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Football, Kneeling and Respect

I've seen a few comments about the kneeling and football.
Did the kneeling during the anthem impact your interest in American Football? Are you for/against/uninterested in their silent protest.

If you find it disrespectful, why and who/what is being disrespected in your opinion.

Crimson67 8 Feb 4

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I saw zero kneeling wishing I had but many black athletes closed their eyes and held their shoulder pad NOT THE HAND OVER HEART fascism


The kneeling during the anthem is a very effective protest. It's nonviolent and very public. You can argue that it is disrespectful but in doing so, you are adding to it's publicity. Just as the protesters intended. I hope they keep it up and it becomes a mainstay of all sporting events until issues of inequality are appropriately dealt with.

yes it has nothing to do with the flag


Kneel away... its a reasonable protest with a good purpose


Let me tell you how I feel about the kneeling and respect thing. The flag and anthem are symbols of our country which is founded on the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. Actually being allowed to protest is a guarantee we all are given. No where does it say how or when or what is or is not appropriate. What is not right is for white people to tell people of color how they should express their dis-respect for a system that does not respect them. The race card has been thrown down, it's over 140 year since the Civil War ended and 58 years since the last Jim Crow laws were abolished. Hate and discrimination must be addressed for there to be real change.


I find it interesting that many of the same people that get all "how disrespectful !!!" , are the very same people that kneel, or prostrate themselves before their imagined gods.
To show respect - huh ?

And the very fact that so many are not remotely getting the meaning of this silent protest, all the more shows the need for it !


Kneeling is a sign of deference or respect. What is being disrespected are the players civil rights the whole issue, and the flag by Trump's idiotic attempt to appeal to his reactionary base.


It didn't both me. The National Anthem being played at sporting events is a uniquely North American tradition that really makes no sense to me. What do sporting events have to do with The National Anthem? We don't do it before concerts or plays or movies or any other type of entertainment except sports.


@Wafflestomp Dilly Dilly!


The only reason I care at all about sportsball, now, is because of the social justice movement that has flowered there. I'm glad there's a such a visible barometer, but I'm horrified by what it's showing.

What's disrespectful, for me, is assuming and acting like there's right and wrong ways to think and feel about and interpret things, like symbols. Like, "the flag represents veterans, and their sacrifice for this nation.". Really?? Who decided that? I don't get a vote about what things mean to me; I just have to go along with what other people say? And how did the national anthem get conflated with the flag??

I don't mind if you feel whatever way, or if 90% of my countrymen feel that way-- I mind very much that I'm expected to accept the idea that I don't get to make my own meaning for myself. What's it to you if I don't interpret a symbol the same way you do? Why does that make me wrong? What's the contents of my mind and heart got to do with you, anyway?

If it bothers you that I don't "respect" something that you feel should be respected, don't invite me to dinner. Don't be my friend. Don't even talk to me. But why freak out and attack me, guilt me, shame me, try to change my mind? Are your values so fragile that they'll implode if you're even aware that they're not universal?

I'm not even talking about overt disrespect, either--just lack of conspicuous shows of respect. I see a huge difference between these things, but it would appear that many folks regard them as one and the same. As in, the very act of neglecting to "show respect" amounts to a grievous display of disrespect. That's some delusionally immature binary bullshit and I'm not having it.

It's just the latest platform for the oldest game: do the thing, or you're bad. And there's some really strong stuff mixed up in this one. Weirdly. Scarily.

I can't even with humans...

Neeto !!! I like it...


It's not disrespectful. Somehow Kaepernick's protest turned into him hating America and the flag. No, his protest was because he wants equality for blacks when it comes to police treatment and the justice system. The whole concept of protesting and standing up for justice is supposed to be an American right and the most respectful thing anyone can stand for. Now because it's about black people it's "disrespectful"? People raging about this don't even know the original thought that went into our National Anthem and the words that were taken out of the song. It's meaning comes from a racist origin. People should be more offended by the real injustices going on in our country. It shouldn't be selective rage only for certain people or issues. The same people claiming it's disrespectful don't think twice about what corporations do to people or what the U.S. does to other countries. They actually JUSTIFY those things!


American Football? Isn't that the game which is a watered down version English Rugby?

The players are engaging in a form of silent, AND NON-VIOLENT PROTEST, as is their right.


More power to them.


@witchymom I personally hope my Patriots each take a knee to say screw u Trumpty Dumpty. The piece of shit has no business interferring witjh the NFL for revenge of him losing his pitiful league.

