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Being Completely Honest, Is There A Bible Or Cross Anywhere In Your Home Right Now?

For those of you who didn't know, I have only been Agnostic for 2.5 years now. I guess I am still in a transition from Christianity.

I will be completely honest when I say that I do have one bible still in my home that I have had for years as part of my décor in my living room. Of course it is here merely as a decorative accent but I have now bagged it for garbage.

Please tell me if you have these things still in your home.
No need to be shy or embarrassed unless you are still doing sunday mass and paying

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twshield 8 Feb 4

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they are here but not mine


Problem with the question as opposed to the choices made available. I have no religious symbols in my house, but I have tons of religious literature I use for reference. I am a follower of Sun Tzu, therefor the literature. I should point out that most of the literature I have is in easy to search computer files, not in the form of paper, though I do have a few physical books.

@evestrat -- Oops, you misunderread my comment. I said I am a follower of Sun Tzu and that is the reason for the literature.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


I have Bible, Bhagavad Gita (x3), Upanishads, Dhammapada, and various (loose-leaf) Buddhist sutras, and half a dozen books on Buddhism. I also have a whole box of Christian books and tchotchkes that I keep getting. Oh I forgot I have several hymn books and a whole library of Christian musical literature.

Do I win?


This is the first time I get to tell this one! My mother and I, living separately though both addicted to thrift stores, would both accept (salvation army would give you one free with a purchase) and if the price were right, purchase bibles from such stores.. Where’d they go? Into my compost bin … it was a nice one, and I loved to knowing they were quietly decomposing out of site and out of circulation 🙂

My former wife’s mother died. Catholic, who’d some way managed to raise 3 atheist daughters.. when cleaning out, we volunteered to take the religious stuff … and though I had target practice in mind.. It all became landfill. So nothing here 🙂

Varn Level 8 Feb 4, 2018

@twshield’re welcome.. I’ve often wondered it book composting is anything like book burning 😉


Symbols? Crosses? No. Bibles? Sure. And a Koran, and a copy of The Book of Mormon. They are reference materials, NOT devotional props. It is helpful to know what you are talking about when criticizing religious scriptural claims.

I have way more books about religion from a secular, scholarly perspective. My sentimental favorite is a satirical condensed version of the Bible by Mark Russell called "God Is Disappointed In You." It is even illustrated. 😛


My mom comes to visit and she insist on having the hokey torture device here. When she passes I will for sure throw it in the wood stove.


The one time l read it l found it repeated so much l felt bored, l will find one and try again.


I have both the RSV and NIV versions of the bible. I also have the papers I had to write in 3 of the five religion classes I had at the Lutheran college I got my first degree at.


Have 150 year old family bible kept as a family ikon


No reason why you shouldn't have any religious symbols in your home. Its no one's business but yours. No need to justify anything.

In fact, discarding your religious symbols or religious connections because of your new ideology is no different to being told you must dispose of any paraphernalia related to meditation books etc. by a fundamentalist Christian sect. Try not to let agnosticism have a cult-like effect on you because you can shut the door on all sorts of interesting ideas.


I'm a Buddhist. I'll bet most folks on this board don't know that Buddhism is NOT a religion. It is a non-theistic practice of meditation and ethical behavior. What do we do in meditation? We practice relaxing the mind from stress and worry, and just observe how the mind works. There are a lot of insights along the way, both during and post meditation.

But to answer your question. I have no Christian imagery, but my room-mate has some. I do have some Buddhist images, but I don't worship them, or anything like that. I have Buddhist literature/books, but no Bible. I wish I had a Bible to use as reference. Knowing various Bible stories is helpful in understanding a lot of Western literature.

I'd like to share a Buddhist Sutra, the Kalama Sutra, in which Buddha talks about the need for doubt and skepticism.

Kalama Sutra

Do not believe anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
But after observation and analysis, when you find anything that agrees with reason and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.


I've been a non-Theist since my teen age years. I have several religious icons, books. Simply because I don't believe in the super-natural doesn't mean I can't appreciate the philosophy or the art. A friend left me a 'blessed' statue of the Arch Angel Michael stepping on the neck of a demon or something (even has a card naming the Priest who blessed it). It is not an expensive statue -- I'm hoping he will want it back someday. I don't care who knows I have these things -- they do not define who I am.


i have a bible my grandparents gave me. prob have something else but can't remember.


jewelry and art


I have studied religions for a while now and have many religious symbols in my home. Most of those would be considered "Pagan"

I have several Bibles with family history that have belonged to family members that have passed on. These are the only thing there that I have that would actually be considered "Christian".

I have a Quran that was gifted to me. Also a 22 volume set of the Zohar that was also gifted to me.

I have an extensive library with a large religious section that includes The Dead Sea Scrolls several of the "Lost Gospels" The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Golden Dawn, The Secret Teachings of all Ages, The Kama Sutra, the I Ching... and many many more...too many to list. These allows me to have informed conversations with people about their many various beliefs.

I also collect religious artifacts of the "pagan" variety. Some are for novelty and home decor some I actually use.

I have a number of Tarot decks. My favorite is the one that I can actually play cards with.

There are prayer flags and hamsas, stars of David, and pentagrams. There is a crystal ball, and a number of wands, staffs, and athemes.

There are smudging fans and bowls, that I actually use to disinfect the house periodically.

