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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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354 comments (51 - 75)

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To say Atheism is a belief is to tacitly buy into the religious definition of faith. Atheism is not a faith, it is concentrated doubt, that follows the flow of evidence rather than trying to pathetically swim upstream.


I reckon agnostics are just sitting on the fence.
A real atheist doesn't even recognize it as a valid question.
To say that nobody can KNOW that there is no God, falls into the trap of taking the concept seriously. If you can't KNOW that there is no God, then you can't KNOW that you're alive, you can't KNOW that you are not a simulation running on a super-computer, you can't KNOW that your head isn't constructed out of sewing needles. See where it ends up? You can make up any kind of garbage you like, and then say that you can't KNOW that it isn't true,.... but it's all still based on the same logical flaw.
For me,.. ANYTHING which needs to be believed is automatically false. For all intents and purposes, in a real world, things simply are true or not. And belief in a fantasy sky fairy is no different to believing that you are a fish.


I don't believe no deity exists, as I'm an Atheist. An Atheist simply lacks a belief in things where the evidence is lacking, like Leprechauns, Santa Claus, and god.


Atheism means you don't have a belief in God, not that you know one doesn't exist.


I believe that their are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamed of in religious philosophy. Currently, I have come to the belief that this reality, and everything that I perceive within it, spring from the infinite singularity that is my consciousness.

Not sure what you mean but Sam Harris might be talking about the same thing, he said
"consciousness is not in your head, your head is in consciousness".


In the absence of prove there is nothing. You can not prove nothing, unless you accept the concept that if you can't prove some thing exist it doesn't.


I totally agree. We all should rely on our own instincts of good, as humans with intellect common sense and empathy could create a wonderful world for all to live!!!


Depends on what god. There's a small chance the Deist "Clockwork" God might exist, but as for the Christian god, or any other religion's deity, the chance is 0. Because they have defined themselves in one way or another, they can all be reliably dismantled by observing the many contradictory abilities and natures said deities possess.

Derek Level 2 Oct 2, 2017

Logic is a great tool for working your way out of religious upbringing. The concept of God, or of any god or supernatural being is constructed by people, as were the concepts of unicorns, fairies, etc. Without being raised by adults who insisted there is such a being as God, I would never have naturally developed the idea of such a being. Science has answers sufficient for my needs on everything I would wish to know about in the universe, and I am perfectly ok with the answer 'we don't know yet' where science is not yet able to provide answers. In the past, where science failed to provide an answer, that's where philosophers would invoke God to fill in the rest of the answers, almost as a place-holder.
Partly it was more politically correct to put God in somewhere in any grand-scale philosophy, and partly those philosophers were raised in a world where they were made to feel uneasy if they explained the universe without fitting God in somewhere. Meanwhile, religion developed out of the power-lust of various men who could dominate and control whole nations through religion. I am sure some of those men also believed, or came to believe what they taught, but that doesn't mean that the church institutions developed out of the honest pursuit of truth and knowledge. In fact, most churches sought, and still seek, to control and limit the public's access to knowledge that might undermine the power of the church.
All this adds up to a very shaky foundation for the existence of God, a concept which seems riddled with power-politics and centuries of oral traditions without reference to objective facts. Starting from scratch, with just what I know and experience, I see no reason to invoke or reinvent a God to make sense of the universe. Gods are great as scapegoats, to take the blame when things are unpleasant, and to 'promise' nice after-death outcomes when things go REALLY wrong, but in the real world, real efforts and real knowledge are a lot more useful than inventing and invoking supernatural entities to solve real problems and make a better future world for ourselves.

  1. Science and innovation that has objectively explained many of the religious claims of miracles by use of theory, experiment and peer reviewed consensus.

  2. There are hundreds of religions throughout the beginning of mankind. All were created to explain what the followers and leaders could not explain prior to enlightenment.

  3. There have been at least 1,000 named deities recorded in history. Not one has come out over thousands of years of humanity to claim to be the one. On a side not, it's funny that current theists don't believe in the other 999 "Gods" and "Goddesses", yet the one they believe in is the one true one. They are literally on deity away from being atheist.

  4. The main religions of the world have come to be so concurring lesser factions, and most notably by spilling blood. They didn't come about by some divine intervention.

  5. Organized Religion these days is a money-making business, along with suppression of unwanted thoughts, and with a hard sprinkle of misogyny and disdain for opposing thoughts. Sure, many religious sects do charity work. Yeah, so do many non-profit organizations around the world without a dose of their theist thoughts.

