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What have you eaten while not realizing what it was until afterwards?

JenBeberstein 8 Sep 23

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A snail...had a snail in one hand, carrot in the other & accidentally took a bite of a live snail. Yeah. But I don't think that's exactly what you were asking lol

That definitely fits the topic!

@JenBeberstein I was just a kid. It was gross & upset me a lot as I was just hanging out with it, a long shelled variety. Wasn't looking & just put something in my mouth. shudder. 😟

@Qualia that sounds very traumatic!


I spread smoked salmon creamcheese on a blueberry muffin, thinking it was strawberry. After I got over the initial shock, I liked it.

That is not a combination I would have intentionally tasted but I can see how it might work.


I've been a vegetarian for almost 5 years but every Thanksgiving I eat stuffing not realizing until a month ago that it's made with chicken broth 😐

Does the person making the stuffing know you're vegetarian? Stuffing can be quite tasty made with vegetable stock!

@JenBeberstein No, it's at an extended family members' property, and I don't speak to them at all outside of Thanksgiving lunch.

@joeymf86 maybe you should offer to bring the stuffing next year!

@JenBeberstein Screw that. I'm bringing it this year! haha

@joeymf86 an even better plan!


Not so much, but my son apparently ate donkey while visiting China on an exchange. He was not told until after. That meat is a delicacy in that part of the world.

Zster Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Did he say anything about how it tasted?

@JenBeberstein He loved it! He had never had any kind of liver before.


Trail mix, but the beef jerky tasted sort of strange to me. I made a comment about it and found out that it was bear jerky.

Strange good or strange bad?

@JenBeberstein it tasted like a cross between beef and dirt. Everybody knows how strange I am when it comes to meat. So everybody got a good laugh at it.

@Kojaksmom that doesn't sounds appealing at all!


nothing. ever. i savor my food.


Nobody has ever fed you something without disclosing what the ingredients were?

@JenBeberstein nope! hmm, i wonder why?


@genessa I'd say that's a good thing. Some people in this thread have been fed some pretty disgusting things.

wait, wait, i just thought of ONE time! it wasn't given to me. i bought it. i was in japan, where i lived at the time. i got something in the fish section that looked odd and i asked someone what it was, and they said fish, so i got it. as soon as i ate it, i knew it wasn't fish. it tasted like meat. i was afraid i knew then what it was, so i saved the label off the wrapper and asked a friend. sure enough i'd eaten whale. i hadn't meant to, and i wouldn't, again. it was tasty but i just didn't want to eat whale, and whales certainly are not fish. i'd forgotten about that.



Rocky mountain oysters.

Did you like them?

@JenBeberstein tasted like chicken, lol


Veal, at a restaraunt where I worked they cooked you breakfast if you got there early. One day they made something off the menu. Never would have eaten it if Id have known. . . Also ate cat food -pranked at a party. It was mixed with rice and smells meaty but tastes REALLY SYNTHETIC - like PVA glue.

I would be pretty upset if my friends fed me cat food!


I had a veggie burger once, I thought it was beef. Tasted just like beef too. Lol


In Ireland, Gibraltar, the Seychelles and the United Kingdom Coca-Cola sell a fruit-flavoured drink called Lilt which I have always hated.

When I was 15, I made friends with a girl at school whose family came from the Punjab region of India. One afternoon, I went back with her after school to do our homework together and I ended up staying for dinner. The food, which was traditional Punjabi, was delicious, so too was the amazing Indian fruit drink we had with it and I asked for another glass of it after we'd eaten. Her mother brought out the bottle and, lo and behold, it wasn't Indian at all - it was Lilt. The strange thing is, as soon as I knew what it was it immediately tasted horrible again.

Jnei Level 8 Sep 24, 2018

When I was five, mom and I visited my father's mother for a while; she was hiding from her latest husband and getting a divorce. Anyway, it was 1949, and Grandma found coconut in the market and brought some home to make a coconut pie, which I'd not heard of since it was not available during WWII.

She and mom talked about how good it was. I was eager to try some good pie. I ate a piece, but it was strange to my palate, and I was confused. When mom and I were alone, I asked, "Why did grandma put string in the pie?"

I have never had a coconut pie. It doesn't sound like something I would enjoy.

@JenBeberstein I still don't like coconut.

@EdEarl understandable!


An earwig was deep fried with my French fries. The front half of the earwig was missing and the back half with the pinchers was attached to the half eaten fry.

That is something I am glad to say I have never experienced!


