I have a question for both believers and unbelievers. If God Himself appeared to you and told you that He did not exist, would you believe Him?
How would I know it was god?
I would take another drink of absynth, eat some more peyote, then calmly wait for the next hallucination.
You mean "that he did exist"? That's a difficult question. I would still be skeptical whether it's hallucination or not. It will more convincing if God appears to a group and the probability of everyone in the group hallucinating at the same time is close to zero
Willing to believe anything, given appropriate evidence.
The more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary the evidence required.
So, if God appears before me, that would be good proof he exists. If he said he did not exist, I would ask him to clarify. Does he mean he didn't a year, month or minute ago? or that once he vanishes he won't?
Happy to accept his word that once he vanishes he doesn't exist. But would seem a stupid thing to do.
Would ask why, if it is important that we believe, and He made us, why not just make us to inherently believe? Or simply have His holy book appear in the hand of anyone who asks, in their own language, and make every human naturally literate.
Or have us all speak the one language.
And why, when western people reached the Americas and Africa and Asia, didn't they find the people there already had the true religion and copies of the holy book? Why only give it to one tiny group in one part of the universe?
In the book Illusions by Richard Bach, he subtitles it as the "adventures of a reluctant Messiah"
the messiah received a word or command from god. The messiah approached the people and asked what they would do if god gave them a commandment, They all would of course follow god and with that the Messiah said he quits. God told him to be happy and that was the only commandment. Any one can be their own god if they are happy
I actually told one of those people that knocked on my door to tell me about god's love for me that if god wants me to believe that he exists, he has to appear to me and tell me himself because I do not want to hear it secondhand from a messenger who has never met him.
As Scatman Crothers once said "you just put some shit on my mind."
no, I wouldn't.
@AxeElf how do I know the thing telling me its the real god is the real god whatever it looks like or whatever it does? I mean really if it did too many amazing things in front of me to prove it I would probably have another breakdown. I could well shit myself but I still wouldn't believe it.What does it look like? I could tell you im God.
yes for sure
Yep, it agrees with my belief system, so I would be comfortable with it and God wouldn't lie, especially about something like that.