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What movie fucked with your head the most?

I just finished watching Requiem for a Dream (for the hundredth time). Darren Aronofsky needs a serious hug from his daddy.

What movies have you watched that fucked with your head so much that you were still thinking about it the next day?

IndySent 7 Feb 13

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113 comments (26 - 50)

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A Clockwork Orange always makes me think new thoughts.

Viddy well ill brother. Viddy well.

I do enjoy a malenky bit of the ultraviolence, tolchocking starry teacher type vecks in the yarbles and grudies. 😉


Fried green tomatoes at the whistle-stop cafe

Stew anyone?


The grudge


the old version of Handmaids Tale, with Duvall. creepy.

the Bothersome man....stayed in my head a long while.


Donnie Darko.

This x100

@MrLizard I actually have Frank the bunny tattooed on my arm

I watched it with my brother in law, and for some reason I was finishing lines even though it was my first viewing. The bit that surprised him is when I started a rant about smurfette only to find that the movie was also going in that direction.


The shining...


(No mention of David Lynch films? This is no cinema discussion! I'm outta here.)

Mulholland Drive is probably his more famous film about this topic. But more so The Lost Highway. Both films present how, for some of us, our minds cope after a traumatic experience.

But those are just for real mind zingers - when you go WTF after watching them.

Ex Machina was the film that stuck in my head days after seeing it. The Turing Test isn't about whether an AI could pass for human. But whether it could while you know it's AI.

Ok, eraser head? WTF? I still can’t quite process that 35 years later

I second Lynch's movies man. Mulholland Falls is a favorite of mine.

@mrcharlie65 Yeah ... I've not researched Eraser Head.

I didn't know what Mulholland Drive was really about until I decided to research it. Then I was recommended The Lost Highway. And I had to look into that as well.

Lynch is truly unique and masterful in converting the psychosis presented in those two movies into narratives. Of course, they were "WTFs" as viewing experiences.


Watched the original Phantasm entirely too young. Think about that movie every time I visit a cemetery to this day. Nothing recently has had that effect. :-/


Brazil. Certain aspects of that movie still haunt me to this day.


The original Star Wars.That got me thinking about forces being neutral, depending on how you use them.
I, and several members of my family, were born psychic, so we knew that "God" wasn't the one doing the stuff we could do (water witching, ESP, seeing the future, etc.) since it came naturally, from birth, and had nothing to do with "religion."


When I first saw Blade Runner soon after it came out. What really got me was the sci-fi film noir that was juxtaposed with the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack by Vangelis. And then of course many years later came the Director's Cut! Mind blown again. Vangelis refused to release the soundtrack for many, many years,as he did not want to be heard outside the film.

Underrated movie.
One of the best looking movies I ever saw. No CGI! NOT impressed with CGI. Makes it way too easy.


Full Metal Jacket!


Eyes Wide Shut.

Nena Level 6 Feb 13, 2018

Boys Don't Cry -- the rape scene is seared onto my brain - unfortunately. Hillary Swank did such a good job.



It's the only movie that has ever given me nightmares.


Apocalypse Now.


And West World!

Do you watch the HBO show too?

I've heard about it but I've not seen it. I saw the original about 40 years ago?? When I was a little kid. It was the first of that kind of movie that I ever saw so it was super crazy, weird!!@Piece2YourPuzzle


Paul Blart Mall Cop......paid for it and saw it in a theatre. Took me a couple years to gain the strength to go back for fear of another Kevin James movie.


Andy Warhol's Frankenstein (original title: Flesh for Frankenstein) and a sequel about Dracula. Wow - very disturbing for back then.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 13, 2018

I saw Requiem in passing when I was younger. I'll have to watch it again. If you want to see more "weird" stuff from Aronofsky then watch "mother!". It's actually a perfect discussion piece for this group because it's based on religion. I thought it was tripe.

I can't think of any movie off the top of my head that messed with me that much though.


I can't watch Requiem For A Dream...I never was interested in heroin or any other addictive drug...but most of my friends have had habits of one of them at one time, and quite a few didn't make it back...but the Grandma in that....hits home.


Back in the day, Event Horizon, the Mist, the Thing (1982 version) and Akira. More recently, Tree of Life, the Void, and the Hallowed.


The Exorcist scared the crap out of me as a kid.

@MrLizard and I never will


After I saw THE EXORCIST, I slept with the lights on for days (nights?) and even then, uncomfortably. Reading through the thread, I learn that I wasn't the only one...


manufactured landscapes. a documentary available on national film board of canada about life in china and bangladesh. truly frightening

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