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Public gym vs fitness home dvds?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 16

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Public gym ,getting out of the house is good


Trouble with a gym is you have to go.
The trouble with dvd's is that you need to put them in and work out in front of the TV.
The problem with both is they are easy to put off.
But a gym has the advantage of other people there for similar reasons, an opportunity to socialize and to just plain get you out of the house.

So gym, not that I go, I just chase after my 9 year old and her friends for my exercise.

Both works for me.


I alternate with the gym, and outdoor activities like bicycling, hiking, etc. Some days the weather is too glorious to do the thing inside !

A day without any workout at all never feels quite right, and rarely occurs - unless I'm sick, which also rarely occurs ! Think there's a connection ?


I have to go to the gym or I won't exercise.


I hate working out, and I hate the high gym memberships, so I don't do either. Instead, I play pickleball. It's a great workout, I make friends, and I have a lot of fun.

marga Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

No there's a sport I could get behind.

I had to look up pickle ball, I thought it must have been a typo


A gym membership is basically renting equipment, at home DVDs don’t supply your weights and treadmills, but DVDs do give professional guidance and body weight workouts can make you very strong. I prefer the gym because I get more options, I just check YouTube for guides on specific workouts, just be sure to check sources, though it still may not be optimal instruction. The best method is to have a certified personal trainer at the gym.


I'm out on the exercising in a public place. Well, other than yoga. I took a basic yoga class and everyone was very chill. Granted I was the only guy in a class of 15 which was a bit uncomfortable at first. I was concerned my presence might make someone else uncomfortable but they were all very kind. I think I could get behind the idea of a personal trainer.

We loved the lone males in my Yoga Class and tried very hard not to weird them out. Been a few years since then....


Eh, I dunno. The only things I ever used at the gym were treadmill and mats, which is nothing I can't find or fudge at home.

I used to run in public and I prefer it, generally, for the variable terrain, sunshine, and fresh air. Unfortunately, after my experiences being a public spectacle both from skateboarding and running in public, I no longer feel safe with those. (I've been harassed, followed, photoed, and recognized. I'm a shy, private person and I can't tolerate attention like that.)

I like running at the gym because I feel safer, and I can hop off and go to the bathroom at any time if the need arises. But that comes with its own problems. I tend to get attention at that makes me uncomfortable, and it has the potential to be from the same people.

I've been hobbled by a leg injury, so it's not an issue at this time. I think when I'm ready I'll get back into yoga, tai chi and bodyweight--at home.


Home - gyms too crowded and they smell funny

jeffy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

Some do smell like a foot


You get more support from a fitness gym. You make friends and they cheer you on.


I workout at home, and in a gym. I find it works best to change things up. The home workout is key though. There are reasons you cannot get to the gym. There are only excuses why you miss a workout at home. Those words are not synonyms


I tend to go to the gym early morning before work , really very early about 2.30 / 3 a.m as I prefer it quiet and have access to all of the equipment available - I then go back home to bed for an hour or so before getting up having breakfast and off to work - I do think however that if I had the space I would buy the equipment I use and train at home


Not sure which is better t be honest since I haven't done either. I'm a hillbilly country boy my workout is done with my chores both in the house and out side old school style.


Outdoors for me. I get 3600 kCal/week on the bicycle commute and our complex just installed a fabulous outdoor gym right outside our door. The only time I'm indoors is for swimming in the winter.


Everyone is different. I used to enjoy the gym, unless my knees decided they didn't.
Done the home stuff, too. They were okay.
If I had to choose, I'd prefer the gym.


I've been visiting the Planet 2-3 times a week, walking in local malls, and walking around the house to make sure I get my 10,000 daily steps. It's all good. I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder, just stay in shape. The few strength building exercises I do are to work on areas that need attention. I'm also subject to lower back pain, so I also concentrate on exercises that strengthen those muscles.


I'm kind of a Y (as in YMCA) person - hanging out with other people who just want to be active without feeling intimidated and can't afford a gym membership.

Yeah, the membership does get pretty expensive. I usually just workout in my own home or go for a good walk on a nice sunny day with a breeze.


Either works for me. I’m just super addicted to Julian Michaels work outs, though. I’ve shedded 60 pounds alone with just her DVD’s and eating right.


I wish I had more space at home to set up my exercise equipment. It's too much of a chore to move my weights around from one room to another, so I don't exercise much except to go for a walk on occasion or doing some simple calisthenics. I don't like going to the gym at all; I prefer to exercise in private.


I like THE GYM...I use Anytime Fitness.


I'll take a public gym any day. I don't slack off in public and I enjoy seeing friends at the gym..


It's a personal choice. I need to get away from home to work out. A destination and a schedule helps me get in more workouts.


Honestly I'm a supporter of a good personal trainer. In lue (sp?) of that you may want to look into a yoga, cardio, strength routine. I found that it works quite well for me. It's the routine I've been using since I had a personal trainer in college.


Gym, semi private would be good, like the remodel happening at my apartment complex. 🙂


In my current state of unfitness I am probably not qualified to respond. But neither work for me, what does work is long walks and far longer bike rides. I go a long way, and can't stop because I have to come back. it works when I am motivated.


Like the social aspect of gyms. I guess for me it's comparable to others going out to the club or a bar. Have done fat burning at home but for lifting I am a gym rat at heart!

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