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Are you a Feminist? If so, what does it mean to you?

Redcupcoffee 7 Feb 5

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Yes I am a feminist. It means gender equality. I don't think women are better than men or hate men. I just believe women are entitled to all the freedom, representation and opportunities that men have always enjoyed.


I am a man, but ! I detest the way women have been treated from time eternal, I am a feminist . In some religions [ which I will not name for fear of a god given death ] Women are rated to be below the standing of a dog. women accused of witchcraft and murdered. Women beaten up by their partners. Women having the constant attention of sexual predatory.
Women not considered worthy of equal pay as men. Women promised good positions and conned into sex slavery. ................

LET us also not forget, or forgive, the millions of female babies aborted and killed by the communist regime.....@Redcupcoffee


In 1976 I wanted to join the Army. I had to have my dad sign the enrollment forms... I had to have daddy's permission. Had I wanted to get a credit card about that time I would have had to have daddy's permission. My male classmates of the same age did not have to have permission. This is why I am a feminist. I was smarter and more responsible than many of my male classmates, yet I needed permission to do what I wanted.... I only want equal rights and authority over my own body and my own life. Because of the battles of women before me and after me my daughters will never have to and never had to ask daddy for permission.

We support the struggle even though feminists don't recognize our role in changing the World, without male participation, all you mentioned would have been impossible. We participated as husbands, brothers, friends, uncles, Fathers. Instead what we are being paid in return is misandrism. We are being made to pay for crimes we know nothing about---I wonder how us that Justice in the name of feminism.


Yes. It means I am against "traditional" societies, religions, policies, etc. that are built on the idea that women are less than men. It hurts both women and men.




I'm an equalist


Does being in touch with your feminine side count?

To me it means equality in most things and superiority in some!


I thought I was until a couple of years ago LOL

I have always felt that if a woman did the job as well as a man, she should receive the same pay for it. I didn't feel that it necessarily had to be the woman that always left work for a sick child.

HOWEVER, I like for someone to hold the door for me and I will for others.

I have reservations about women in combat yet I want them to be able to,



Yes. Feminism is the natural origin of little and loved people. PATRIARCHAL theism is the ancient devolution away from Feminism. We are a nurturing species and bellicosity rapacity greed negates all the good work of humanity with instant destructive violence/pollution


Yes, I am.

It means being a humanist with an awareness of the history of the treatment of women in our culture.


My interpretation needs to be renamed, I see feminism and absolute gender equality and based on that I am a feminist.


I would consider myself to be for equal rights. If that means I'm some form of feminist, well, count me one. I'll stick to my label of "Not a shitty human being" for now though.


As I see it, feminism can be one of 3 things. 1 empowerment of women. 2 gender equality. 3 hatred of men. As a male I am all for the first 2.


Feminist in terms of adoring women then yes Feminist thinking the sexes are some how unbalanced is ludicrous.


Having worked in male-dominated surroundings (assembling nuclear submarines) I worked hard to be a PERSON, not a woman among the men. Best moment was one of my foreman stuffing me into a trash can, nose to knees, in front of the other guys because he knew I would not be a jerk about it, I had arrived as one of the workers!

You're a certified badass.

@jayneonacobb Just one of the gang!


I think so, but in the sense that the sexes are equal. Feminism, to me, isn’t about females rising above males, but finding equality in society. The angry feminist who wants to put males down just to subjugate them is not what I call feminism.

that is what I call a feminazi. I'm not angry with men, I just want equality for all women.


I would be a feminist if it was not the vehicle that transports misandrism. However I believe in equal treatment of all people under the law, Justice,liberty for all, right of thought, right to reproduction systems and choice to do with your body as you wish. Women bodies belong to them, no one should legislate against them.


I’m a lesbian.

No. I just like women. @Redcupcoffee

By the way, though I’m definitely straight, I’m a widower. @Redcupcoffee

I was unsuccessfully trying to be funny. @Redcupcoffee


I'm a humanist, I would like to see equality for all. I'm also a realist as I know it isn't going to happen.


For the longest time I thought feminist was a dirty word. I kept hearing about how "feminists" were anti man, and basically modern day amazons, as happy to skin a man as dance around a fire chanting to some angry god. Eventually I got into an argument, and said as much. It was pretty embarrassing to say the least.

Once I figured out what the word meant I realized that what I took for common sense apparently required an entire movement.

I agree, I've never really seen any reason to judge people unless they are affecting others. Don't know why that's such a rare thought process, but c'est la vie.

Wait, you mean to tell me we don't skin men and dance around chanting? I better go tell my friends to stop then, excuse me.


Women should be able to; vote, work outside the home and be paid equally, get as much and any kind of education they want, hold positions of power, control her own body, be sexually active or not, have access to birth control, have and raise children or not, BE HEARD, have their opinion matter, be in a relationship or not, own property, make their own financial decisions, etc. etc., etc. To me this is what feminism is. Doesn't seem that radical and yet we're still fighting for these rights.


Of course. Feminism means believing women and men should be given the same rights, pay, opportunities, and respect. I realize that there are those out there who believe feminism is inherently anti-men, but that's not what it's about.

It's also important to recognize the need for intersectionality, something that traditional feminism has not been good at accomplishing.


Can you be a feminist and still think men's rights is an issue as well. If so yes I am if not then I am just for equality for all homo sapiens


Yes-women are 100% equal..


Treating everyone as my equal, with all the rights and privileges that I have and enjoy.

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