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I dislike living in a highly conservative area. It makes many aspects of my life inconvenient at best and difficult at worst.

Anyone else have this issue?

motoguy1785 3 Jan 25

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yep-- moved from Maine to Alabama...definite culture shock!

I used to live in Alabama. I couldn't stand to talk to the locals there. "Who do you go for" was the most annoying conversation ever. If you answer anything besides Alabama or Auburn they look at you like you just ate a baby.

Also the "What church do you go to" question when you first meet someone is rather annoying as well. 🙂

ha I made the same move. I totally relate to culture shock


I think a lot of us are in that position, especially here in the U.S.


Yes. When I had a chance, moved to the west coast of US. Or sometimes called the left coast. Glad I had a chance to get out of Kansas. First big change was when I went to college, and the second was when went into the military. Everyone wasn't like those where I grew up and I didn't fit in very well.

I spent 6 years in Western Washington state, I think that helped to liberate my liberal side.




I have all my life. I was born and raised in the middle of the Bible Belt. It's terrible at times, but I have been attending a UU church lately, and it's like every liberal in the city must go there. It helps.


Yes. Feels like I am the only non-conservative in all of Oklahoma. At work all of my coworkers are always talking about the "witch-hunt" that Mueller is on, and how Obama/Hillary should be in prison. It sounds exactly like the comments I read on Fox News' articles.

OK... ??? .. yeah, you are the only non-conservative in OK... feel for ya.

Sounds like my daughter at her bank...the only liberal! Near retirement and can't leave! Stay connected...because it may get worse before it gets better! Everyday, there is a new revelation, I don't understand how 'those' people can ignore SO much! Just today, it is reported that the Health and Human Services is being highjacked by the Evangelicals. All, far right, conservatives, who ever heard of that before?

Ha! Reminds me of when I got my haircut at a new place today. I had an immediate rapport with the stylist, and I like her -- she made me laugh a lot.

When I mentioned CNN, she said "You mean the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK????" I said, "No, that's not what I mean" (with a straight face).

Also, her response to something else was PRAISE GOD!! I said, "Well, I don't praise god, because I am atheist." And that was a whole 'nother conversation. I guess I'm at a point in my life where, more and more, if I am going to have a mutually respectful relationship with somebody, I want them to know up front that I'm not joining in on all that stupid talk, so I get the declaration out early.


I'm a reporter. I'm already branded an enemy because of that by some people. I'm openly not a Trumpeteer which is also a black mark. I've also been called and harassed at my job because I work Sundays.

My heart goes out to you...keep your head high and do keep safe. We may all be in danger, to some degree. I don't feel completely safe, but I will keep 'standing up', whenever I can. My best to you...


I live in Omaha, NE, largely conservative. Pete Rickets of the TDAmeritrade family is our governor. To be liberal and non religious in Nebraska makes you stand out. Bad enough being liberal, to be both is the kiss of death for relationships for people my age.


I just moved from Northern California to Central Wisconsin. I consider myself liberal, but I found my conversations with people there to be just as frustrating. They jump to conclusions and are highly emotionally charged when discussing anything. They seem to be more likely into the New Age spiritual bandwagon as well. That is quite frustrating to me. The reason I tend to like liberals of that nature more is that their goal is betterment of others and kindness, instead of spouting hate. On the other hand, SJWs are quite aggressive.

However, I am enjoying it here. I for the most part want to keep to myself. I do hear a lot more casual racist remarks, but also notice a lot more consideration and politeness at the same time. Earth is pretty much a freaking bizarre place lol. As long as I have a few people I care about and can identify with, I am happy.


I would recommend floating some resume's to some more accepting areas while you arer still young...
A pay cut would even be worth it...


I lived in North Carolina for a couple of years, and it isn't easy being an atheist in the Bible belt! Not to mention republicans who voted for an idiot that is making us a laughing stock of the world. Florida isn't easy, but it is a darn site better than there. But North Carolina was lovely and the weather was great!


Yes, you do live in a highly conservative area, we have evidence! (VP... does that rIng any bells?) I had same problem here, and it began to suck the life out of me. I joined up with several groups, and it only got worse. (And I know their ways.) So I took drastic action, and I can't believe that living is this much fun! I realize everyone can't do what I did, but I do know for certain, you need to find as many like minded people as possible. Every once in a while you might run across a renegade Christian, they will do. But, we all need support to be the best that we's that human thing.


