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If you were asked to teach a class of your choosing, what would the subject matter be?

What expertise do you have? And, whom would you teach to?

I would love to teach creative writing to teens. Healthy cooking would be fun too.

silvereyes 8 Jan 29

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I would also like to teach ethics and morality courses to the military or police units

  • Procrastination (all levels)
  • Writing Skills (organization, grammar, etc.)
  • Mathematics (algebra, geometry, calculus — after a quick refresher myself)
  • Web Design & Development (full stack: planning, structure/layout, graphics, markup, interaction)
  • (I'll finish this later… )

@irascible I tried, but I got interrupted.


Logic and Reason.


I would (do) teach Americans how to get free houses for themselves thereby beating the poverty circle and capitalistic system we find ourselves in curing homelessness and hopelessness.

I'd like to know that myself!

@bingst I'll explain when I get a few minutes.


"Co-exisiting peacefully with wildlife"

A long history of working/living with many different species , and learning about them.

I'd like to teach adults - especially those new to Florida , who haven't a clue ...


The difference between news and fake news.

Including reliable sources. And how unreliable memes can be (and usually are) and how they often provide misinformation, presumably with intent and with the intent that it propagates.


Moldmaking, to people who wanted to make art.

skado Level 9 Jan 29, 2018

Am still a practicing Hydraulic engineer, and there are a number of different classes I could teach, like water surface profiles, urban hydrology. Also math, and statistics. Have been tutoring grand daughters in statistics. In music area, beginning 5 string banjo, irish tenor banjo, or bass. Our band did offer a slow jam class last year, and was great to see the class pickup music skills. Fly-tying, for a couple of patterns. (Mayfly). How to smoke salmon. Fly fishing. Drift fishing for salmon and steelhead. Hunter safety.


Hmmm.... millwright. Alignment of equipment. I'll never use it again... im Never going to work again. Im retired from my job. Now i have things to do around


I'd like to teach something like Evolution or Critical Thinking ... but actually I just teach workshops on the identification of parasite flies (Diptera, Tachinidae).

I was once invited to a class given by an entomologist. He showed horror films of battling insects including one of lady bugs eating their prey. It was really gross.

@JackPedigo - ... or conversely might have been enthralling and amazing to another entomologist, or a small child 😉 The parasite flies are a fascinating group which look very much like houseflies but which have evolved to live inside a host species, which they later kill. It makes the Alien movies look pretty tame but my personal interest is in the identification process and the taxonomy.

@ChrisR Actually, a farmer here uses a certain plant to attract parasitic flies to control some pests. Parasitic mites are a big problem when one tries to use Mason Bees for pollination.

@JackPedigo Yes, the use of parasitoids (parasites that kill their hosts) as a biocontrol agent for pests is a very interesting field of research. In most cases the best parasitoids are the ichneumonid wasps because they tend to be more host-specific but the parasite flies also have a place.


I think I would choose History or Science since those are the two topics I enjoy the most.


I would really like to teach sexual education to both students and adults. I think my interest in it stems from my own experience of disappointing sex ed in school, and absolutely no information from my parents. I learned most of what I knew about sex from the media and the internet, which provides no scientific, fact based information. I believe in order to make good choices, humans must be taught what the choices and consequences are to begin with. No one should grow up thinking porn is an accurate representation of sex. I would like to include discussions on consent and taking ownership of one's own body in my lessons.

A truly great contribution Nicki ! Parents are the correct source of assistance, but they suffer from acute embarrassment brought on by some strange view that this is something we must not talk about, Absolute rubbish. It is no different to discussing a broken leg ! when will attitudes change, and we can all " Grow up " my best wishes to you Nicki. You are an intelligent young lady......


I would also like to teach a class on knife making, and knife sharping. Most kitchen knives are very dull, and knowing how to put a new edge, and maintaining that edge would keep those knifes in service for many years.

@WynnHorton I don't have the camera or the skills, but maybe someone I know does. I never thought about a video.



I would like to teach a class on basic auto repair, and maintenance. There are many jobs that the average person could do that could save them money, and keep their auto running longer. A person could save a fortune just replacing their own brakes!


Ecology, it fascinates me, I have taught it as basic levels, it is also one of the few things I would study further now that I am getting old.


I'd love to teach art history. While working on my masters, we were required to design an online class, and I did a complete art history course. Wish I could have saved it.
I have taught private art classes and may do it again. I taught gourmet cooking classes for a major department store decades ago.
My intention is to learn tai chi well enough to teach it.

I would take that class. Art History, not Tai Chi.

Interesting occurrence--I mentioned this post to a friend who is on the board of a nearby arts center. She said they'd love to start with a workshop, then maybe a six-week course.
Is there any particular period in art you would like to know about?


Wow. What great questions. I thought of it in terms of something I'd like to have the ability to teach rather than something I could teach using something I know now. I'd teach what I wish I could teach my kids. What I try to teach my kids. Self awareness, self acceptance, humility and kindness.


I teach English, and critical thinking week is always fun but short-lived. It really does need to be a whole course by itself. I learned a lot from different courses, but unfortunately, I've found that much more of what I have learned has been from reading and watching different academics talk about the subject outside of school.


• Scientific epistemology

• Introduction to STEM

• Engineering mathematics


I do some consulting on focus group training but things I like and somewhat have knowledge on would be outdoor camping, art history, and creating a non profit organization.


I think it would be about sociology, probably social constructivism.


Changing disciplines, I would go back to my original choice: self-esteem to middle school, intercity children.




I would love to teach a class, the process needed to undertake the task of fabricating a reflecting mirror for an astronomical Newtonian telescope, entirely by hand, to achieve an accuracy of one tenth of the wavelength of light, calculated within the yellow green zone of the visible spectrum. surface accurate to within 0.000069 mm,1st grinding the glass progressively up to 600 grit, polishing up to a perfect clear surface, then to modify the curve of the surface to meet the shape of a paraboloid, Then on to having the disc face covered in an aluminium mist by a heated filament under vacuum, producing a perfect mirrored surface, ready for installation . A truly wonderful experience............


navel-gazing. ...oops, meditation, to children.


I would love to teach a comparitive literature class contrasting Proust's "À la recherche du temps perdu" with Adams' "The Education of Henry Adams." The similar third person autobiography combined with the contrast of post Napoleon III France and post Civil War America were a great intellectual awakening for me when I read the books simultaneously over a summer and it is an excercize I'd love to share with a new generation.

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