A plethora of herbs and spices and things from nature.The pendulums, crystals, and geodes are beautiful and eye catching.

Oijah Boards, and cauldrons, that get used sometimes also in "potion" making. (I make my own cosmetic oils, and herbal cures, and also use them sometimes to cook in when I am in need of extra pots and pans!)

A twisted broom hangs at my door that I use in weddings for "broom jumping" ceremonies, and there is a witches hat and shoes sitting on my top shelf, and one feathered artificial raven that sits on my clock... just 'cause it's cool!

Donna Level 6 July 3, 2018

I have studied religions for a while now and have many religious symbols in my home. Most of those would be considered "Pagan"

I have several Bibles with family history that have belonged to family members that have passed on. These are the only thing there that I have that would actually be considered "Christian".

I have a Quran that was gifted to me. Also a 22 volume set of the Zohar that was also gifted to me.

I have an extensive library with a large religious section that includes The Dead Sea Scrolls several of the "Lost Gospels" The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Golden Dawn, The Secret Teachings of all Ages, The Kama Sutra, the I Ching... and many many more...too many to list. These allows me to have informed conversations with people about their many various beliefs.

I also collect religious artifacts of the "pagan" variety. Some are for novelty and home decor some I actually use.

I have a number of Tarot decks. My favorite is the one that I can actually play cards with.

There are prayer flags and hamsas, stars of David, and pentagrams. There is a crystal ball, and a number of wands, staffs, and athemes.

There are smudging fans and bowls, that I actually use to disinfect the house periodically.

A plethora of herbs and spices and things from nature.The pendulums, crystals, and geodes are beautiful and eye catching.

Oijah Boards, and cauldrons, that get used sometimes also in "potion" making. (I make my own cosmetic oils, and herbal cures, and also use them sometimes to cook in when I am in need of extra pots and pans!)

A twisted broom hangs at my door that I use in weddings for "broom jumping" ceremonies, and there is a witches hat and shoes sitting on my top shelf, and one feathered artificial raven that sits on my clock... just 'cause it's cool!

Donna Level 6 July 3, 2018

I am homeless 😟


There is a Bible, a cross, an angel, prayer hands, an evil eye, a mezuzah, a star of David, Buddhist prayer flags, a prayer wheel, a Bible, an Ephemeris, a tarot deck, 7 Budda statues, Koran, a Book of the Dead, several books on comparative , a statue of, Ganesh, multiple Wiccan symbols, an egg, and a masculine fertility statue (oh, wait, that's a dildo)......
Yes, I married an antiques dealer (read: hoarder) the last answer also applies.
The books are mine, as well as some symbols and statues. My Agnosticism/Atheism (depending on the day), and termina adolescent eye-roll were not just endowed upon me, they were earned. However, the cultural artifacts remain. From the first time I ever saw that giant Turible (incense burner at an very large Catholic service) get hurled down the aisle at a tremendous speed, suspended by a thick rope, only to swing back and forth as if propelled by an unseen force, spewing acrid thick white smoke, I thought, over and over, "these people are fucking crazy, but this is the best theater EVER!

So I have been fascinated by the cultural effect of . Good and bad. (Remember, a faggot is kindling, for the fires the Christian Church used to burn us in)..
So my mother, the full time Astrologer, used to tell me as a child, when I had questions about god, "look at all of the religions, see what they have in common, and there you find your truths"
Less than anything else, believe it or not, is a diety. It is not the thread. So I welcome the cultural artifacts into my home, and will celebrate them all. It confuses my boss when I take religious holidays, at the very least...
(This is one corner of one room in my home. Another room looks like a huge junk drawer)


I just remembered I inherited the family antique hand carved ivory, Nativity scene.


I have three bibles and a concordance which belonged to my late wife. She also saved the crucifix from her mother's funeral. That's about it. I also have a digital copy of the Skeptic's Annotated Bible, a book I highly recommend.


My atheist daughter thinks tacky Jesus memorabilia are hilarious, so I may still have an expired air freshener in my car she gave me.


No, but I did have for many years, long after I had no faith in anything in it.
It is still ancient literature and has cultural relevance.


I did not vote in the poll because I don't consider the bible to be a religious symbol for me. (Maybe historical fiction or mythology.) I do have my grandmother's bible in my bookcase. (She was atheist, yet kept the bible on her end table, next to her sofa.)

I do not and have never have had a crucifix, either on my neck or on my wall.

I did purchase the Brick Bible and have it available for my still religious visitors who might be curious to see their beloved bible stories depicted with lego figures. I have books on various religions and mythologies, as well as many books on freethought, atheism, and other subjects.

I consider the bible to be a religious text, more than a symbol. Where as a depiction of a crucifix is a symbol in my mind, but that's just the way I view it. I do have books that are part of my decor, expressing my personality, but they also aren't symbols for me. In any case, I can see how a bible can be a symbol and of family historical value. I just don't choose it to be one for my life, though it's on my top shelf in my bookcase along with other books on religion and mythology.


I was raised Catholic, girls boarding school. I cannot remember exact books and verses but the Bible is indelibly printed in my brain.


A bible... still in the wrapper, was given to my late wife by Billy Graham (she said). It’s kept in a night table drawer in my guest room, sort of a snarky joke.

Tomas Level 7 Apr 16, 2018
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