she died, my mother-in-law told me she had felt sorry for me over how my mother treated me.

That says a lot.

@Rob1948 I'm sorry, Rob! I know something about bitter, vindictive mothers.'re ok, right?

@LucyLoohoo OK? Yeah probably. Mostly. Maybe. You would have to ask others. I do struggle with depression from time to time and, at this time, it’s mostly not an issue.

@Rob1948 GOOD! We can recover! At the risk of sounding ridiculous...''mother'' yourself! Works for me. Someone at Planned Parenthood commented on what a good ''mom'' I am to patients. She said "You must've had a great mom.", I didn't. Taught myself, actually. We can recover!


My ex mother in law is a fine upstanding Southern Baptist Christian woman who worked as HR administrator for a Christian financial ministry. She is one of those women who looks like a bad smell has just parked itself under her nose when someone she dislikes walks in. I could write a book about the batshit crazy habits she has. She and I never got on. Which is why when it came to light that she had abused her position as HR bigwig to drain the company's pension fund to the tune of 1.3 million dollars and was given a 5 year jail sentence, I was not entirely sad. Although it did make life harder because we then had to look after Daddy. Who lost their house. Eesh.

HOW DELICIOUS! You could be forgiven for not visiting her in the slammer! might be more fun to actually go to see her...laugh, point your fingers, yell "HAIL SATAN" and whistle on your way out!


My father in law and I disliked one another from when I married his daughter til the day that he died. He wouldn’t go to our wedding but at least I went to his funeral .


This is great question as it made me think back and reflect and I realized Ive actually never not liked, or been liked, by any of my past relationship parents.

How could they. You are too darn cute.


The parents always loved me more than my exes.

Now that I look back, I loved them more than my exes..


I always dreaded when my wife came home after visiting her sister (RIP). I'd end up being the whipping boy about everything for a few days. So I'd make myself scarce I knew that after a while days, things would calm down. To say my sister-in-law was a difficult person is an understatement.


i don't know if I disliked her but they were just plain silly he had a bad rug on his head adn she was like a giggly schoolgirl neither of them had two brain cellls to rub together.


My ex mother in law was a witch from hell. I'm glad she's dead. I've never said that about anyone else


Never. I can find some good in most people.


"Why don't you call a plumber?" I asked my mother-in-law when she called with a plumbing problem. Terry was not home. "Terry is a schoolteacher, not a plumber."

"You don't understand," she replied. "You are not family."

She called me the "Anglo" and overeducated. She made extremely spicy, hot food that she knew I couldn't eat. Then she was insulted when I didn't eat it. She blamed me for Terry's leaving the Catholic Church, although Terry left the church 15 years before meeting me.

I gave up trying to please her.

Terry and I agreed that he will deal with his mother, and I will deal with mine.


No but one boyfriend's mom hated me because I didn't go to catholic school. The son ended up marrying the girl of her choice and 3 years later his wife became a Jehovah's Witness. The son said his mom was not happy! (Yes, I'm smirking!)


Both. But he didn’t like them either, so it was a non-issue.

UUNJ Level 8 Jan 7, 2019

Luckily, I've loved both MILS. I've also loved both of my SILS. It broke my heart when my daughter divorced them. (On their wedding day, my new son-in-law said..."I love you! You're the perfect mother-in-law." I said, ''SURE you do...I live 3,000 miles away!" Unfortunately, he developed a serious drug problem. SIGH.


My former in-laws and I are still in each other's lives. We've always gotten along. Still do! I love them!

When they found out their son cheated on me, they had nothing to do with him for the longest.


"You are not family," my former mother-in-law told me. She said I stole her baby, and blamed me for his leaving the Catholic Church. He left the church 15 years before I met him.

Terry's mother was cruel, critical and controlling. I tried hard to get her to like me. No luck.

Terry had enormous resentment toward his mother that poisoned him emotionally and ultimately, our marriage.

When I became a mother, Terry transferred his resentment toward his mother to ME. This destroyed our marriage.

"Stole her baby?" Sounds as if you snatched him from his car seat and ran into the woods! I'm sorry you had to go through this!


Yes my exs mom lives next to us and constantly was in our business.


My ex-mother-in-law was a mean alcoholic. I was not fond of her.


I’ve been there.


One ex had a charming dad. When we met and he found out that I was training to be a science teacher, he sneered and said 'Just what we need, more bloody teachers.' He was a real estate agent.


I once dated a girl whose mom was mentally ill. I tried not to "dislike" her but I never liked being around her. It was a constant battle and you just could not be comfortable. The relationship failed due to other issues so in the end it didn't matter.

Another girl I dated hated my dad and so was always acting like I was doing something wrong. Most other situations were just normal "getting to know you" type stuff.

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