For me, it's the one that starts with "In the beginning......." and drones on for about a thousand more pages and a few thousand more years. But that's just me
Jonah surviving being inside a giant fish for many days. Don'tcha just HATE it when that happens?
I thought it was Pinocchio who was swallowed by a whale?
St Peter is not feeling well. Jesus Christ goes to the Pearly Gates and tells Pete to take the day off, He will book people in.
Old man comes to the gates. Jesus ask: "Name?"
Any children?
I had a son.
Can you describe him?
He was sort of sad looking with nails in his hands and feet.
Jesus considers this and asks: "Father?"
The man replies: "Pinnochio?"
@PappyOnWings I did, too.
@PappyOnWings should have gone to Maury for that DNA test.
Sodom and Gomorrah is pretty hilarious. Although, Noah and the ark has to be the most absurd.
Those are 2 that came to mind right away. Did you know that there is A Noah's Ark creationist museum in Kentucky? Here is the website: []
@PappyOnWings Ken Ham should be in prison for tax fraud. He applied for, and got, a number of tax breaks on his little theme park. I refuse to call that bullshit a "museum". He's as big a con man as 45.
@KKGator let’s hope it goes out of business soon.
@EmeraldJewel It's already losing money hand over fist. So far, Ham has blamed the FFRF, Andrew L. Seidel, in particular, and atheists, in general. Dude just cannot accept that he's completely full of shit.
@EmeraldJewel Maybe it will rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and the arc will fill with the water and sink..
@PappyOnWings LOL That's the thing. It's not really an "ark". It's a building. It would just flood. How apropos.
@PappyOnWings hahaha!!!
@KKGator I take that as a compliment. That means atheist are more powerful than his god! Lmfao!!!
The main plot. God messed up in making humans so he punishes them for his own mistakes then sacrifices himself to himself to appease the sin he made in the first place. Oh, and if the Devil sends bad people to hell doesn't that make him an ally of god and not an adversary? Like instead the Devil should accept all the "bad" people because they are his kind of people lol. Plus the Rib-woman thing always makes me laugh.
Yeah,there's plenty of potholes and bad writing in general. Guess God didn't think about having proofreaders.
Poor God, seems to need practice. Mysterious ways, indeed. Mysteriously inept.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that story where god murders some kids with a pack of bears because they made fun of some balding prophet. Like...old balding dude is walking along and some asshole kids start chirping him. He decides to curse them in the name of god and then out of the woodwork two bear bears come along an slaughter 42 boys....dude. The prophet just sat back, watched, and then went on his merry way.
The whole story of legion.
Jesus exorcising demons out of a possessed person and into a herd of nearby pigs. It doesn't end there though, the (now demon possessed) pigs run off a bank and drown themselves. The tenders to the pigs went to go check on them, saw they had all died like fucking lemmings, and told jesus to more or less GTFO. The other hilarious part is that Jesus in that story, or another one involving exorcism, mentions that exorcism is not a permanent solution. If you drive demons out of someone, they will eventually return 5 jesus made to problem worse in the long run....
Oh then then there is the infamous story of Jesus getting mad at a fig tree and cursing it to death. I don't care what metaphor it's supposed to be, it's just a terribly silly story on the surface. The disciples even told Jesus it wasn't fig season, but Jesus had to get all hangry.
Hahaha! Thank you so much for reminding me of those 2 stories!
Then there's that obscure little story everyone overlooks...something about naked people in a garden who don't know anything because they haven't yet eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So when a crafty snake comes and talks the foolish woman into eating the fruit, she goes straight to her man to share, and he, being ruled by his hormones, naturally says to his naked woman, "for you Babe, sure I'll do anything." Remember he can't know any better until AFTER he has eaten the fruit. So here's the hilarious part: God, who set this whole scenario up, what with being all-powerful and all-knowing, he punishes the man and woman for doing exactly what he knew all along they would do. What a sadistic joker, that God!!!
The snake didn't walk on its belly until God condemned it to do so. It had legs but lost them. Biblical proof of evolution right there.
Every single chapter of it..I do love fables!
When you look at it as a book of entertainment, it can be fun. When you look at it as reality, it could be a mental illness. When you look at it as comedy, it can be fun to mock.
@EmeraldJewel absolutely!!!
The talking Donkey. NUMBERS 22-23.
Inspired a series of movies starring "Francis the Talking Mule"
The whole of it. Which is, we are suffering for other peoples sins.
Ilr! Isn’t that just petty? This video explains a lot to what our world would be like if we forgave like god.
Lots daughters getting their father drunk and sleeping with him.
Lmfao I thought that was funny, too.
Genesis 38:8
Then Judah said to Onan, "Sleep with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother."
Lol that was funny.
They are all mostly gory, filled with violence, horrible stories to read, sort of like reading the original Brothers Grimm story collection.
People can attend church in peace because they never read it.
Yea, I did not find much humor in the Bible. Even as a child, I thought, humor was missing in church. My ( idea of) God had laughter.
Weird may be a better term but I like: Exodus 4:24–26
“At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him. But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it. ‘Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,’ she said. So the Lord let him alone.”
Lol I thought that story was just a mess. That was one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever read. God has a weird obsession with foreskin.
This text never fails to raise a chuckle:
"When she carried on her prostitution openly and exposed her nakedness, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister. Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled." Ezekiel 23:18-21 (NIV)