I lived in Atlanta Georgia, it was awesome when I got there in 92. Then it got crazy, then it got weirder, then the Rethugliturds took over governing and it went to shit.Too much Gaaaawd and too many Fundamentiturds on the streets..That's when I decided to move back to Boston in 2012..much happier decision I'd made in awhile..


Why not talk to them? You might find common ground if you ask the right questions. This country needs healing, and that means taking some uncomfortable steps. I'm conservative, but I don't care for religion, I'm not a Trump fan, and I am open to talking to people who disagree with me. I may disagree or get up set with someone, but it doesn't mean I can't respect or enjoy their company. If they are generally a good person, they will respond in kind. If not, who cares?

Oh! You sweet and innocent person. Hold your own and keep enjoying those people. You might even shed some 'light' on them and I hope you do! But, I seem to be the type of person they want to I will pass on by, with respect ofcourse. But, we want be bosom buddies!

Thank you for the kind words, but I'm no innocent child. Wisdom is oft gained through foolishness and folly. I consider myself quite the imp. Those are the people who need reason most. Are you scared you'll be converted? If not, what's the harm in a conversation?


Yes. I'm from Hawaii where we had a gay beach for crying out loud. I live in SC now. Please kidnap me.

Lani Level 5 Apr 10, 2018

I miss Denver :-/


You all assume that im liberal. I have no political ideology other than we're all fucked. By my post I meant the prevailing religious temperament (bunch of douche Christians) in my area/state.


Definitely. I moved to Orlando for a while which was better than Fort Pierce regarding diversity due to so many Europeans living there but have never lived somewhere truly liberal/progressive


Just remember bud. It’s only like that because they are the loud ones. We aren’t. We have the sense enough to watch events as they come. Not be caught in the crowd. To not say stupid stuff when you see the thick headed ones start foaming at the mouth cause someone mentioned evolution. Just keep an eye out for others around you who aren’t as openly spoken as the rest and you’ll find your mates.


Just remember bud. It’s only like that because they are the loud ones. We aren’t. We have the sense enough to watch events as they come. Not be caught in the crowd. To not say stupid stuff when you see the thick headed ones start foaming at the mouth cause someone mentioned evolution. Just keep an eye out for others around you who aren’t as openly spoken as the rest and you’ll find your mates.


Ooh you are in Mishiwaka. No wonder! I moved from Calif to Michigan so I get it! haha! I also live in a very religious town, Home of Hope College, a private christian university. We have more churches here per square mile than any other town in the midwest! I hear you LOUD and CLEAR!

Best advice I can give you: do your own thing. you do you. don't focus on the naysayers. Simple take back the power, LOVE YOUR LIFE and for those who choose not to lend their support, go it alone if it means you get to be True to yourself first and foremost. Others, they will fall in line as you live your life. 😉

Don't allow their points of view to overrule your own. Your rights are Just as valid and Valuable as theirs are. Never allow them to slow you nor cause you self doubt. 🙂

Sadly, those minds of theirs are So Close that after decades of life, they'll probably die with brains that have rarely been used and expanded. You be SURE that yours goes down so worn and used that it looks like a ragdoll on your death. At least then you will KNOW you lived a life WORTH living.

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 26, 2018

We live in a small, rural town within a large rural area. I have always been the black sheep, the hippy, the snowflake in a sea of red, even within my own family. The hate, ignorance and intolerance we see sometimes is incredibly frustrating and we are constantly reminding our kids that not everywhere is like this and there are others who see things differently.


Yes, I have that issue. Tons of Trump signs were out during the election. I'm going to barricade myself inside my apartment if he is impeached. Almost everybody around here has a rifle.


I wouldn't say I live in a conservative area, but I would say that I don't live in a sane one. We have a hard-core community of conservatives here in NM, but at the same time a lot of really far-left people have significant cultural influence. I feel very caught in the middle where my de facto centrism puts me too far right from the lefties, and yet much too liberal for the people who believe God made politics and morality to be ONLY one way—which sucks too.


Yes, moved from Terre Haute to Grass Valley. That was one of the reasons. However, we ended up in one of the conservative areas of CA. Still,I'm only a couple hours from one of my sons in San Francisco.

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