That’d be nice... unfortunately neither team did... publicly... but the good news is the Eagles beat the Pat’s butts pretty good... hope to see the same bunch next year.


I support the players who kneel. They have a right to their respectful protest.


As a veteran I was disgusted by trumps reaction to NFL players exercising their constituional right to kneel during the National Anthem. It is NOT disrespectful to the flag, veterans, or the United States. ..What is disrespectful is POTUS saying " the sons-of-bitches"


Just because someone else wants to play the national anthem, does NOT mean that I have to acknowledge it. They want to, OK. If I want to ignore it and keep on doing whatever I'm doing, I'm equally entitled to do so. Those zealots can cram the anthem up their own backsides.


I am a 49er fan. I don't think I would have ever purchased my Kaepernick jerseys if it weren't for the kneeling. I'm sorry, but I have little respect for my country as it has regularly shown a lack of respect for it's own citizens so anyone who points out that things aren't right has my respect regardless of whether or not I actually agree with them.


As a retired veteran, I think they're going about it the absolute right way! it's about as peaceful as you can get and it does not disrespect the flag. I fought and many others died for your right their right my right to do anything you want to that flag! That is true freedom!


Imho, if all sympathetic to Colin's kneeling, Including IN THE STANDS, would tale a knee [or turn their backs] there would be "talk"


Of course there is nothing wrong with respect for the tokens of nationality. But in the US it is imprinted in the subconscious of the citizens from child on. Just the same as is done by religion. Starting school with the national anthem, fist/hand on the heart, and when you don't ……… you have no respect, just as these football "kneelers" are labeled. Isn't this country all about freedom? Isn't freedom of expression part of that? Well, I'm not so sure anymore. Loving a country doesn't mean that I can't be critical. You should know how critical I sometimes am at the Dutch government.

Gert Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

Thinking about the thread of how hypocrite I think I am. Yes I am. I criticize this country very much. I see so many things that are actually wrong. And not so much the people themselves as well certain elements of the culture and religion. In spite of that all, even as I miss Europe a lot, I love my life in this country.


Well, don't you think that sports, and especial Football has become quite a competition for religion in the US? Doesn't it have also many religious elements in it?

Gert Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

@witchymom Sometimes they do. Get worshiped and celebrated. Fanaticism ……… fight against the one's that believe in an other team.
I must say, I'm not infected. I see football once a year because I want to know where everybody is talking about. Even bought hot wings today (they were pretty nice). The are already gone before the game starts.

For all those people who say this is disrespectful to our soldiers I want to ask: Do they spend as much time and energy over Veteran's or Memorial Day as they do over the Super Bowl?

@Epic-curious Indeed, how good are the US for their veterans in the first place. Vietnam, Korea, Iran, etc., etc. Veterans of all the wars that the US is fighting all over the world for protection of the interests of the US. Not even for bringing peace. And they have a lot of veterans, don't they?


When sports tried to indoctrinate patriotism , I think it was during the time when women's sports was in play during the second world war . We need to move on , sports at Any Level is not patriotic .
👎 💔 💋 🥀 :'( 🍺 🍸 🍕 🌈 😠

Dougy Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

The outcry against the protest seems completely racist. Of course the people who think this aren't racist because they say so. This conflation between sports and patriotism is absurd, especially the evangelical outcry for conformity. It is too much for them to handle living in the 'bubble' of the 'matrix' being comfortably numb. Messy how they have sloshed their nutrient solutions around so much.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

I am not a football fan. Too much Roman gladiator stuff for me.

As a vet I stand for freedom of speech.

If Nazis have the right to wave the swastika in a county that lost almost 1/2 million men fighting that ideology, then I will stand behind those who knell in protest of the racism in our county.


Oh no ...! More fire... ok, I saw more respect last night then I've seen in a long time. I'm glad I watched it. We use to have Bob hope help the troops out. We have technologies that have gotten us from country to country talking to wife's husbands and kids every night. There's no more missing your family. I fought for my country and I love it. I suppose its something special for me other then people who didn't. There's a time and a place for protest. I will not pay a person to entertain me and have them force their opinions on me. I pay their salary when I watch them play. That it. Oh yeah... screw Jane fonda... I don't forgive her...


The right to protest is just that. I think it's funny how freedom of speech is attacked by the left when it isn't for their side of things, but when a football player kneels down they applaude his "bravery" and defend his right to free speech.

Oh dear, another conservative. Go away troll.

So you're limiting my freedom of speech then? It's an open discussion, is it not? You kinda just proved my point.


I am not offended. I respect their right to protest nonviolently, and I mostly agree with their causes.

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