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When to write a man off?

I waffle on this a lot having just re-entered the dating world about a year ago. You have a solid first date. Then radio silence. What’s an acceptable amount of time to give him? What’s an acceptable amount of time before you cross him off the list as a non-starter?

For context: no, I’m not waiting by the phone. I’ve had men text that night and had men vanish for 6 weeks and resurface. And I am dating around plenty. So, this is not a pity party. It’s... for science.

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brainyactress 7 Dec 4

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The world moves fast. If you're keen and wait 3 days you're gonna lose your turn. A lot.


Although the park outside his house is understandable...?


Why wait at all? If you felt a connection and want to explore the relationship further, just text him and offer a sceond date! If you don't feel that way, who cares if he texts at all?


I'm dying,from the join a Convent but in all seriousness 3 days, everyone's worried about not coming off too needy but if he hasnt said anything at all within 3 days, I don't think he's dedicated or interested.


Park outside his home .... ???? seriously, if you think the date was worth follow-up contact, and he is silent, take the initiative. But, i wouldn't give more than one chance to get on same page. You'll miss out on something good chasing after something that's not mutually exciting.


You're instincts should tell you so trust them, just don't over think it 🙂


Always go into things with no expectations, only what’s in the moment...Enjoy that time for what it is.

WXYZ Level 4 Dec 8, 2018

@Shelton I think that when we let go of expectations we can then enjoy what is there

I take this a bit too far perhaps, and always assume Im going to be stood up. With this in mind I schedule meets for places I'd enjoy if I went alone. It makes sense to me.

@Hellas I had one person ditch me, I try to keep it convenient and simple. Of course that was the one time the meeting place was more complicated...It was upsetting.


When he shows you who he really is on the inside, believe him. I wish I had followed this advice in the past!

Kat Level 5 Dec 7, 2018

Ya live and sometimes learn! ?


I would have put Two days but it was not a option. If a guy is truly interested then he won't wait that long to talk again.

Yeah, I've read that in the internet dating age the 3-day-rule is obsolete.


Christ on a bike! Guess who just slid into my DMs?! See this is where my question lies. A solid week of no contact WHEN HE SPECIFICALLY SAID HE WAS GOING TO SEND ME HIS NUMBER SO WE MIGHT TEXT. I liked the date but am I rewarding bad behavior? I want people who are into me. Is he just not really?! Gah! Dating, y’all! It ain’t for the weak... just the crazy. ????

well, if you really liked the date, you are only restricting yourself with all these thoughts! I mean why him contacting first gotta be the only determining fact if he's into you or not? There are literally thousands of ways to find that out even after you contact him.

I feel it's better to keep the control to yourself rather that falling at others mercy by passing the ball and wait! Live your nickname now, will ya?

He may have been busy or uncertain ... He texted. ... Now decide if you'll respond. ? glad he got back to you.

Therapists have told me we teach people how to treat us by what we allow them to do. If something bothets you, mention it. If it keeps happening, you'll have your answer.


Since I haven't been on a date for almost two years, I'm just here for the comments and reactions on others deal with 'the date'.


It's been said that it takes about a year before a person feels comfortable enough to let their guard down and show their true self. You can't expect to get to know someone in a few dates. If you really want to get to know someone quickly, live with them. That'll tell you a lot about a person really quick! People need to realize that not everyone moves as quick (or slow) as other people. That excitement that some feel when they first meet someone often fades over time. I like to call this NRE (New Relationship Energy). It's that primal urge/instinct to copulate. Succumb to the urges of pleasure. I like sex as much as the next guy (maybe even more), but I'm not interested in anything that isn't genuine and long term/life long when it comes to a relationship. So if you are expecting me to be all over that after just a few dates... well, it's gonna be a disappointing start to a budding relationship.

Your comment pretty much nails it.

I’m expecting him to reach out because he said he would. I don’t expect to move in with him. Gosh, y’all!

@brainyactress Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who will just tell you what they think you want to hear rather than be honest.

On the other hand, if you're truly interested you've got to be authentic about it or risk losing out, right?


I would give the benefit of the doubt for a day or two, things happen, phones break, etc... Three days is good to me, I typically girls I'm dating on the daily, myself.


As a terrible communicator myself, I lean toward a week to 10 days.


I've been talked off, jerked off and blown off. Being written off sounds epic. I can't wait!


I'll give them 24 hours. If things went well and they're truly interested, they should be excited to continue speaking with you. If they stop talking to you after the first date, then it's time to move on and focus your energy on someone worth your time.


Join 2018 and call him if you're interested...if he's not you'll be able to tell. If you're both "dating around plenty" then he probably has other dates.

lerlo Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

I’ve been forward with men all my life. They have taught me it’s a terrible idea. But thanks.

@brainyactress Sorry you endured that--must be the egos of those guys. Knowing the woman is interested takes all the pressure off. Seems odd that you're not allowed to show your interest. Of course if they are threatened by that, they aren't the guy for you.


One date? I'd follow up in a few days, say something like "I had a nice time, let's get together again." It would also depend on the type of communication I had before I met them. If it wasn't a whole lot or very light I'd probably just let it go. But if we had been emailing/messaging/talking with each other in ways that felt more personal, and then if I didn't hear from them after meeting, I'd be thinking, "what gives?" and be more concerned that they couldn't at least write me back and tell me they're not interested.


I guess I’m actually curious as to what they say the reason is if/when they resurfaced. Maybe they’re clueless too.

Essie Level 6 Dec 4, 2018

If I feel they are uninterested and not responding for a few days, I'll come right out and ask if there is interest so that nobody is wasting their time. No response, is a response.


I think in today's society that women shodul feel free to make a follow up call. Phone lines work in tow diractions. Waiting for HIM to call is giving in to conventions and putting all the power into HIS hands. As a gay man, I'd never let a man have that much dominance over me. If you want equal say in a relationship, you need to establish it right from the start.

You’d think so but as much as I hate to admit it, men hate it. I wish they didn’t. I used to totally pursue whenever I wanted. Men have taught me not to.

@brainyactress Hmmm. I'm feel like I am always the one to initiate.

@Dandewine I used to be. What I’ve learned is that if I back way the hell off and give no pursuit at all besides being kind and polite as called for, they treat me so much better.

@brainyactress I am not saying call many times. Just one call is enough (after 2-3 days). If he still doesn't call, then move on.


After you depreciate them down to scrap.
Standard time frame for reporting purposes is 5 years.



Watch the movie, "He's just not into you" and believe what the male lead actor is saying! Ignore the contrived ending.

I can’t watch Greg whatsisname rip off others and then try to act... Oy. But your point is taken.


I love the voting choices. Hilarious! Three days sounds okay. If it seemed like there was an encouraging spark, but then no contact after three days, I might feel a twinge of mild disappointment, but no harm done. So many times I have crossed my own threshold after a date thinking "I hope he loses my number..."

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Okay three days is reasonable, but joining a convent is still the less painful option compared to dating.

Seems like it sometimes... if only I didn’t love men so much.

@brainyactress I know! it sucks doesn't it!

@Kojaksmom That women still love and desire men is proof that sexuality is not a choice.

@brainyactress With all the games women play these days, it goes both ways.....

@TomMcGiverin it does, we know

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