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How open are you with others about your lack of religious beliefs?

Mark9393 6 Feb 21

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Very open if the subject comes up


I'm very upfront about it. At the first sign of religious conversation I say I don't believe in fairy tales. That usually ends it. Nobody ever gives me any grief about it either. I think it's better to be blunt and let people know

i'm with you on that 100%


Most people don't even know if I'm Republican or Democrat - It's equally unlikely I'd open a conversation on religion.
I've chose to leave Christianity to be an atheist almost 20 years ago. If asked, I'm honest.
If it's important, I speak up.
Just the other day there was an active thread on Facebook claiming we need to bring Christianity back to the classroom because of the mass shootings. My argument centered on the First Amendment of the constitution. That always works better than arguing religion.


I am very open about being Atheist. But in my circles, there are very few religious people. Worked hard to make it that way.


If it comes up I'll be honest about it. If not I don't bring it up.


Only if it's relevant. In the rare event I'm asked, I usually just shrug and say I am "Christian and Buddhist-ish" and do the "whatever" hand wiggle.
That seems to satisfy most Thai.


Open when asked about it.

I might have to get an Atheist "A" soon though. Just for the 2 or 3% of us.

I've long held the theory that at least 50% of the population claim to be religious but aren't.. Most of those haven't a clue of their religion's basics tenets.
And don't let me get started on "Born again'ers."

Tee shirt. Tattoo. Scarlet letter?

@Or-Humanist I was thinking pendant. Most affordable. I would not rule out the tat. I'd need a decent artist though.

@RavenCT Hmmmm.....I like the idea, but don't know that I would be brave enough to "flaunt" it (which is how it would be perceived) 🙂


I just tell people I don't believe in organized religion and they seem satisfied with that and don't bring it up again.


If they ask what my religion or beliefs are , I just tell them I have my own beliefs and leave it at that.


Not asked, I won't tell. Bring it up, you'll get an earfull.


I’m quite open with people both know and don’t know. I do feel a bit of aggression from quite a few of them.

Leon Level 5 Feb 22, 2018

Completely if it comes up - It doesnt often in Northern Ireland because of the sectarian divide.




Pretty open but I don’t try to pick fights.


This is a common post. Same answer - no problem.


If the subject comes up, then they have opened that Pandora box. I am not afraid of telling them what I am and how I feel about superstitious nonsense, I can only hope they have enough of a backbone to take it.


Very if im asked


Completely open.


And I'm dairy free


When pressed I will say I have no belief; I'm an atheist. If someone wants to argue, I merely continue looking them straight in the eye while remaining silent.


I don't hide it, I don't flaunt it either.


Not very, I'm lousy at judging who can handle it and who can't handle it.


Its not something that comes up, until it comes up lol.


Unless it come up, I don't worry about it. But I'm pretty sure that most of the people around me know that I don't have any religious beliefs. Mostly through discourse over time.



I don't carry a flag, but I don't hide it.

One little recent I.e. Kyle (at work) had chips on his desk. I looked at the label (unknown). He said "You are welcome to have those. I gave up chips for Lent." I replied in a chipper way "Oh! I don't do lent, but no thank you, anyway."

In my own little way, I try to let my little corner of the world know: We are here. We are everywhere. We are normal. We are not all Catholics. We don't all give up good stuff for a month to prove our worthiness. It's OKAY to just be good humans.



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