  6. GEOGRAPHY and INDOCTRINATION: The biggest tell-tale sign of no god. Why aren't children just born believers? Why must they be taught at an early age to believe in [insert religion]? Why are kids in the Bible Belt here in the U.S. Christians, and children in the Middle East predominantly Muslim?


Not too keen on the challenging word Atheist. "Rationalist" may be a better description. There is no convincing evidence of creation or "intelligent design". Evidence has suggested neither a kind nor a cruel creator of anything. That seems to be the province of the naïve and ignorant.

I am strongly against BELIEF!


The Judeo Christian god, No. More like the Native American and Pagan beliefs yes. Like a spirit or Karma.


Definition of deity

1 a :the rank or essential nature of a god 😀ivinity
b capitalized :god
1, supreme being
2 :a god (see 1god 2) or goddess the deities of ancient Greece
3 😮ne exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful
such established American deities as Daniel Boone, Kit Carson —J. D. Hart
the deities of the banking world


Atheism is a position on belief, while agnosticism is a position on knowledge. They're not mutually exclusive. In fact, MOST Atheists consider themselves at least somewhat agnostic as well. I'm a bit of a rare case, in that I think gods are about as believable as unicorns and faeries, but I'm not 100% GNOSTIC that there are no such things. I put myself in more of the 99.9% range LOL But until I'm given proof, I can't BELIEVE in a god, which makes me an Atheist by default.


We A-theists are not A-Deists... A-theists has the same approach as agnostics when thinking of a Supercreator may exists. But even if it exists (or not) we know it does not interfere in people life. (Where the name anti theism comes from this spot)
And this is where we are differencing with agnostics. Agnostics should say " we do not have enough evidence so it may interfere with human life etc.." (which means theistic gods or religions may be true and may be not.) But we atheist know that is all some myth. And there is no maybes when it comes to think about theistic gods.
In conclusion; No theistic gods exists. But deistic ones ( creation of known universe or the creator) may exists.

Tolga Level 2 Oct 9, 2017

There is no proof a god exists, not only that but religions keep "stealing their ideas" and basing their bibles on previous religions. for example, virgin births, being killed and resurrecting, evil brothers.. I could go on but it gets tedious.
In India, Khrishna was born of a chaste virgin called Devaki.
Buddha was considered and believed by his followers to have been begotten of God and born of a virgin whose name was Maya.
The Siamese (Taiwan), had a God and saviour who was Virgin Born whom they called Codom.
Horus was known to all of ancient Egypt as having been born of the virgin Isis.
How about good and evil brothers like Romulus and Remus ( Cain and Abel)

It goes on an on, how can you believe in one because it makes sense, if all the others do not. same story different sheep.


When 20 some six year olds can be shot to death in an elementary school, or when I see children with cancer. I see no God in that. I see no God anywhere.

jdpunk Level 3 Oct 17, 2017

I can say that there is absolutely NO evidence that there is a God. Only based on superstition and a need to explain the unexplainable without doing the work to find out one way or the other. Science is hard and requires people with the most serious minds and intellect. Religion is easy. Just believe everything the Clergy tells you.


It is not my responsibility to prove the non existence of God. It is their responsibility to prove that he does exist. One of my requirements in doing this is that they can't use the Bible as proof.


I became an atheist very slowly on my own with no role models, just because I kept encountering things about religion that didn't make sense. But years later I learned about a website that exhaustively delves into this question and demonstrates in many different ways why it stands to reason that there is no god (at least not in the way that he is characterized in mainstream Christianity). Go check it out: []




What makes people believe there is a god? An old book that everyone knows has been changed, adapted, voted on and rewritten by slick con men and hucksters? Brainwashed parents shoving the beliefs down their children's throats before they are able to reason? Fear of death? The unholy arrogance of small minds that want to believe they are special and above other animals in the grand scheme of things?


Lack of evidence. Show me concrete proof and I will change my opinion.


Im as comfortable with it as any other word description.


It is beyond apparent that the universe is indifferent (e.g. natural disasters, famines, genocides, etc). Furthermore, the notion of a personal god, that interacts with people, loves them as a parent does their children, has plans for their lives, "lives in their hearts" etc. is absolutely absurd. Evangelical christians are blinded by their own emotional keyboards which they themselves play in wanting to believe they are encountering the supernatural. The fact is it is nothing more than their mind, will, and emotions controlling the psychological marionette of what they delude themselves into believing is their spiritual life. By this they bend themselves in the direction of indoctrination and thus waste their lives on insanity...

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