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What’s your most favorite and least favorite sport?

I’m a huge fan of valley ball, soccer, air hockey and ping pong. I do not care too much for tennis, foosball, basketball and baseball.

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 5

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Best Football, worst Soccer

gater Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I love Rugby, cricket and rugby league (A faster version of rugby) I love watching the Olympics and Commonwealth games. I played grass/field hockey all through high school, that was fun. My mother forced me to play tennis when I was a kid. I can't even look at a tennis racket now lol.

Sacha Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I tried playing Rugby once with a group of friends that started a small league, I could not move for three days after that. I was in my thirties and I had the delusion that I was still in shape.

@noworry28 Yes a good game and not a helmet or padding anywhere! You should google rugby league, its faster than rugby, only allowed 5 tackles before you have to give the balls away to the other team. When they tackle each other its like they bounce right off each other of the ground because they are so fit.

@Sacha I am too old for any that now. I only play tackle games with kids under ten years of age now. My youngest nephew is twelve and he tackles too hard now for me. I can no longer be his tackling dummy. Lol. I used to let my other nephews tackle me while we played football(American football) while they were growing up. The oldest one is twenty-one, the others are seventeen, fourteen and twelve. This uncle is retired from tackling.


I dislike anything competitive, team based, spectator, involving a ball. I surf, cycle, roller blade, swim, kayak, I don't consider them sports, more activities.


Most favorite: Hiking with my camera.
Least favorite: Anything involving teams.


Most favorite - probably basketball
Least favorite - baseball

The margin between my favorite and least favorite is so narrow they’re most likely equal.


That depends on if you mean sports I played, or sports I watched and liked.

  1. Favorite Sport I played: racing other horses on my Akhal Teke throwback mare (ancient Turkmenistan racing desert breed, an ancestor of the Thoroughbred).
    Also all the other horse-related activities; driving carts, roping juvenile wild boars in the corn, jumping gates and logs, trail riding, trick riding.
  2. Favorite sports I don't play, although I TRIED: Thai sepak takraw
    A. Sport I don't play, least favorite: American football..too many permanent brain injuries

B. Sport I played as a kid, least favorite-hurt my knuckes: marbles


favorite is Football (American), least is golf or mma fighting


Truth is, I am a bookworm and a nerd. Sports really don't make a damn one way or another to me.


My favorite would be walking/hiking. Least favorite - anything where the athletes are paid astronomical amounts of money and treated like they are above the law. Also least favorite - any "sport" that uses an exorbitant amount of fossil fuels and creates a great deal of noise. Followed by any "sport" that hurts animals.


Dirt track auto racing is my favorite, while golf is my least favored.


I used, LONG ago, to be a bit of a mean table-tennis player. I was also, for a short time, my school's second best high-jumper (though the school's best made me look very stupid indeed - he'd consistantly beat me by about 12-15 inches!)

Now I play no sports at all.

So what do I watch?

Well - it depends on mood and time. When Wimbledon is on I watch some tennis. I'll turn on to the occasional test match - but not in any really 'committed way'. Come the winter olympics I'll watch a bit of ski-ing, skating, and the odd maniac flinging himself off the edge of a ski jump - fine, but I wouldn't really call myself a 'fan'.

I'm not a fan of football (soccer). I really don't get golf at all - I mean " 'swish - thunk' oh yes, that's right into the heart of the green" then someone else " 'swish - thunk' oh dear, I think he's hooked it into the sand trap to the right of the dog-leg" then someone else " 'swish - thunk' well look at that, he's going to have a tricky approach shot from that long rough" then someone else ... what the FUCK is that all about?


To watch, baseball.
To participate in, well I used to love to skate until I blew out my knee. I also loved to play baseball, soccer, basketball, golf, and racquetball, but my body just doesn't cooperate any more. These days I mostly play pool and hike.

d_day Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I enjoiyed playing sports as a youth and young man, I have zero intrest in the voyueristic pursuit of watching other athletes do what I shall never be able to.
I would rather DO something else.
I do not watch sports at all. I can tolerate watching live MMA (which I practiced for years) because I can see the techniques being employed and the rapid deployment of combat strategy, but I never go, or rent or make any effort to do such.
I would rather do something. I watch films.


Love hockey. Hate golf.

Hahaha! Golf always seemed boring.


Not into sports at all


Favorite to play? I like to play ping-pong. Can't really think of any other sport I like to play. Maybe Badminton? I'm not very athletic.

Favorite to watch? I really love Ski Cross, which is a relatively new Winter Olympic event. This will be the third Olympics to feature it. I love watching the Olympics, even if I'm not rooting for any particular competitor. Naturally, I root for the Americans when they're in the running, but I really watch for the winners, I watch to see them all. This year, I'll be off for a whole week during the Olympics!

Least favorite - golf.


I really enjoy baseball. As a sport or activity for myself it would be riding my bicycle


Favourite: cycling, especially road racing and cyclocross, but also track, MTB and BMX.

Least favourite: fox hunting.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

I like watching MMA


Least favourite: any game kicking a football. Most favourite: anything with a racquet.


Play: basketball, baseball, skateboarding, running, frisbee, badminton

Watch: men's MMA mmm...

Anything else? Not interested.


I used to me into diving, aquatics, no more. My son was into skateboarding. Individual sports, bikes. Disk golf is cool, but not really a sport.


Addicted to MMA, and there are other sports? Uhn uh...I don't think so.


Basketball. The tallest side wins


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