113 12

What movie fucked with your head the most?

I just finished watching Requiem for a Dream (for the hundredth time). Darren Aronofsky needs a serious hug from his daddy.

What movies have you watched that fucked with your head so much that you were still thinking about it the next day?

IndySent 7 Feb 13

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113 comments (51 - 75)

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2001:A SPACE ODYSSEY. HAL, and the tool using monkeys. And the monolith.


When I was 7, Brain Suckers gave me nightmares for a long time


That horror movie with sarah michelle gellar, The Grudge! Thought it would be fun to get stoned and watch it alone one night. Traumatizing.


When I was 12 years old I went and saw Old Yeller. So much blood and gore, killing and gang-violence, and sex and nudity. Actually, now that I think about it, I might have gone into the wrong theater.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake). That O.D. of gore and violence and terror didn't wear off of me for several days. the Hellraiser movies also made an impact on me.


Love, Death, and the Gratuitously Profane


A few years ago I seen this movie called the orphan on cable it was creepy and bizarre


"Being Human" with Robin Williams, back in the day of video shops I took it out because I had never seen Williams in a bad movie. I tried about 7 times over the weekend to watch it. It blew chunks, worst movie ever.

maybe about the time I saw that movie


Requiem for a Dream. I'm a blubbering mess each and every time I watch that movie.


Saving Private Ryan: Never again will I watch another war movie.. Schindler's List: never again will I watch another Nazi movie. The Grudge movies did in a way because of how twisted & evil they were & the abuse that took place.

I was soooo disappointed with Saving Private Ryan when at the end it was Matt Damon. Really ruined it for me. I am not that into war movies, but The Thin Red Line is fabulous!

@NaturalBornCynic I have seen them all.. and yes, that was a nasty one too, they all are but its just how they are put together.. its so real and just depressing.. I can't handle war movies at all after watching Hamberger Hill and a couple others like that.

I saw 'Johnny Got His Gun' in the early 1980's so by the time those two flicks came out I knew better than to even think about seeing them.


Being John Malkovich was really messed up


Cabin Fever. Still till this day, I cannot watch those movies. I can’t even stand to see the previews on tv I hate those movies so bad. The fact they took a real life disease such as staph infection virus then turned it into a horror flick with added effects creeps me out.


10th grade in high school I won some free tickets to the opening night of the original 'Halloween'. Had no idea what it was about. Asked a couple of female friends to go with. Proceeded to get lost and got to the theatre after it had already started so we ended up in the very front row of a very large theatre craning our necks back looking up at a very large screen. I had to leave after the 3rd killing. I opened closet doors for weeks after ready to punch whatever might come out. 38+ yrs. later I still get teased about that from one of the women I went with.


Whatever happened to baby Jane?


I watched The Wizard of Oz at too young of an age. I was terrified of storms, especially tornadoes until I had kids of my own and realized I had to be brave for them. I used to have tornado nightmares every spring.

Don't even get me started on those damn flying monkeys. Scariest shit EVER! They still terrify me.

yeah flying monkeys

@btroje right? Fucking terrifying

@Marcie1974 sucked all the fun out of that flm

@btroje what fun? Tornadoes??? I still have nightmares every spring about tornadoes (I’m 44). Witches? shivers

@btroje sadly I still watch it every year when it’s aired on tv so that goes to show how smart I am.

Kinda like ogling a train wreck I guess.


Quite a few come to mind for me. "Soylent Green" is quite probably the most terrifying film ever made, and it still guides my opinions about the overwhelming seriousness of climate change.

On a more goofy note, the end of "In the Mouth of Madness" is a total mind trip.....not nearly as bad as the reviews suggested.

Other honorable mentions include "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas, the silent epic "Metropolis", and two works from the great Orson Welles, "Citizen Kane" and "Macbeth". The latter is my favorite Shakespeare adaptation because it is exactly as I envisioned the play when I first read it (it helped that I read Macbeth before watching it).


Mother. Also an Aronofsky film. I loved it, knew it was a great movie, but had to think about it for a couple of days to unravel it. I still need to watch it again because there's a lot to unpack. I will NEVER watch Requiem again. That one is wayyyy too heavy for me. Drug abuse really puts a hurt on my psyche


Dalton Trumbo's, Johnny Got His Gun. It was released at the height of the Vietnam war and I was about to be drafted. Back then being drafted meant boot camp, infantry school, and a plane to Man for a 12 month tour. The film had a profound affect on me.


Dead Man Walking. Full disclosure, I was pregnant at the time so I’m sure that had something to do with how emotionally vested in it I became. 😉


I definitely agree with Requiem for a Dream, especially the last few minutes of the movie!!!


The Woodsman with, of course, Kebin Bacon and Keria Sedgwick; creepy fucked up shit!


The 1980's It, have not yet seen the remake.

ooh! the remake is so amazing! Please watch it if you get a chance! Here's a quick clip of one of my favorite scenes...


Vanilla Skies. I always had trouble trying to figure out where the lucid dream began. It was carefully explained in the dialog, but for some reason it never sunk in for me until I watched it for the ump-teenth time some years back. I love movies that toy with reality and force you to question what you are interpreting.


A Serbian Story


"Johnny Got His Gun" with Timothy Bottoms - for the dark side of war.
Harold and Maude for the dark humor about mother issues.
I can not watch alot of sad movies, I need humor so there are many films I have never seen - hense my references are older flicks. After watching Johnny got his gun I filter what I watch. That movie still gives me chills and a deep sense of dispare - DON'T need that in my head/life.

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