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Helpful tips you learned as an adult?

“I didn’t know you can do that,” I marveled at age 23, watching Patricia pour two different cereals in her bowl. We looked at each other and burst into laughter.

I still I have pockets of naiveness. Learn from everyone I meet. Through online dating, I gleaned invaluable tips from men:

  1. Pour liquid laundry detergent into the cap, and toss it in the washing machine before adding clothes. The cap gets washed and rinsed. No more messy caps.

  2. Troubleshooting dead electric GFIC outlets (short for “ground fault circuit interrupter” outlets). Press the “Test” button first and the “Reset” button pops out. Then press the “Reset” button.

  3. Finally! How to properly sharpen knives with a steel.

  4. "The best personal lubricant is AstroGlide," a doctor I dated said. Yup.

What invaluable tips did you learn from others as an adult?

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 29

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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It's fine to say you don't want to do something without giving a reason other than "I don't want to."

Contractors are always late unless you are. Then they are early.

For anything: cheap, fast, good, pick two.

When you buy lower quality to save a buck, it winds up costing you more. Sometimes a LOT more.


pickled beets will never taste good


Don't shave right before you....uh......nevermind....

swim in the ocean??

@LetzGetReal I guess you told me!


lighting a match after you poo covers up the poo smell 😉


Don't spit or piss into the wind.
Don't open a radiator cap while your engine is hot and off.
Everyone that smiles at you doesn't mean they like you.
If you help a needy person they will remember you when they are needy again.
It's okay to be you


Pretty much to keep my mouth shut about anything going on in my largely criminal family (all dead now so no come back).
How to iron a shirt.
Ice skating pleasurable and good exercise. riding a tandem and learning to grit my teeth when people shouted Lazy Daisy! at me (Its harder cycling at the back)
I was the first woman plasterer to finish a Topps course in plastering and then the first woman builder in Liverpool and surrounding district.


Wash your hands after slicing jalepenos. Especially if you are going to rub your eyes without thinking.

Get to the gym. Don't think about what you are going to do there or how long you will stay there. Just get your ass there first. You will be glad you did for the rest of the day.

Single malt scotch is damn delicious. Too delicious, in fact.


Keep your cables coiled & tied. Labeling helps if you have a lot running everywhere.

Rinse dishes in hot water, set in a rack and put away when dry. Won't be long and you can do something else instead of standing there drying.

Get your sidewalk and driveway clear of snow as quick as possible. If it looks like a long storm, go out and shovel in the snow. It'll save your back and a lot of time and potential issues later. It's great exercise too!

Those are just ones I thought of first. I know there's a bunch more, but that's enough from me lol. Good topic. ?


I’m going to try the soap cap trick today!


During negotiations, it's not about getting people to say yes. It's about eliminating the ways in which they can say no.


Beer on whiskey, very risky.
Whiskey on beer, never fear.

@LetzGetReal ...well...never failed me yet ;D


Don't dip your pen in company ink.

You ain't never lied.


With any Windows product, always wait for service pack two. Microsoft beta test by selling stuff and waiting for the error reports.

If you get wasted, your going to crash. Accept this as inevitable part of the experience. The alternative is junkydom.

Hallucinogenics will give you amazing insights into the human condition that you will forget within thirty seconds. Learn to love the ephemeral beauty of buddha-goldfish syndrome.

Pay your rent and bills first.

Women cop lots of vile shit when you're not around. As a reasonable guy, you won't see a lot of it, because the arseholes tend to back off in your presence.


Crack is Wack yo!
Jk (sort of) but seriously I find it helpful to avoid things like alcohol and cigarettes. It’s expensive and really does no good. I would rather save that money for other things


There is no arrival - only constant vigilance.

Find beauty in austerity and your life will be joyful.

Commit and be committed.

80-20 (pareto's law) applies to everything.

Motivation boils down to the binary of fear or love. Each person chooses which to employ. Know your own motivations and those of the people you work with.

Starvation, decay, and shortage are the norm. Plan accordingly.

Stay a student.


Go inside when someone is brush hogging.


Coconut oil is bad for your insides but great for your outsides.

You can choose who you love but don't try to choose who loves you, it's a fools errand.

Learn to like yourself by becoming a person you respect.

The best sex is the enjoyment of a partners orgasm. Seriously the energy is awesome.

Midrise elevators don't do middle free parking.

The América I grew up in is gone. I don't know what will follow but it will take alot of work to match what was lost.

No matter what happens, you can always be my friend.

@LetzGetReal the British Journal of Medicine posted a study of 100,000 people that indicated that saturated fats, including coconut oil, raise the risk of heart disease.

@LetzGetReal you hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. Saturated fats increase the risk of heart desease. If you know anything about nutrition you know that basic fact. You can not like it if you want but it's been shown pretty clearly from population studies. It makes me wonder what your "considered research" and "experience" consist of.

@LetzGetReal but it's so much fun!


As long as healthy old age prefered over the other choice

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