What are everyone's thoughts on monogamy? Group Marriage? Poly relationships? Traditional Polygamy? I'll share my thoughts and conflicts if asked.
Poly is not for me.
I wasn't raised that way and think I'd break my brain trying to get there.
Poly (proper poly) is WORK. Relationship work.
As is proper Monogamy.
Everyone gets to do them.
Just be straightforward about it. Don't ever start out lying.
That's what works best
Everyone has his or her own liberty. As for me, I prefer to be faithful to my spouse. When I was single, I went through a "free love" phase, but I discovered that people get hurt when I move on to someone else. So, for more than a decade, I have been living a life of chastity.
I don't believe monogamy is natural behavior.
People can be monogamous, but it is forced behavior. Very few species mate for life.
I believe that as long as everyone is of legal age, and able to give their informed consent, to each their own.
What works for you, might not work for me, but I'm not going to judge. It doesn't have anything to do with me, so it's not my business.
If you're going to vow, or otherwise promise, to be faithful to one person, you'd damned well better keep your word.
Cheaters are lying assholes.
** All use of the word 'you' is general, not specific to you-you.
@Polyphemus That's why everyone has to do what is going to be best for them. However, while they're doing that, they must be honest with whomever they're interacting with, from the beginning. Full-disclosure about intentions and expectations. Never make promises you don't intended to keep. Don't promise things you know you aren't capable of.
I don't care for the word "virtuous". Too much of a value-judgment, with it's roots in religion.
Just be honest, and don't be an asshole.
Wow, mainly men answering this and being ok with whatever as long as there are consenting adults. Well let me tell you that a lot of the time these so called consenting adults do not consent when it comes to the point. They do it for different reason and it is mostly fear. Fear that he will leave them, fear that they will be lonely, fear that nobody will want them, fear that they will not be able to go it alone, fear that they will not be able to survive financially, fear that it will break the family up if they don't consent, etc, etc.
Ok, so how does one know, if consent isn’t enough? What further responsibility does a man have beyond receiving consent? None of those fears you mentioned would be a healthy reason to be in any kind of relationship, even the most faithful monogamous relationship. Yes, no?
@skado Nah, faithful monogamous relationships would not have this problem. It is when one partner wants to "experiment" and one way or another coerces the other for their own gain. What I am saying here is that mostly men seem to be ok with it and only one women who said anything at all, except me of course.
@skado You don't know if she is with you because she is afraid of being alone. When I spoke about this it pertains to women who do things that goes against their better judgement because they are coerced into it. No nobody said they were ok with coercion but then nobody else mentioned it at all. I think most people would not be ok with it except psychopaths, sociopaths and very selfish hounds.
Well, for me, if people involved agree with the situation, I see no problem with polygamy. The same for monogamy. People just have to accept the consequences for their choices.
I am one of those affected by this. I love three women .. one is my wife, one like an adopted daughter and one who could be my lover/second wife, but societal and interpersonal constraints and attitudes prevent this.
I think monogamy lasted as long as it did because it proved to be the best method of survival for members of a tribe. My guess is that it later became classed as morally proper and a virtue instead of just successful. The jury is still out on whether it is still a necessary tool for survival.
It's only sex and its not enough to break up a great friendship over. I encouraged my then wife (died) and now lady friends to have sex with whoever they please. People seem to like doing that stuff for no other reason than that stuff is nice to do. It makes for great memories.
Each category is fine for some folks. Then there are some that are freaked out by the very idea of anything outside of "he + she" forevah and evah !
My feeling has always been that relationships in any combination are difficult enough to establish, and then keep going - so however it works, for whoever is involved, is a good thing !
it is a personal matter but the problem is, the more persons are involved, the more likely there is to be a conflict, even if everyone involved starts out thinking s/he's okay with the arrangement. people DO get jealous. people DO get emotional.
Too true
From everything I've read, the #1 problem in polyamorous arrangements is, predictably, jealousy. I don't find monogamy to be very easy and relaxing, I don't know why I'd engage in polyamory.
@mordant i once had the good and bad luck to be "dating" a married man. i didn't intend for it to happen. he was a wonderful man, and i do not regret being with him, even though i am not proud of the circumstances. i eventually ended it and when i did, i told him, i can't find someone for myself, just for myself, while i am seeing you. he said, no, i don't mind. i said, but i mind! i can't be with two guys. i can't. (obviously he hadn't got that problem, and you may criticize him in your minds for that, but it wasn't the sum total of who he was, not even close, and i stand by my description of him as a wonderful man. no one is perfect.)
Any relationship based on mutual consent and respect is OK with me. Things can get sticky when someone is pissed off and legal action occurs, but that's true no matter which of these arrangements are involved. People would do better by keeping a couple of extra cans of "It's not your fucking business" in the pantry and concentrate on their own relationships.
I am monogamous, but no judgment on anything else. I just like committing my time and energy to one romantic relationship and knowing my partner is choosing me.
Open, poly, and group relationships just don't satisfy my needs and would stress me out a bit. Good on those who make them work, though! They certainly seem like they could be great situations if everyone involved is fully on board.