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Have you ever been told you look like someone famous?

I've been likened to some starlets. Some I think bear more resemblance to me than others. Cameron Diaz, Julia Stiles, Kristen Dunst, and Farrah Faucet. Though the last one, I don't see at all. OK, maybe I don't like to be compared to stars, but these are the ones that have been mentioned in reference to me.

How about you?

silvereyes 8 Jan 31

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I used to look like Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson. I once got into an argument with Ronnie Montrose. He was convinced we had met before. I'm sure I would have remembered.


I was told I look like the girl that was in The Exorcist but when she was possessed. FML.

Did you head spin around? 8D

@AMGT I should.

@HeyHiHullo you know it.


I have posed for photos and signed autographs on behalf of both Chris Cornell and Axl Rose. But the one I usually get (at least 3 times a week) is "don't you look like Jack Sparrow" I am now bored of replying with "Captain Jack Sparrow" Also in my youth I was a dead ringer for David Essex. Oh ad in my late teens was likened to John Lennon a lot but I think that was part looks/fashion and attitude. If I could get work as a movie double it's definitely something I would do!

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 31, 2018

I've been compared, rather generously, to Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, and Jerry Doyle — before I grew the beard, of course. (Of the three, I probably most resemble Jerry Doyle. I never thought I looked much like Jason Statham.)

Oh, and even though I don't really look anything like Eddie Izzard, this photo looked like me at one time.


Kim Basinger maybe 2 decades ago... Shirley Manson if I wore a red wig for Halloween...

@SteveB You are too kind. But now that Shirley is older and blonder.. This might be a little closer than Kim... Now if only I could sing like her. What a voice.


Grace Slick, back in the day!


When I was younger, I was always told I looked like Peter Frampton.

Duke Level 8 Jan 31, 2018

@SteveB 1981

@AMGT Actually, I heard that one too.


I'm kind of a sucker for long hair on a man.


No, but several times in the past, I was told that I look like i might have some spanish blood in me. Thought, well that is cool, and let it go. My daughter and I recently had DNA tests, with the idea that the difference between mine and my daughter should give some ideas of what her mother's DNA was. Can't do that test as she is deceased. I was surprised that 19% of my DNA shows Iberian Peninsula. The largest group was scandinavian which I would have guessed as have a great grand father from Denmark, and great grandmother from Sweden. Yes I know my answer doesn't fit the question.

Neither does my response to your response but I'm waiting for results from a test both my daughter and I took.


Oh yes.... Valerie on Princess Bride, you know the wife of Billy Crystal character.

@SteveB Is one of my favorites ...My name is Inigo Montoya, prepare to die!

@SteveB "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you." 😛



I've been likened to a lot of things, but never someone famous.


Silvereyes looks like Mette from the Asteroids Galaxy Tour . So pretty.



Not me, but I was friends with this guy that was the spitting image of Tom Petty.


I keep getting told I look like the guy from "Lost". But since I didn't watch it I have no idea who they are talking about. All I know is he is a good looking guy.


Adam Sandler...

You should see me with a buzz cut and no goatee. It's uncanny.


I get Chris Farley quite often which I usually return with a lecture about the amount of time they'll to spot celebrity look-a-likes when they are living in a van down by the river!


I've been told that I look like Jude Law....after he had a terrible accident involving fire and broken glass, but still, Jude Law!


I don't know about famous but many years ago in Tucson I was told by more than one person that there was someone else in town who could have been my twin.
I never happened to meet them and I never figured out if my 'twin' should have felt insulted by the idea or I should. HaHa.

There was someone at my high school that looked enough like me that I got asked at least once a week why I had changed clothes. Apparently she liked wearing dresses whereas I was usually sitting cross legged in a weed circle outside before school, during lunch, after school so did not wear dresses


Yes, Bette Davis....all my life.

@AMGT In the whole face...and in the eyes in particular.

@twshield Sorry, that was Joan Crawford.

@twshield I saw a movie called whatever happened to baby jane and I became obsessed with Crawford LOL After the book came out, I started calling my mother mommie dearest to be a shit. She now signs her emails with mommie dearest

@twshield Fortunately, I am not as ugly as Joan Crawford.


Yes. Sid Philips from Toy Story when I was a kid. It's more often now for some to say I look like Benedict Cumberbatch.


Robert Urich, before he died. Of course you can't tell from my avatar here. Most of you probably don't even know who he is.

@AMGT give that lady a gold star.


Serj Tankian is the only person I was compared to in college. I am honored by the comparison now that I know more about him.


I've been compared to the south side of a horse going north.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

Travis Tritt


I’ve been told, damn I can never remember his name, Russel Crow


Yes. I’ve been stopped by students and even cashiers and asked if I’m Mark Hamill.

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