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There is no question that America is a nation of believers. The question is, what are we going to do about that dreadful situation?


Mmmmmm...not so much.

Atheism Doubles Among Generation Z - Barna Group []


He's right. Increasingly a nation of people who BELIEVE their country will be lucky to survive him, who BELEVE the sooner he is relegated to the dustbin of history, the better.

BTW, I posted a while back that I believe that Trump in time will be revealed as the Manchurian Candidate President. Few took any notice. But I still hold the view that when all the facts are revealed that Trump is a compromised asset of the Russians, being played by them, in one of the great spy master stories of all time. And may they hang it on the Republican Party forever that they were instrumental in this happening. History always reveals.


We are a nation of believers and non-believers of all colors and ethnithcities


He will never stop spewing this garbage as long as there is someone who will listen to it.


The fact is that Trump is a moral reprobate who cannot stop lying. He has ZERO core commitment to religion and is simply trying to use religion to increase his power.


45 is an asshole, with an agenda.


His expertise is knowing the mindset of the mindless and using it to his own ends.


I just find it equal parts hilarious and terribly sad that most evangelical Christians believe this act Trump puts on about how important "faith" is to him. They truly believe this narcissistic, tyrannical, mean-spirited, racist, misogynistic bully somehow is a committed Christian. If they really believe this man represents their communities the church must be even more toxic than when I left it.

@witchymom People like you and I definitely don't believe the act, but from what I know of the evangelicals I'm still acquainted with (most of my family), they wholeheartedly believe he is a "baby Christian" and therefore excuse his appalling behavior.

Wow I think you just described most of the Christians I've known! (not all).


and he is mostly correct with that statement. A nation of "believers" and not evidence based reality. (IMHO)


He also says he didn't collude with Russia and very many other delusional statements.

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