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I read this, this morning. Of course he will blame the Democrats for lying and his supporters will still be on his side.


No surprise what so ever. Fred Trump was a liar and fraud just like the son he raised. I have no doubt at all that this story is 100% true.


As if this come as a surprise.


I knew it. Trump is a compulsive liar.


Ooooohhh, I am Shocked by this, shocked, I say!

Such wonderful sarcasm without the SARCASM ALERT warning. My hat is off to you.

@Bendog. When what you should be doing is standing far back out of the danger zone.......


No surprise there.


At this point, is anybody really surprised. Trumpites don't care. They are FAUX patriots, bigoted hypocrites.


Another shining example of what is wrong with this country, anything can be bought.

yep, if you're rich enough and have no morals you can do anything.


Fred Trump was a scumbag, his son, Donald is a scumbag, Donald's children are scumbags, if/when they have children of their own, their children will doubtless be scumbags.

Clearly scumbaggery is passed down at the genetic level like eye and hair color.

Donaldo is a grandpa, Ivanka and Junior have kids, not sure about Eric, but chances are he's a sperm donor as well.

@HippieChick58 something telling about narcissistic Cheetos Head: he won't led his grand kids call him anything old sounding - grandpa, etc. Instead they call him Donald. I would classify that as weird.

@Beowulfsfriend I agree, totally weird, self absorbed, unnatural. Even gross!

@Beowulfsfriend UGH! No matter how stupid he's already proven himself to be, he somehow manages to prove that he's even dumber than that. It's exhausting dealing with how fucked up he is.


As much as I despise Trump, I cannot fault anyone for avoiding the Vietnam war. We had no business being the invader there, supporting a corrupt South Vietnam regime in a war (according to presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon), we could not win. Watch Ken Burn's documentary on the subject...58,000 or so American solders died for nothing.

No problem with avoiding the draft and the insane war, but bragging about your military credentials afterwards reveals your total hypocrisy and cowardice!

@Gwendolyn2018 Agreed.


I pretty much suspected this. I also suspect money changed hands.

Yes, there is always money changing hands with trump.....

Not money, per se. favors went both ways so no IRS or tax consequences.


Exactly as I thought. Nothing that family has done has been honorable.

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