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What food did you dislike when you were young that you learned to like later?

I used to dislike onions, banana peppers, and tea. I love all of those things now. You?

silvereyes 8 Feb 18

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Tomatoes for sure.


There are a lot of things I like now that I couldn't stomach as a kid...squash & onions, liver, black pepper. When I grew up, I figured out my dad was right. My mother couldn't cook & would screw up the recipe for ice. Everything was cooked to either mush or cinders & coated in pepper.


Cole slaw and stuffed peppers


Sweet potatoes

Rocco Level 2 Feb 18, 2018

I grew up in a sort-of Jewish family in Long Island and hated smoked salmon. Plus lima beans. Years later, when I worked in a high-end restaurant and tasted good quality smoked salmon, I got it.


Oatmeal. I still don’t love it, but I can do cold overnight oats now. Cheesecake. I wouldn’t even try it when I was a kid. Now I love it!


AS a child, I would eat almost anything that didn't have tomatoes in it. Now, I will eat just about anything but fresh tomatoes.


I really don’t remember too much that I disliked. Or that has changed. Whatever I didn’t like then, I haven’t really gained a taste for.


Grew up I a very bland diet. As I started traveling, I discovered flavor and spices. Still learning.


Liver, and several vegetables including asparagus, cauliflower, and broccoli. I still do not like Brussels sprouts. I wish I could still eat all of the sugary cereals I used to love and get the prizes out of the box too.


Yes! And avocados. The terrifying "alligator pear" that I used to eschew, now I enjoy.

@Meep70 avocados have always been great!


Think Ronald Reagan was more than accurate when he stated broccoli was the worst vegetable. Thought so back then and I still agree with his statement. Although I can tolerate it I never go looking for it.


Tapioca pudding! or frogs spawn as it was called in my school days


Green peas, mustard, cheese.


OK, I can make authentic Gazpacho Andaluz. But for Genuine Fabada Astoriana it might cost.

¿Bocarones fritos despues amigos?


Onions, tomatoes, hummus, lettuce, eggs, and beets.


Cooked carrots. Also Grits


I wouldn't eat yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, spinach, asparagus, cottage cheese. I eat them all now. I'm sure that there are other things I would not eat when I was younger that I do eat now.


I think I liked virtually everythign as a kid... except (black) licorice (anise). I still dislike that.


When I was young I disliked broccoli and cabbage and I had a very strong dislike of parsnips, which, I now like to eat from time to time. I still dislike any kind of seaweed.


Blue cheese dressing


I hated eggs as a kid. So much so that my grandparents would have after church brunch of eggs every Sunday and they even broke down and made me something else.
I don’t know where it changed, but I eat eggs regularly now.
I did get turned off for a while when I got some eggs from someone’s chickens locally - I cracked the egg and it wasn’t a yolk inside it ????

Mum, do I have to eat the beak?

@El-loco I ate ducks beak in Thailand in October much to many peoples disgust.

@Tiffanny Ewww.

@El-loco In fairness I didnt know what it was till after but it was deep fried.

@Tiffanny Deep fried chicken's beak?

Look, I came on here to discuss religion - or the lack of it. Not to discuss deep fried chicken's beaks or spiders or rice fucking pudding!


Pretty much any vegetable. I hated them when I was really little. Started to get used to them in my teens, and now, I am a vegetarian


Pork and lamb. It wasn't until adulthood that I realized that these items could be prepared without them turning to charcoal. Great lady, but mom never could master them, lol.


When I first moved to this country at age eleven, the first time that I ate pizza, it taste so bad, like cardboard that I did not want to try it again for years. until someone took me to a real pizza parlor and made me try a New York slice of pizza.

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