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I dared to ask to have the radio switched to a different station from a Christian station today in a vehicle trip The person in charge of the radio asked me why and I said honestly I find it offensive. The initial reaction was incredulity for a split second and then a majority of people went on the attack. Basically the prevailing opinion was you are one person and how dare you ask to change the station when you know we are Christian. Was I trying to sensor their freedom of expression? Was I wrong in asking that it be switched when it has been done in the past? The judgement later was that because the person driving the care is in charge, they get to decide the music, this after saying we need to respect everyone's journey to the truth. Am I making a mountain of a mole hill?

Levi_Hinton 7 Feb 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Make sure you offer to drive eventually so it is your turn and crank up some death metal.


Back when I was an electrician apprentice, another apprentice and I found ourselves working in the presence of someone who had his religious music turned all the way up to 11. After a while, my workmate could take no more and said to the fellow, "You mind turning that music down? It's bad enough I have to hear that crap in church on Sunday morning."

It may not have been very kind, but I still laugh when I think about it.


What I like is the initial blunt trauma. This may be the first time in their lives anyone questioned religious faith in their presence. It's entirely possible that at least one person there was awakened to the possibility that there are other legitimate beliefs.


You should be able to ask without being attacked.


As UrsiMajor said, I would suggest, "God Hates Us All" by Slayer and "When You're Evil" by Voltaire.

JimG Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

Good heavens! Just get earphones and listen to your own music, and/or choose your trip mates more carefully next time.
I would never deliberately choose to travel with pushy religious fanatics of any religion.


Chose your battles wisely. You can't win this one, unless of course you drive.


A bit unrelated, I had to go on a road trip last weekend to visit my sister,
I flicked on the radio,
music was fine, normal, like any station, but the adds totally freaked me out, there were many adds, and not a single one was not religious of some sort, churches, christian schools and such. Have never come across it before. I would have asked for a change in station also.

Recently got an ad on my Kindle about some religious thing for purchase?

The station playing all religious ads would have freaked me out.


I’d have a problem with that too.....and country music....and pop.....and sports talk, and anything with commercials. I tend to like to drive.


Why the hell would you get in a car with a bunch of xtians?

Gotcha @Levi_Hinton


I, too, am of the opinion that you should let this one go. Save your strength for the big stuff. 🙂


I don’t blame you for asking. It’s a fantasy to think they would understand.


Must be one boring ass group of people. If they were fair people who cared about anything other than themselves they would have switched it up every couple of songs.


If that were me, I would try and tolerate it when possible...simply because I am a guest in someone else's car. But. I would definitely ask to change to something else, if I just couldn't take it at that time. People listening to Christian radio and TV are simply hard to redirect. It gives them a sense of security and shows others that they love the lord, too! This is the reason that they are harder to be friends with. Christians wear their religion...they promote Jesus and the Bible, 'Jesus loves me, etc!' They do not internalize the teachings and improve themselves with it. And when they use the is usually just to memorize support an opinion or glorify Jesus or God.


While I agree you should be able to ask to change the station with out repercussion in my experience that dealing with Christians it's better to remain silent and tough it out. And next time you drive so you can choose the station so when they ask to change the station you can tell them no and/or remind them of the road trip you asked to change the station and they said no.


Educated people shut off the radio when he /she is not alone in the car....I do.


The driver controls the radio......that is how you "pay" for the ride. If it bothers you that much, seek other transportation.


Rules are rules. Next time you drive, it's a full on Diecide marathon. 😉


I would have tried to get them to change the station too. Next time earplugs?


They call it Christian music like in "Christian rock." My question today is how do you know the difference? Yes, I do find it offensive but it takes a few minutes to figure out what you are listening to. Modern "Christian music" is hypocrisy, but to each his own.


I've been it that situation when I worked for a Christian company. I didn't ask though u just changed it to the classic rock station. The guy with me looked suprised. He said just change it back before we get back to the shop.


Let it go. It's not worth getting upset about.

marga Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

I don't think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. If it makes you uncomfortable they should respect your wishes. If I were with a bunch of other atheists and one theist I wouldn't play anti-theist anything. I respect people's feelings when it comes to interpersonal relationships. That includes not alienating people that I am stuck in a confined space with. Thats just how I conduct myself. You know, like an adult.


I think that it was quite rude on their part. Not unexpected, most religions push that stuff worse than a drug dealer.


I think you need to cut these people out of your life if you can. You don't need that kind of negativity, and anybody who as the attitude of "God forbid YOU be comfortable" can take a long walk off a short pier.

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