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Am I the only person who cares nothing for football?

JoeMastle 7 Feb 5

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No probably not 🙂


I've never cared for sports in the slightest, they all bore me to death. If I am sat down to watch them my eyes just glaze over.


I too have no interest in (American) football. It seems to me that two guys are standing, one behind the other, the guy in back sniffs the first guy's ass and a fight breaks out! Football is too violent! It should be more civilized like ice hockey.

I see what you did there.

Please elaborate.

You need to look up a bit that Andy Grivitth did it was called " What is was, was football


I openly abhor ALL spectator sports.

Does that include NASCAR.

not if I could drive but id rather do rallycross

NASCAR I take it is car racing? Have never seen one, have not watched television for nearly 30 years, I stopped in part because of all the telecast sports.

@MikeFlora that is even worse


It's as meaningless to me as religion.


Nope. I care nothing for most sports.


I hate sports. Pay some assholes millions to chase balls around a field, why?


Your football, our football? Who gives a f@#k?

Watching sports is about getting us all to look the other way while our rulers do bad stuff.

Except cycling. That is actually very important 🙂


Here's my feeling about sports in general...


No. I don't care either.


Not at all. I'm there with you. I will also include majority of other sports that people watch. The only ones that I have any interest in is gymnastics and figure skating.

we are pretty much on the same page


I don't like it either.

Betty Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

Nope. Think the sports craze is ridiculous


Nope! I really don’t get sports. I only follow whatever one of my kids is involved in


No. There are many other 'football non-fans' out there.


You are not alone!


You most certainly are not.


no i hate it too


I have not the slightest interest in football or any other competitive sport. I wonder how many "fans" would be interested if they could not wager on the outcome of the games.....

jasen Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

I like going to a live sporting event every once in a while but tv sports? Nah. I could care less.


Football has never caught my interest either. But I know I'm not the only one.


The sportsball fandom has been going crazy lately! Must be a big con going down soon... So much cosplay...


I don't like it.


I actually resent football, the amount of time, money and effort the goes into grown men chasing a ball around annoys me. If you're going to have a hero can't it be someone who has actually done something useful!

Kimba Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

yes, i too resent it


It's a child's game. Leave it to adults to pervert it into an insane business and contrive the means to addict people to it. No, I can't stand any professional sport. Even college sports has reached a point of being delusional in its real and tangible importance to society. It's an outgrowth of Pop Culture. And then there's all the 'made for consumption' stars like Justin Timberlake they trot out. Don't get me started on that crap!!

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