Gluten. I specifically asked if the tortillas were 100% corn & was told yes. Meal got to table & it looked ok. 4 days later I feel like I've been beaten with a Louisville slugger & my knee is swelling. I'm 8 weeks into the reaction & everything is moving up my body (knees, hips, lower back are normal, now pain is in upper back, shoulders & neck). Only 7 more weeks to go. Yeah me ???

That would make me terrified to ever eat anything I didn't prepare for myself!

@JenBeberstein it sucks overall but most restaurants are really good at listing their gluten free options & avoid cross contamination. This restaurant is no longer on my "approved" list. I try not to be "that person" & make sure I look at the menu online before arrival & be prepared. My friends are a lot more militant than I am about whats on my plate when we're out. Dining out doesnt happen often for me (maybe once a month) so getting into gluten when I do sucks gawd awful.


Bugs. Also, when I was a kid, the neighbor lady, whose 3 sons were my playmates, used to make the best "roast beef" sandwiches, which I later found out was beef tongue.

Your neighbor lady must have been a better cook than my parents! When they cooked tongue, it was rubbery and nasty!

@JenBeberstein funny thing was, she wasn't a great cook, but for some reason, the sandwiches were very tasty. It was probably because she was a very bright lady and I was usually listening to whatever she was saying at the time and didn't pay a lot of attention to what I was chewing on.

@Condor5 that makes sense, mood can definitely affect flavor.


Paper inside a frozen dinner pack. It was so cleverly hidden inside the meat that when I found it I had eaten half of it. Was it a packing fluke or some clown? IDK.

Did you contact the food company about it?

@JenBeberstein NO. Too much of that going on then anyway and they might think it was fake and maybe I wanted money.


Several years ago Dad, Mom, Sis and I went to a fancier restraunt in Omaha. I was hungry and we were all chowing down. I ordered a mushroom burger. Half way through it I said "something is weird". My sister said it's probably just mushroom. I looked under the bun. Two big ass mushroom patties! NO BEEF! It felt like I was chewing on rubber. The waitress offered to get me something else. I don't think I ate for about a day!

My mom was in France once. She doesn't know any French. She went to a restruant, and nobody spoke English. So she just pointed at what others were eating which looked like a hamburger. It actually was. However it was served with a raw egg on top! YUCK!

Omaha is one of the last places I would expect to be served a surprise vegetarian burger! I have never eaten a raw egg and there is nothing appealing about the thought of doing so.


Two worst things...

"Here, try this."
"Okay... That's kind of gross, what is it?" Holding back vomiting...
"Cow tongue."

Canned chicken salad on crackers. Half way through I found a chicken foot. At this point it's psychological because it tasted fine, but I couldn't get through the rest.

My parents ate tongue when I was a child, totally grossed me out both by thought and by taste/texture.

LOVE tongue. Not a fan of chicken feet, too much work. But love the heart too

I love tongue, hard to find in the store.


Rocky Mountain Oysters.

How did they taste?

@JenBeberstein like tough steak. Its all in how they're prepared.

@jamessmithwick I would try them given the chance.

@JenBeberstein that's the spirit!


Beef heart... my grandmother loved it...

What did you think of it?

@JenBeberstein it was tough... also I am sitting right here! ?

@BBeberstein sorry love, didn't see you there!

I make beef heart bait for my dogs in a pressure cooker. It's kind of wonderful when it first comes out of the pot, all tender but slightly chewy, but boy do I catch hell for making it due to the odor.

@Qualia I bet your pups are so thankful!

@JenBeberstein of course they love it & it makes GREAT handy, tearable bait.
Really better for them raw however for the taurine content but must be used sparingly or there will be...consequences. lol

@Qualia messy consequences?

@JenBeberstein can give them cannon butt

@Qualia thank you for explaining! I will tread carefully!


I have found out that as a child I have eaten goat horse and cat without knowing it

Do you remember any of those meals?

@JenBeberstein yes especially the cat when I was a little boy we lived over by Spokane and once a week we'd go to this restaurants all you can eat chow mein for a dollar night.about a year after I moved over here my father brought over a newspaper clipping that restaurant had been closed because they found cat carcasses in the walk-in and Cat in entrails in the garbage it explains why the chow mein was so cheap and it wasn't just once we went there many times

@JenBeberstein oh by the way cat tastes just like chicken

@Drsmash253 I have heard that but have never experienced it!

@Drsmash253 I always thought the stories of Chinese restaurants collecting the stray cats were urban legends!

@JenBeberstein unfortunately no


I once thought I was taking a bite of a chicken salad sandwich, or possibly turkey, and I immediately spit out the gelatinous mess. It turns out it was cold tofu, mixed with mayonnaise. It was disgusting.

That sounds horrible!

@JenBeberstein It was a shock, for sure. ?


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