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Do you take after anyone in your family?

I look most like my dad (if you colored him differently- you know, whiter lol). But, he's my opposite.

My mother and I are more alike, but still very different. I'm most like a relaxed version of my Aunt that passed away. The comparison between us happens a lot. She was also a freethinker and a bit of a perfectionist, albeit more high strung than I am.

silvereyes 8 Jan 30

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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I definitely take after my father. Both laid back, both intelligent (I think), same way of thinking in situations, same sense of humor, both loyal and caring, and both will mess you up bad if you cross us. I'm also kind of like his sister. My mother and I are two polar opposites for the most part.


Physically I am a fairly equal mix of both parents - I have my mom's face and physique, and my dad's coloring. The things that come out of my mouth sound like my mother, but the older I get the more I realize how alike my dad and I are personality-wise.


I’ve always looked like my dad but as I’ve gotten older people say I’m starting to look more like my mom. I have the most in common with my mom and we mostly share the same political and social views. The big difference is that I’m Atheist. My mom’s not super religious but she is a believer. I don’t really have any common ground with my sisters.


The only family trait I seem to have is my eyes my dad has blue eyes.


I look a lot like my sister and my mom, says everyone who's ever met us. My sister says I behave a lot like my dad, though I haven't spoken to him in twenty years. She says I have a lot of the same mannerisms. And I can be totally grouchy like my late grandfather.


I am Self Made and because of that... thus the several flaws. I am speaking Character. Would had love to get my mother's hazel eyes but that would had made me unbearable for sure.

@silvereyes Because I am barely bearable without them. And all the 4 girls of my mom are straight moms, wives... but the 3 boys... oh mine... were 3 sluts, horny little devils. Figures. I am the only one left.


Supposedly my Dad, but he died when I was young, so I have no true point of reference


I have attributes of both my parents but less extreme than either. Physically I am more like my dad, emotionally I am a mix but more like my mom.


I take after none.


No, I am the only atheist.


I look like my Dad to the point where I have been mistaken for his sister's daughter - or as my Aunt herself (only in a time machine). I have my Mom's chin. I think I have more my Mom's personality? But not positive will have to ask a sibling. Both parents believed in their faith - and knew before they passed that I did not. So that difference.


No, and I prefer to believe I am adopted.


Well I have been told that my shithzu has my eyes.


No. Sure different family members influenced me an of course there is the family resemblance but I am definitely my own person. My whole family is made up of very unique individuals. None of us are alike. A few similarities sprinkled here and there but that's about it.

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