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A sobering chart .... how do we fix this !??

evergreen 8 Feb 15

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I've seen similar charts . It really is this bad , but more people die from infection in Africa .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

There is no ONE solution to the problem. Certain people owning certain types of guns is one problem. Shortage of adequate mental health facilities is another. Better cooperation between various law enforcement groups would help also.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but your second amendment was supposed to prevent an invasion by the English. Like that's ever going to happen.

There is no other country in the world that has your gun problems.

And I don't think there's anything you can do about it.

Sorry, but that's my two cent's worth. (I convert into the Yankee dollar for you)


You can't. there's too much money in it


This chart should be posted in every printed news source in the entire country!


These numbers only open the door for a much broader and very uncomfortable conversation that no one wants to have. But will be necessary in order to have a genuine conversation.
Those numbers are really irrelevant as it applies to these shootings, because mass shootings are rare occasions, and those stats relate to every day events based on per capita assaults.
If you took st. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, and New Orleans out of those stats, our overall rank would drop to like, 3rd. So maybe we need to look at those cities to figure out why their rates are so high.

Perhaps one reason that the rates in those cities are so high is that, its far too easy for people to get automatic weapons.

I do believe there is a very real divide between urban and rural. I suspect the statistics reflect that.


Real gun laws.

Jesus. There are already something like 30,000 gun laws between state, local, and federal. How many do we need?

Enough to prevent mentally ill from buying semi-automatics. And no new silencer regulation.

Reinstate the ban on all assault weapons. It worked until it expired. The numbers bear that out. All the mass shootings that have taken place since the ban expired were carried out by AR-15 style weapons. No more excuses.

@Taijiguy Really? 30,000 gun laws? That is a hard number to accept without a source.

@KKGator Your claim is false. The gun ban statistically had no effect. While there was a slight drop in the number of assaults, all credible sources (as opposed to Occupy Democrats) state outright that the reduction was due to other factors.
Do you know the definition of insanity? It's doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. Maybe we should stop focusing on the gun and realize it's a people problem, not a gun problem.

@sassygirl3869 The reason there was pushback on the national database is because there was no due process to either be put on the list, or to get off of it. In fact, at one point there was a number of politicians who were (probably erroneously) on the list, which would have prohibited them from owning firearms. And yes, I know, many who are in favor of gun control would claim "So what, let's be safe". OK, fine, so let's approach it from another perspective. More people are killed in car accidents every year than by guns (this is actually true). So how about we create an arbitrary list that prohibits mentally disturbed people from driving? There's no due process to get on it or off. You go to get your drivers license and find out you're on the list. Oh well, right? Better to be safe, right? Don't complain about it, we're just trying to reduce road fatalities. Sorry, you aren't allowed to drive, and you have no formal recourse.

@Dick_Martin Granted, the numbers are fuzzy. But 10,000, 20,000, or 30,000, how many is enough before people accept it's not about needing MORE laws, but rather we need to get to actual core of the issue, which doesn't lie with an inanimate object.

@Taijiguy What is the core of the issue?

Sorry guns are evil-you NRA people are DEAD WRONG- Wait tilll we turn over the House-


Not sure I have the answers. One thing that occurs to me is that gun huggers are told no one's trying to take their guns, and then see many calling for the same response that happened after Dunblane, Scotland or Port Arthur, Australia (I.e. confiscations and bans).


Some people may be calling for those changes, but politicians are not. In Australia, gun deaths of all types dropped drastically.


Just for the record, as a stat major (40 years ago), that chart should really have another axis showing all homicides.


Why is it that the chart has only countries that are predominantly Caucasian? Ask'en for a friend.

If you break it down by city, you'll find that to not be the case.


We need to make it mandatory that all people, especially children, carry at least two automatic weapons at all times. The best way to prevent being shot is to shoot someone before he/she has an opportunity to shoot you.

@ShakenManChild Same here, although I didn't care for his video on atheism. Sometimes he is very witty and funny and others he is a bit out of his element.


There is absolutely no excusing this basic fact. Way too many people have unrestricted use to deadly weapons that have no other purpose than to kill as many people as possible. Is this how the conservatives hope to rule the country?? These people have been infected by an insanity parasite (called the NRA).

Here in Washington the democrats have taken both the house and senate and one bill that may pass is to ban bump stocks.

There are 300 million legal guns in the US, and roughly 12 billion rounds of ammo. If we were the problem, you would definitely know it.


Maybe we should do what Australia, the UK, and Canada did and have gun buybacks and take away the semi-automatics bare minimum.

Not a bad idea.

But then how will we defend ourselves against our tyrannical government?

Oh God no. Not the Awstraleeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh argument.

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